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James Brown has been a staple in the hairdressing world of celebrities for many years. He has already created his own line of hair products, ‘James Brown London’ and styled for celebrities such as Kate Moss, Sienna Miller, Lily Allen and Anne Hathaway! Now, he wants YOUR help to create an innovative idea for a revolutionary product that could change the way hairdresser’s style hair today! So let’s get started.............
What do you think are the most common problems with hair? The James Brown Challenge James Brown wants your help to design a brand new product that could help hairdressers all over the world. What do you think are the most common problems with hair? Come up with an innovative product that you think can help solve this problem!
Your product needs to solve a problem. Task 1 - Development Your product needs to solve a problem. Perhaps you could think of ways you could make it easier to style hair? Maybe you’re trying to recreate a celebrity style and you’ve invented the perfect product to get it just right at home? Or maybe you think you have found a way to revolutionise celebrity hair? Discuss haircare problems you’d solve and what you’d like your product to achieve Mind Mapping all of your ideas.
Task 2 - Identity You’ve thought about what your product will achieve but now it needs an identity! Discuss and Mind Map your ideas and then evaluate the best name for your innovative product. Take inspiration from the function of your product, the ‘James Brown’ brand as well as your potential consumer.
Task 2 -Identity Now your product has a name it needs a design. Again take inspiration from the function of your product, the ‘James Brown’ brand as well as your target audience. Imagine your product on the shop shelves - really think outside of the box to ensure it stands out from existing brands.
Task 3 - USPs The UK haircare industry is worth approximately £1.4 billion a year. So how is your product going to stand out from the competition? You need to ensure it has Unique Selling Points which really inspire your potential consumers. These could be anything from the bottle design to innovative marketing and celebrity endorsement. Debate and Mind Map all of your products USPs and then evaluate your top 3.
Task 4 - The Presentation You’ve used your creativity and imagination to develop and design your product. If you are successful and win the challenge you'll have an amazing experience actually meeting James Brown, his team and clients. You can ask questions, learn from their knowledge and share ideas. To make the most out of this opportunity you’ll need excellent communication skills..... .......so let’s get practicing!
Task 4 - The Presentation Collate your work so far and look at your design journey. Create a presentation including everything from your first inspiration to design details. Presentations are not just about the subject itself, a good idea is not enough. How can you communicate your work in the most passionate and engaging way possible? It only needs to be about 2 minutes long but use this task as an opportunity to practice your communication skills. Your presentation will also help you clarify the ideas you have generated before producing your challenge submission.
Your submission should include: The hair problem you are trying solve. The name of your product What it looks like A description about why it is so good and how it can help What makes it different to other products out there?
1st Prize: Masterclass, shadowing James Brown for the day! The Prize! 1st Prize: Masterclass, shadowing James Brown for the day! The winner will spend a day with James Brown! Ask him questions, meet his clients, learn what inspires him and how he styles hair. The second and third places will also receive a box of mini products from the James Brown hair care collection.
You can enter your submission in the following ways: Word Document PDF Power Point Presentation If you have completed your entry on paper, please scan and upload as a JPEG upload as a video/audio file, or include a link in a word document to a video you have uploaded to YouTube any problems uploading or if you have any question get in touch and we'll be glad to help! www.mykindacrowd.com/Home/ContactUs
Thank you and GOOD LUCK with your James Brown Challenge!