Today is the 29th of February. Friday The theme: “My working day” Grammar: (The Past Indefinite Tense) “TO BE” FE’LINING O‘TGAN NOANIQ ZAMONDA TUSLANISHI New words: Exercise 1. Learn the new words of the text «My working day”. Necessary kerakli Remember esda tutmoq Lost time yo‘qotilgan vaqt Waste bekorga sarflamoq Get up o‘rindan turmoq Morning jerks ertalabki badan tarbiya Cold rubdown artinmoq Remedy dori, shifo Breakfast nonushta On foot piyoda Usually odatda In addition shu bilan bir qatorda
Every day I have much interesting and necessary work to do Every day I have much interesting and necessary work to do. I always remember that the lost time is never gained. That is why i don’t like to waste even a minute.
I get up early in the morning — at about 6. 30 a. m I get up early in the morning — at about 6.30 a.m., do my morning jerks and have a cold rubdown. We know that physical exercises are a good remedy for the protection of our health.
After breakfast I go to college on foot as it is near our flat After breakfast I go to college on foot as it is near our flat. Our classes usually begin at 8.30 a.m. In addition to several practical classes we have a lecture or two every day.
Exercise 2. Read the text and discuss it. MY WORKING DAY Every day I have much interesting and necessary work to do. I always remember that the lost time is never gained. That is why i don’t like to waste even a minute. I get up early in the morning — at about 6.30 a.m., do my morning jerks and have a cold rubdown. We know that physical exercises are a good remedy for the protection of our health. After breakfast I go to college on foot as it is near our flat. Our classes usually begin at 8.30 a.m. In addition to several practical classes we have a lecture or two every day.
1. What do you have to do every day? 2. What do you always remember? Exercise 3. Answer the following questions according to the text, ”My working day”. 1. What do you have to do every day? 2. What do you always remember? 3. What don’t you like? 4. When do you get up? 5. What do you do in the morning? 6. What do you think about physical exercises? 7. Where do you go after breakfast? 8. When do your lessons begin?
EGA + (WAS/WERE) +OT Birlik Ko‘plik “TO BE” FE’LINING O‘TGAN NOANIQ ZAMONDA TUSLANISHI “To be” fe’li o‘tgan noaniq zamonda 2 xil shaklga ega: I va III shaxs uchun birlikda was, II shaxs birlikda va ko‘plikning barcha shaxslari uchun were. EGA + (WAS/WERE) +OT Birlik Ko‘plik I. I was I was a pupil. I. We were We were pupils. II. You were You were a pupil. II. You were You were pupils. III. He was He was a pupil. III. They were They were pupils She was She was a pupil. It was It was a cat..
(WAS/WERE) + EGA+OT Birlik Ko‘plik “To be” fe’li ishtirok etgan gaplarning so‘roq shakli “To be” fe’lining o‘tgan noaniq zamondagi tegishli shakli (was / were) ni egadan oldinga qo‘yish orqali yasaladi. (WAS/WERE) + EGA+OT Birlik Ko‘plik I. Was I? Was I a student? I. Were we? Were we students? II. Were you? Were you a student? II. Were you? Were you students? III. Was he? Was he a student? Ш Were they? Were they students? Was she? Was she a student? Was it? Was it a cat?
EGA + (WAS/WERE) + NOT + OT “To be” fe’li ishtirok etgan gaplarning bo‘lishsiz shakli “To be” fe’lining o‘tgan noaniq zamondagi tegishli shakli (was / were) dan keyin not inkor yuklamasini qo‘yish orqali yasaladi. EGA + (WAS/WERE) + NOT + OT Birlik Ko‘plik I. I was not I was not a student. I. We were not We were not students. II. You were not You were not a student. II. You were not You were not students. III. He was not He was not a student. III. They were not They were not students. She was not She was not a student It was not It was not a cat..
