Catastrophic Events By: Group C
Hurricane A hurricane is a large rotating storm with high speeds of wind that gust at least 74 mph that forms over waters in tropical areas. Hurricanes develop from tropical storms.
Hurricane A hurricane needs the right amount of wind and warm water. Hurricanes are structures to rotate around a circular area at the center of the storm called the “eye” of the hurricane, which is an area of comparably light winds and calmer weather.
Hurricane moving on radar
Tornadoes A tornado is a violent rotating column or air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground. Most violent tornadoes are capable of tremendous destruction with wind speeds of up to 300 mph. They can destroy large buildings, uproot trees and hurl vehicles hundreds of yards.
Tornadoes damage paths in excess of one mile wide to 50 miles long
Tsunami Tsunami are huge waves of water that are usually caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. Tsunamis are not tidal waves Tsunamis are generated by any large, impulsive displacement of the sea level.
Tsunami The most common cause of a tsunami is sea floor uplift associated with an earthquake. Tsunamis are also triggered by landslides into or under the water surface.
Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Katrina
Reference www.
The End “Group C”