The Primary Singing Bee!!! Are You Ready To Play… The Primary Singing Bee!!!
Round #1 4 points per answer….
Pick a Winner!
Praise to The Man Praise to the man who . . . Communed with Jesus Talked with Jonah Communed with Jehovah
________ Prophet And Seer Praise To The Man ________ Prophet And Seer Jesus anointed that… Jesus appointed that… Jehovah anointed that…
Blessed to open___________ Praise To The Man Blessed to open___________ the fast dispensation the last dispensation the past dispenser
Kings shall __________ revere Praise To The Man Kings shall __________ revere behold Him and people extol Him and nations extol Him and everyone
Great is His glory __________ Praise To The Man Great is His glory __________ and endless his priesthood and endless his power and forever his priesthood
Ever and ever _________ Praise To The Man Ever and ever _________ the priesthood He’ll hold. the keys He will hold. the keys He will mold.
_________ enter His Kingdom. Praise To The Man _________ enter His Kingdom. Faithful and soon he will Happy to do he will Faithful and true he will
________ of the prophets of old. Praise To The Man ________ of the prophets of old. Found in the mist Crowned in the mist Crowned in the middle
Round #2 Up to 6 points
Karaoke Challenge
If I Listen With My Heart If I had _____ a _______ child been little When Jesus _____ on _______ lived earth I would have liked to ____with ______ talk Him
If I Listen With My Heart And _______ to ______ words. listen His But as I ______ the ________ I can search scriptures Here ______ words of _______, His peace
If I Listen With My Heart verse 2 I hear a _____ prophet _______ living speak The things that _____ _______ say Christ would If He ____ here upon the ______ were earth
If I Listen With My Heart verse 2 To talk _______ me ______ with today The prophet _______ how to _____ teaches live Live in ___________ and _______, righteousness peace
If I Listen With My Heart verse 3 feel Spirit I _____ the Holy _______ as He _____ truth and _______ teaches right He ______ me in ______ of need comforts times
If I Listen With My Heart verse 3 He _______ of _______ Testifies Christ He ______ to ___ in quiet ways speaks me That ___ my ____ with peace, fill soul
He Sent His Son How could the _____ tell the _______ father world love tenderness Of _____ and _________ He sent his ____ a _______ babe, with peace and holiness. son newborn
He Sent His Son How could the ______ tell the world of ______ of death. Father sacrifice He sent his Son to ____ for us and rise with ______ breath. die living faith others Have ______ have hope , live like his Son, Help _______ on their way.
10 points for correct answer! Round #3 10 points for correct answer!
Random Shuffle
like the Savior and I can Scripture Power be I like and Because I can To The want Savior Because I want to be like the Savior and I can
I’m reading His instructions I’m following His Plan Scripture Power His I’m instructions following reading His I’m Plan I’m reading His instructions I’m following His Plan
Because I want the power Scripture Power verse 1 power words His Because will me The want I To give Because I want the power His word will give to me
I’m changing how I live I’m changing how I’ll be! Scripture Power changing be I’m I’m what changing I’ll live I how I’m changing how I live I’m changing how I’ll be!
I’ll find the sword of truth in each scripture that I learn. Scripture Power verse 1 I’ll that the truth scripture find sword in I each Of learn I’ll find the sword of truth in each scripture that I learn.
I’ll take the shield of faith from these pages that I turn. Scripture Power faith the turn take from what shield pages I’ll of I these I’ll take the shield of faith from these pages that I turn.
I’ll wear each vital part of the armor of the Lord. Scripture Power verse 1 I’ll part the vital of wear armor Lord each Of the I’ll wear each vital part of the armor of the Lord.
And fight my daily battles and earn a great reward! Scripture Power verse 1 battles and earn And fight my a daily reward great And fight my daily battles and earn a great reward!
15 points for correct answer! Round #4 15 points for correct answer!
What’s the Next Line?
I Will Follow My life is a gift… My life has A plan
I Will Follow My life has a purpose… In heav’n it began
come to this lovely home on earth I Will Follow My choice was to… come to this lovely home on earth
God’s light to direct me from birth. I Will Follow And seek for… God’s light to direct me from birth.
20 points for correct answer! Round #5 20 points for correct answer!
Chorus Showdown
If I Listen With My Heart But as I search the scriptures I can hear His words of peace, And if I …..
Scripture Power Scripture power…..
Praise To The Man Hail to the prophet…..
I Will Follow God’s Plan
You WON! Congratulations!