O‘tgan zamon payt ravishlari: Yesterday — kecha Ago — oldin A week ago — bir hafta oldin Two weeks ago — ikki hafta oldin A year ago — bir yil oldin Last week — o‘tgan hafta Last month — o‘tgan oy Last year — o‘tgan yil
DIALOGUES - Hello, Ann. - Hello, Maria. - Where are you coming from? - I am coming from home. And you? - Me, too. And where are you going? - I am going to college. - Me, too. Let’s go together! - Let’s go. DIALOGUES
- Kate, have you done your home task on English? - Yes, I have. Why are you asking? - I have done it too, let’s tell our poems to each other. It will be good repeat! - Let’s, begin. - Let’s. Examination I went to the doctor- He reached down my throat, He pulled out a shoe and a little toy boat, He pulled out a skate And a bicycle seat, And said 'Be more careful About what you eat.' - Tell Me Tell me I'm clever, Tell me I'm kind, Tell me I'm talented, Tell me I'm cute, Tell me I'm sensitive, Graceful and wise, Tell me I'm perfect- But tell me the truth.
- What are you going to do after lessons, John? - I am going to play baseball, Bell. - And what about home task? - What kind of home task? - Home task on English, we have to translate the text and learn the new words on English. - Oh, really? Then let’s do our home task together! - Let’s.
- When do you get up, Aziza? - I get up at 6.00 am. - What do you do in the morning? - I do my morning exercises. - Where do you go after breakfast? - I go to college. - When do you have your first lesson? - My first lesson begins at 8.00 am. - And when it ends? - It ends at 2.30 pm.
- When do you come home, Iroda? - I come home at 3.00 pm. - What do you do after that? - I play with my dog. - Don’t you do your home tasks? - No, I do them after I have dinner. - And when do you go to bed? - I go to bed at 10.00 pm.
- What are you going to home on, Yulduz? - I go to home on foot, and you? - My father every day brings and takes away me on his car. - That’s nice! - He will come soon, will you go with us? - May I? - Of course, I would be very glad. - OK, I agree.
- What is your favorite sport, Lola? - I like tennis. And you, Otabek? - I like football. - Oh, that’s nice. It is real men’s game. - Do you think so? - Yes, of course. - Thanks, your favorite sport is too interesting. - Thank you, Otabek.
PUZZLES This house on wheels Is running a race, Taking people from place to place (a bus) (avtobus)
boots or shoes (oyoq kiyim yoki tufli) PUZZLES We are twins, We walk together, We never part, We make a pair for ever boots or shoes (oyoq kiyim yoki tufli)
a bed (yotoq yoki kravat) PUZZLES Four legs, but not a beast. Full of feathers, but not a bird a bed (yotoq yoki kravat)
PUZZLES Who am I that shines so bright With my pretty silver light, Putting through your windows gray? Tell me, little boy, I pray the moon (oy)
PUZZLES This bird has a long sharp nose. When it flies it sings, When it lands, it stings. a gnat (pashsha)
PUZZLES I know everything, I teach everybody. But to make friends with me You must first learn. book (kitob)
FIND THE NUMERAL 1 21 73 35 18 47 65 19 60 9 52 77 11 62 83 7 40 88 54 13 6 46 93 37 53 69 28 49 41 78 24 31 51 91 27 43 98 30 85 66 58 70 86 2 95 97 57 94 4 44 74 12 67 34 45 48 15 22 75 25 84 79 76 17 99 33 80 56 59 29 10 82 81 64 42 23 96 16 14 63 50 36 92 5 55 90 71 61 32 8 20 87 39 72 68 38 26 3
Mothers Day Poems Home task M - O - T - H - E - R "M" is for the million things she gave me, "O" means only that she's growing old, "T" is for the tears she shed to save me, "H" is for her heart of purest gold; "E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining, "R" means right, and right she'll always be, Put them all together, they spell "MOTHER," A word that means the world to me.
Dear teachers and our students. It’s all we have to learn today Dear teachers and our students! It’s all we have to learn today. So, we say you Good bye and good luck!