EU-HCWM “Developing an EU Standardised Approach to Vocational Educational Training Awards in Healthcare Waste Management” Project No. 541982-LLP-1-2013-1-UK-LEONARDO-LNW.


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Presentation transcript:

EU-HCWM “Developing an EU Standardised Approach to Vocational Educational Training Awards in Healthcare Waste Management” Project No. 541982-LLP-1-2013-1-UK-LEONARDO-LNW PROJECT UPDATE NHS NPAG Waste Birmingham Funded by the EACEA with the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

Work Packages The project is entering its final phase now and the partners are focused on three main work packages: Professional Network Development E:Learning Portal Exploitation Plan In terms of dissemination activities the main focus is the final conference in November this year.

Professional Networks The task of developing professional networks in all EU member states is being undertaken by the following project: EUHP ISWA NHS Confed. (HOSPEEM & HOPE) REC Network Each EU Member state would have between 6 and 12 members of the professional network who would act as multipliers within that member state.

Professional Networks (II) Examples of professional network core members would be representatives from the following institutions: Health Authorities Qualification Authorities Healthcare Waste Trade Associations HCWM Professional Bodies Hospital Associations

Professional Networks (III) The idea of the professional networks was to provide as group of stakeholders across EU member states who would be able to share/transfer skills and knowledge about best practice through an online platform. Participants could include representatives from the following stakeholder groups: Healthcare Waste Managers – Public/Private Sectors Healthcare Waste Contractors – Treatment/Transport Vocational Trainers in HCW Technology/Equipment Suppliers Environment/Waste Management Consultants

Professional Networks (III) While the professional networks will consist of a broad range of stakeholders it is hoped that the healthcare waste managers within that group both from the public and private sectors would form a pan European professional body e.g.: European Institute of Healthcare Waste Managers (EIHWM) This would be a suggested output of the project within the Exploitation Plan and would be an accredited professional body solely for healthcare waste managers.

E:Learning Portal The e:learning portal is being developed on Moodle at the moment and it includes two versions as we have a two tier approach to the vocational learning process across the EU. The majority of partners will use the Moodle platform to provide HCWM training as there is an absence of vocational learning in those member states. Those of us who do have a vocational qualification framework established will use Moodle within that formal framework and it will have all the assessment and verification functionality to support this.

E:Learning Portal In the case of the UK version of the Moodle portal we will have three distinct qualifications available: Healthcare Waste Manager Healthcare Waste Treatment Manager Healthcare Waste Transport Manager These will be degree level vocational qualifications and will be known as Professional Development Awards. More on this at the Final Conference.

Exploitation Plan Currently working on the exploitation plan and are looking at ways of addressing the sustainability of the project outputs. At the moment we are trying to focus on building the professional networks; developing an electronic platform to sit along side Moodle and to allow professional network interaction. In addition intend to propose the professional body for HCWM and provide a web site and newsletters etc. in this regard. This would be hosted for 5 years beyond the life of the project. More on this at the Final Conference.

Next Steps

IPR Agreement SC to amend the one provided by Thanasis and circulate for agreement this week

Final Conference Project partners to confirm attendance and numbers Project partners to confirm speakers (4) and subject areas SC to circulate draft conference agenda by end of the month – 31st July SC to prepare a SHORT summer newsletter on final conference in August SC to prepare a final conference flyer end of July circulate in August/September??? Final Conference will be live streamed and participants to sign up a project website – Tal to arrange this

Project Newsletters Short Summer Newsletter August Final Newsletter November

Exploitation Plan SC to check missing contributions and send reminders. July 31st Deadline SC to prepare a draft of agreement with ISWA for and ISWA administered training award – July 31st deadline. SC to meet ISWA in December to discuss prior to World Congress Thanasis and Kate to pursue a meeting with CEDEFOP in either Thessaloniki or Brussels

Professional Networks Aditi working on this at moment and she needs assistance from NHS Confed and REC plus EUHP. Important that by end of July we have a list of names in the member state boxes of Aditi’s table. 31st July deadline for partners to provide names to Aditi Scott and Aditi to develop materials for monthly webinars and short film to promote project/professional networks Scott and Aditi/Maria to look at social media opportunities etc for project dissemination

Dissemination NHS NPAG group 4th August – SC to attend EUHP October Conference Germany National Workshop October REC Conference Vienna ISWA World Congress

AOB Agreement on Translations table and SC to circulate with minutes Issue with sub contracting costs for P10 to 12 may decide to translate outputs to French through Yvonne Agreed the training package content – Training Handbook; Training modules part II ONLY; Assessment Plans Viktor to circulate summary version of June newsletter

Vocational trainings for medical waste managers in Poland. 2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin, Germany, September 1st & 2nd 2014

Requirements from Medical Waste Managers Polish regulations does not specify the requirements National Occupational Standards has not been developed Requirements are sometimes specified by the top management of the medical institution Depend on the size, type of medical institution as well as top management approach to this issue 2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin, Germany, September 1st & 2nd 2014

Requirements from Medical Waste Managers Skills on the position of healthcare waste manager are : knowledge and understanding of current regulations regarding treatment and disposal of medical waste, knowledge how to proceed and maintain the procedures for waste management in the institution, ability to organise proper separation of waste in the institution ability to organise trainings on waste treatment for all relevant staff ability to manage the budget ability to manage recording of waste and reporting to the authorities 2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin, Germany, September 1st & 2nd 2014

Who usually holds the position of Medical Waste Manager Epidemiological nurses ( after postgraduate course with specialisation of epidemiological nursing) Graduates in Environmental area (should attend on healthcare waste management training) Other nurses (trained on healthcare waste disposal) 2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin, Germany, September 1st & 2nd 2014

