Human Resources Top Five Mission Critical Priorities Brought to you By: Banyan Consulting Guest Speakers: David Hammer SHRM-SCP SPHR Mark Moser SHRM-SCP SPHR The Davidson Group
Priority #1 - Compliance PDA FLSA ADEA USERRA PPACA Title VII COBRA OSHA NLRA FMLA WARN Wage and Hour compliance carries some of the biggest risks of all HR compliance issues. Financial penalties, even jail time. If not sure, conduct a wage and hour audit Hiring Processes – when you collect what data and how you store it. No SS# on App, ban-the-box trend, I-9 and worker eligibility – use e-verify even if you’re not required to. Keep HIPAA info separate from other info EPA ADA
Priority #1 - Compliance Wage and Hour risk Exempt vs Non-exempt – better get this right Properly Paying Overtime – can be tricky Use of 1099 contractors Wage and Hour compliance carries some of the biggest risks of all HR compliance issues. Financial penalties, even jail time. If not sure, conduct a wage and hour audit Hiring Processes – when you collect what data and how you store it. No SS# on App, ban-the-box trend, I-9 and worker eligibility – use e-verify even if you’re not required to. Keep HIPAA info separate from other info
Priority #1 - Compliance Hiring Processes Application and employment forms Background Screens I-9 and worker eligibility Employee files Wage and Hour compliance carries some of the biggest risks of all HR compliance issues. Financial penalties, even jail time. If not sure, conduct a wage and hour audit Hiring Processes – when you collect what data and how you store it. No SS# on App, ban-the-box trend, I-9 and worker eligibility – use e-verify even if you’re not required to. Keep HIPAA info separate from other info
Priority #1 - Compliance EEOC Statistics 2015 – 89,385 Total Charges Race 34.7% Sex 29.5% National Origin 10.6% Religion 3.9% Color 3.2% Retaliation 44% Wage and Hour compliance carries some of the biggest risks of all HR compliance issues. Financial penalties, even jail time. If not sure, conduct a wage and hour audit Hiring Processes – when you collect what data and how you store it. No SS# on App, ban-the-box trend, I-9 and worker eligibility – use e-verify even if you’re not required to. Keep HIPAA info separate from other info
Which Laws Apply to Me 1-14 ✔ 15-19 20-24 25-50 50+ EEs FLSA Title VII ADA ADEA COBRA E-verify PPACA FMLA WARN 1-14 ✔ 15-19 20-24 25-50 50+
Priority #2 – Selection Practices Best predictor is past success – it doesn’t have to be in your industry – so don’t overvalue technical skills in your industry. Most small companies depend too much on the interview in selection. This is OK if the interview process is structured to be valid (well thought out questions that predict performance), several interviewers, etc., but the owner simply going with his gut means you’re hiring a good interviewer, not necessarily a good _____. The right assessments, benchmarked for your job(s) can improve your good hire percentage Scour their LinkedIn profile, look at their references and endorsements, see if the dates jibe with their application. Contact the references they provide along with any common connections you might have on LinkedIn.
Priority #2 – Selection Practices Best predictor of future success is past success Interviews can have low validity Best predictor is past success – it doesn’t have to be in your industry – so don’t overvalue technical skills in your industry. Most small companies depend too much on the interview in selection. This is OK if the interview process is structured to be valid (well thought out questions that predict performance), several interviewers, etc., but the owner simply going with his gut means you’re hiring a good interviewer, not necessarily a good _____. The right assessments, benchmarked for your job(s) can improve your good hire percentage Scour their LinkedIn profile, look at their references and endorsements, see if the dates jibe with their application. Contact the references they provide along with any common connections you might have on LinkedIn.
Reliability Validity
Priority #2 – Selection Practices Supplement interviews with appropriate assessment(s) Best predictor is past success – it doesn’t have to be in your industry – so don’t overvalue technical skills in your industry. Most small companies depend too much on the interview in selection. This is OK if the interview process is structured to be valid (well thought out questions that predict performance), several interviewers, etc., but the owner simply going with his gut means you’re hiring a good interviewer, not necessarily a good _____. The right assessments, benchmarked for your job(s) can improve your good hire percentage Scour their LinkedIn profile, look at their references and endorsements, see if the dates jibe with their application. Contact the references they provide along with any common connections you might have on LinkedIn.
