Accept, O Father, in thy love These humble gifts of bread and wine, Verse 1: (C20) ACCEPT, O FATHER, IN THY LOVE Accept, O Father, in thy love These humble gifts of bread and wine, That with ourselves we offer thee, Returning gifts already thine.
Thy Son, the Victim and the Priest, Verse 2: (C20) ACCEPT, O FATHER, IN THY LOVE Thy Son, the Victim and the Priest, Through human hands doth here renew The perfect Sacrifice of love To render God our worship due.
Behold this host and chalice, Lord, Verse 3: (C20) ACCEPT, O FATHER, IN THY LOVE Behold this host and chalice, Lord, To thee on high the gifts we raise; Through them may we our honor pay, Our adoration and our praise.
Into thy Precious Blood, O Lord, Verse 4: (C20) ACCEPT, O FATHER, IN THY LOVE Into thy Precious Blood, O Lord, The priestly word will change the wine; O may our sins be washed therein, Our hearts be made like unto thine.
No earthly claim to grace is ours save what thy Sacrifice has won; Verse 5: (C20) ACCEPT, O FATHER, IN THY LOVE No earthly claim to grace is ours save what thy Sacrifice has won; Grant then thy grace, fulfill our needs, and may thy will in ours be done.