Available Vacational trainings for Medical Waste Managers National Occupational Standards have not been developed in Poland 1. Specialisation course for epidemiological nurses - framework training programs by CPENM* 2. Qualification course in nursing epidemiology - framework training programs by CPENM* 3. Training on healthcare waste management * - Centre for Postgraduate Education of Nurses and Midwives (CPENM) public institution established by Ministry of Health 2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin, Germany, September 1st & 2nd 2014

Available Vacational trainings for Medical Waste Managers 18 to 24 months course for bachelors of nursing with at least 2 years work experience. contains module: supervising of segregation, removal and disposal of medical waste 3 to 6 months course for bachelors of nursing, contains module: Safe disposal of medical waste 18 institutions / training organisers offering above courses for nurses. 2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin, Germany, September 1st & 2nd 2014

Available Vacational trainings for Medical Waste Managers 1 day open training with no exam. Organised by training institutions few times a year. No framwork programme The usual subjects are: Waste management and environmental law in medical practice Medical waste in public and private healthcare centres - rules and procedures, required documents, reporting, inspections Training on medical waste handling 2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin, Germany, September 1st & 2nd 2014

2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin, Germany, Conclussion The requirements for medical waste managers not standarised Program of vacational trainings for medical waste managers not standarised Skills in medical waste management are narrowed to the knowledge of treating the waste of in accordance with the regulations. 2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin, Germany, September 1st & 2nd 2014

Healthcare Sector and Healthcare Waste Legislatation in Poland 2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin, Germany, September 1st & 2nd 2014

2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin, Germany, Healthcare Sector At the end of 2012 in Poland there were 913 general hospitals offering 188 800 beds, used during the year by nearly 7.9 million patients. Approximately 90% of beds were in public hospitals, but the number of non-public hospitals has been rising in the past decade (from 38 in 2000 to 228 in 2009), partially as a result of the transformation of public hospitals into commercial companies. 2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin, Germany, September 1st & 2nd 2014

2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin,Germany, Healthcare Sector Since the majority of private hospitals were established after 1999, the physical condition of their facilities is, on average, better and maintenance is less costly. Most of the ambulatory care provision is in private hands, while the majority of hospital beds are public. 2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin,Germany, September 1st & 2nd 2014

2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin,Germany, Healthcare Sector According to the 2014 National Waste Management Plan in 2008, there were produced nearly 35 500 Mg of medical waste, of which 29 400 Mg were hazardous medical waste. This indicates that almost 85 % of all medical waste were potentially infectious. Forecast for the following years: the production of medical waste will be about 28 000 - 29 500 Mg per year. 2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin,Germany, September 1st & 2nd 2014

2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin, Germany, Quantity of medical waste generated in Poland in the years 2002-2008 (based on data from the Central Waste System from Ministry of Environment) – waste 18 01 03* and all group 18 01) 2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin, Germany, September 1st & 2nd 2014

2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin,Germany, Examples of medical waste accumulation factor by type of health care facility (there are about 2-4 kg of all kinds of waste produces by patient per day) 2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin,Germany, September 1st & 2nd 2014

Healthcare Waste – Legislative Overview The basic legal act on all aspects of environmental protection in Poland is the Environmental Protection Law from 2001. The EPL is a set of rules on the general principles of environmental protection. Waste management in Poland is regulated by a separate Act from 2012 on waste. Waste Act implements EU law featuring Directive 2008/98/ EC on waste. 2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin, Germany, September 1st & 2nd 2014

Healthcare Waste – Legislative Overview Waste Act contains the basic rules for the management of the medical waste: refers to the principle of proximity in relation to medical waste and prohibits the disposal of medical and veterinary infectious waste outside the voivodeship (states) in which they are produced. infectious medical waste may be treated only by thermal treatment in hazardous waste incineration plants. 2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin, Germany, September 1st & 2nd 2014

Healthcare Waste – Legislative Overview Regulation of the Minister of Health from 2010 Concerning specific procedures for medical waste, introduced the division of medical waste into three groups: [1] codes 18 01 02* 18 01 03* and 18 01 82* [2] codes 18 01 06* 18 01 08* 18 01 10* [3] codes 18 01 01, 18 01 04, 18 01 07, 18 01 09. In group [1] are medical waste with properties potentially infectious, in group [2] hazardous medical waste not showing the infectious properties, and in group [3] other medical waste. 2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin, Germany, September 1st & 2nd 2014

Healthcare Waste – Legislative Overview Detailed rules for the handling of medical waste are set out in the Regulation of the Minister of Health from 2010 on the detailed procedures of medical waste handling . This Act regulates issues such as: handling of medical waste arising from the provision of medical services at the place of call, rules for the collection and temporary storage of medical waste prior to submission to the process of final treatment or for transport to the final treatment site, conditions for the transport of medical waste at the place of generation. 2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin, Germany, September 1st & 2nd 2014

Healthcare Waste – Legislative Overview The Regulation provides: detailed guidance on how to collect different types of medical waste - defined are the types of bags, containers, permissible filling, marking, the frequency of exchanges, the proceedings in case of damage. determines how a room for temporary storage of medical waste should be prepared . defines the acceptable temperature and time of storage of medical waste; principles of internal transport system and method of cleaning, disinfection and storage. 2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin, Germany, September 1st & 2nd 2014

2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin, Germany, September 1st & 2nd 2014 Methods for collecting different types of medical waste in accordance with the regulation of the Minister of Health from 2010 on the detailed procedures of medical waste handling . 2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin, Germany, September 1st & 2nd 2014

Thank You for your attention. Pawel Wowkonowicz Land Protection and Waste Management Center 2nd Coordination meeting, Berlin, Germany, September 1st & 2nd 2014