Question A: What methods can be used to promote the sustainable development of forests? Answer A: 1) Reforestation (planting trees) 2) Countries creating “protected areas” (protection through law)
3) The work of environmental groups (speaking up so leaders listen) 4) Forest plantations (like sugar plantations, these are forests grown for wood.) 5) Transgenic trees (genetically modified trees grown for wood production)
Question B: Why could tree plantations & transgenic trees become an interesting solution? (3 reasons) Answer B: If practiced, we will never have to cut down natural forests 2) Plantations created in the tropics, will grow rapidly & absorb large amounts of CO2 in little time Transgenic trees will grow straight, have branchless trunks, grow rapidly, & be resistant to insects & disease.
Question C: In your opinion what differences are there between a primeval forest and a tree plantation? Answer C: - One is natural (primeval) and the other is preplanned by humans (plantation).
Question D: What is ecolabelling? Ecotourism? Answer D: Ecolabelling is a label certain companies can put on their wood to show us that they have followed the laws that protect forests, native populations, and the environment. Ecotourism is tourism that takes place at sites where the natural environment has been protected and taken care of.
Question E: How can consumers contribute to the sustainable development of forests? Answer E: Consumers can purchase wood (products) that have the FSC / WWF logo and become ecotourists in order to support local communities for preserving their forests.