Principles of Agriculture


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Presentation transcript:

Principles of Agriculture FFA History Principles of Agriculture

Objectives: “I Can Statements” Students will define agriculture and the agriculture industry Students will identify important historical developments in agriculture Students will explain major technological developments in agriculture

What are the responsibilities of an FFA officer? Things to Consider President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Reporter Sentinel Ref: FFA Manual pg. 15-18

President- a. Preside over meetings by using parliamentary procedure b. Appoint committees c. Coordinate the activities of the chapter, develop the POA d. Represent chapter in public relations and offical

2. Vice-President a. Assume duties of President if necessary b. Develop POA, as a non-voting member of chapter committees c. Work with President & Advisor to accomplish d. Maintain and establish a chapter resource file.

3. Secretary a. Prepare the agenda for each chapter meeting b. Prepare and present the minutes of each chapter meeting c Place all committee reports in the designated areas. d. Be responsible for chapter correspondence. e. Maintain member- attendance & activity cards, and issue membership cards f. Have on hand at each meeting: Secretary’s Book, POA, FFA Manual, copy of chapter By-Laws and Consitition.

4. Treasurer a. Receive, record and deposit FFA funds and issue receipts b. Present monthly treasurer reports c. Collect dues and special assessments. d. Maintain a neat and accurate Treasurer’s Book e. Prepare and submit membership roster and dues f. Serve as chairperson of Earnings and Savings Committee.

5. Reporter a. Plan public announcements b. Release news releases c. Publish a newsletter d. prepare and maintain a chapter scrapbook. f. send local stories to area, district and state reporters. e. send articles and photos to New Horizons

6. Sentinel a. Assist President in maintaining order b. Keep meeting room, chapter equipment and supplies in proper condition c. Welcome guests and visitors d. Keep meeting room comfortable e. Take charge of candidates for degree ceremonies f. Assist with special features and refreshments

President: Marsha Kessler Vice President: James Malone Secretary: Katie Fergerson Treasurer: Jessica Bailey Reporter: Brooklyn Watson Sentinel: Diego Bustinza Advisors: Ryan Williams, Mr. Evans

What are some of the FFA Chapter Operations? Things to Consider The FFA Code of Ethics (11) Essentials of a Successful chapter (10) Ref: FFA Manual pgs 20-33

As an FFA member I pledge to: a. Develop my potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success b. Make a positive difference of others c. Dress neatly and appropriately for the occasion d. Be courteous, honest and fair e. Communicate in an appropriate manner f. Demonstrate good sportsmanship by being modest in winning and generous in defeat. g. Be aware of FFA programs and activities and be an active participant. h. Have an SAE i. Establish skills that help you find a successful career j. Appreciate and promote diversity in our organization

2. Essentials of a successful chapter a. Knowledge of the FFA b. Diversity of membership c. All members share responsibilities d. Capable officers e. challenging program of activities f. workable constitution and By-laws g. Proper Equipment and Records h. Regular meetings i. Adequate financing j. School and Community support