Helen Barlow, Library and Knowledge Service Manager, TRFT CPD Priorities Helen Barlow, Library and Knowledge Service Manager, TRFT
Background CPD priorities informed by: 2015 LQAF results Impact, delivery standards, marketing, tailoring services Y&H section of Development Needs Analysis 2015 Advanced search skills, copyright, KM, apps & e-books, virtual learning environments, social media – advanced, digital literacy, innovation, strategy, demonstrating value Other Management training, paraprofessionals event.
Planned events 2016 Northern Knowledge Management Day 11th November, York LQAF Sharing Best Practice Event 7th July – focus on: marketing, delivery standards, tailoring services Knowledge for Healthcare event 22nd June – speakers: Tracey Pratchett & Victoria Treadway, impact toolkit Event for paraprofessionals – date and venue TBC Moving into management study day – some interest, but postponed to a future programme due to expense.
CPD Community of Practice: purpose Optimise opportunities for continuing professional development for LKS staff in Yorkshire & Humber. Objectives: Encourage a culture of CPD Support the development and delivery of learning opportunities Work in partnership with other areas and sectors to maximise the availability of learning opportunites Support work to identify learning needs of LKS staff Disseminate information about courses/seminars/conferences/e-learning Facilitate the delivery of the YHHLKN agreed training programme Make recommendations to YHHLKN for future training Offer advice on and signposting to learning opportunities and funding Develop mechanisms to enable the sharing of learning.
CPD Community or practice Inaugural teleconference 28th April Membership: currently 9 members with representation from a range of job roles, five different services serving NHS organisations including CCGs, mental health, acute trusts, primary care, public health, hospices, HCLU representation.