WHAT IS KIDS TEACHING KIDS? Education Snack Book 21-Day Challenge
EDUCATION A registered dietitian from Medical City Children’s Hospital visits Texas ProStart culinary students in their classrooms. Students get hands-on learning experience on: food labels reading nutrition facts calculating nutrition facts for recipes
Snack Books 31 Recipe Books Created Over 825,000 books distributed in North Texas MCCH has full page ad in the front and back inside covers in all books
Through the popularity of our program more and more school districts are participating
This is the type of data that makes it easy for other school districts to get involved
Website Kids-Teaching-Kids.com 21-Day Challenge Sign-up Cookbook Archives Kids Fit Menu Restaurant Partners list/web links Healthy Snack Finder 10K new contacts is from the 21-Day Challenge. Parents opt-in to be on our distribution
Advisory Committee Key makeup: HCA North Texas fully funds the program. Community stakeholders allow the program to grow. Key makeup: Registered Dietitian(s) Restaurant Association SHAC Co-Chairs PE Coordinators CTE Directors Coordinated School Health Council of PTA’s Healthy Lifestyle Chairs
UPCOMING CHALLENGE 2017 14 SCHOOL DISTRCITS PARTICIPATING OVER 290,000 BOOKS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED PROJECT 70K- 80K KIDS TO PARTICIPATE Next year’s challenge will be done all at the same time. Huge collaboration project.
Making the Impact! Started 4th Q 2013 Culinary students do the R&D Meals Feature 2 servings of fruits/veggies As of October ‘16: Over 185K orders Establishing a partnership with the restaurant association has been vital. We absorb the cost, but control the branding