Types of Assessments Competencies Excel Word PowerPoint Keyboarding speed Keyboarding accuracy
Types of Assessments Behaviors
Priority #2 – Selection Practices Use LinkedIn and contact references Best predictor is past success – it doesn’t have to be in your industry – so don’t overvalue technical skills in your industry. Most small companies depend too much on the interview in selection. This is OK if the interview process is structured to be valid (well thought out questions that predict performance), several interviewers, etc., but the owner simply going with his gut means you’re hiring a good interviewer, not necessarily a good _____. The right assessments, benchmarked for your job(s) can improve your good hire percentage Scour their LinkedIn profile, look at their references and endorsements, see if the dates jibe with their application. Contact the references they provide along with any common connections you might have on LinkedIn.
Priority #3 – Performance Feedback Employees want more feedback, so find ways to give them feedback that they value. Dash boards, report cards, something other than an annual meeting with their boss to tell them their raise is less than they hoped. The more frequently you can provide individual, team or company performance feedback the better. Focus on what they are doing right and they’ll repeat it. Focus on what they’re doing wrong and they’ll get frustrated. (Dan Ariely)
Priority #3 – Performance Feedback Employees crave feedback but hate performance reviews Options, depending on your culture: Traditional Do Nothing Simplify Dashboards / Scorecards based on objective metrics Employees want more feedback, so find ways to give them feedback that they value. Dash boards, report cards, something other than an annual meeting with their boss to tell them their raise is less than they hoped. The more frequently you can provide individual, team or company performance feedback the better. Focus on what they are doing right and they’ll repeat it. Focus on what they’re doing wrong and they’ll get frustrated. (Dan Ariely)
Priority #3 – Performance Feedback Key Issues Links to Compensation Links to Development Employees want more feedback, so find ways to give them feedback that they value. Dash boards, report cards, something other than an annual meeting with their boss to tell them their raise is less than they hoped. The more frequently you can provide individual, team or company performance feedback the better. Focus on what they are doing right and they’ll repeat it. Focus on what they’re doing wrong and they’ll get frustrated. (Dan Ariely)
Priority #4 – Engagement and Retention People join companies but quit bosses. Invest in your bosses. If people are promoted based on their technical expertise, get them soft skills training Track turnover by voluntary/involuntary and by department/division. Try to identify the “real” reasons. Don’t just blame the ex-employee. Consider your employment brand just like you consider your marketing brand. How can we improve our reputation as an employer?
Priority #4 – Engagement and Retention People join companies but quit bosses Track turnover trends and react Develop your employment brand People join companies but quit bosses. Invest in your bosses. If people are promoted based on their technical expertise, get them soft skills training Track turnover by voluntary/involuntary and by department/division. Try to identify the “real” reasons. Don’t just blame the ex-employee. Consider your employment brand just like you consider your marketing brand. How can we improve our reputation as an employer?
Priority #5 – Development and Succession Good succession planning identifies the best candidate for that next level. It may not always be the best performer at the level below. Define the KSAs needed for success in each key role and begin developing people for promotion in advance of the need. Develop career paths or career ladders for people who will not be able to move into supervisory or management roles. Those paths must mean something. Can’t be just based on tenure.
Priority #5 – Development and Succession Often overlooked Critical for retention Development grows the organization Succession equally important Short-term and Long-term plans Proactive recruiting Good succession planning identifies the best candidate for that next level. It may not always be the best performer at the level below. Define the KSAs needed for success in each key role and begin developing people for promotion in advance of the need. Develop career paths or career ladders for people who will not be able to move into supervisory or management roles. Those paths must mean something. Can’t be just based on tenure.
Priority #5 – Development and Succession Succession equally important: Short-term for unexpected departure Short-term for unexpected business opportunity Long-term plan for each key position Proactive recruiting Not difficult nor time consuming Good succession planning identifies the best candidate for that next level. It may not always be the best performer at the level below. Define the KSAs needed for success in each key role and begin developing people for promotion in advance of the need. Develop career paths or career ladders for people who will not be able to move into supervisory or management roles. Those paths must mean something. Can’t be just based on tenure.
Mark Moser David Hammer Mark Moser (336) 294-5053