WELCOME WELCOME Shottermill Junior School Open Morning Year 5 Curriculum Information Session
WELCOME Shottermill Junior School Open Morning Meet the Team! Mr Birmingham Miss Thompson Mrs Wilson Miss Carey Miss Taylor Mrs Claydon (French) Mrs Cheney (Music) Mrs Wilson (Art) Shottermill Junior School Open Morning
WELCOME Shottermill Junior School Open Morning Year 5 Curriculum Topics to be studied this year: Ancient Maya Rainforest North America Anglo Saxons Vikings Local study (Gibbet Hill trip) WELCOME Shottermill Junior School Open Morning
Termly Curriculum Information WELCOME Shottermill Junior School Open Morning
English Key objectives for Year 5 By the end of year 5, we would like your child to be an independent, creative writer. Add phrases to make sentences more precise and detailed Use a range of sentence openers – judging the impact or effect needed Indicate degrees of possibility using adverbs (e.g. perhaps, surely) or modal verbs (e.g. might, should, will) Use commas to clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity Link clauses in sentences using a range of subordinating and coordinating conjunctions Use verb phrases to create subtle differences (e.g. she began to run) Consistently organise writing into paragraphs Link ideas across paragraphs using adverbials of time (e.g. later), place (e.g. nearby) and number (e.g. secondly) We teach English in year 5 by using a variety of stimulus, such as quality texts and picture books, video clips, songs, poems, animation. During the year some of the exciting opportunities will be to create a film, to write stories, make a radio clip, produce leaflets and letters. We try to make writing meaningful and purposeful. WELCOME Shottermill Junior School Open Morning
Maths Key objectives for Year 5 By the end of year 5 we would like your child to be able to reason mathematically, problem solve and use known methods of calculation confidently. They should be able to: Count forwards and backwards in steps of 10 and recognise, compare and order numbers up to 1,000,000 Compare and order numbers with 3 decimal places Identify all multiples and factors, including finding all factor pairs Recall prime numbers to 10 and recognise and use square and cube numbers Recognise mixed numbers and improper fractions and convert from one to another Multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers Identify and write equivalent fractions Add and subtract Numbers with more than 4 digits using formal written method Multiply 4 digit by 1 digit / 2 digit Divide Up to 4 digits by 1 digit numbers Multiply and divide Whole numbers and decimals by 19, 100 and 1000 In Maths lessons we use practical equipment, systematic approaches and make links to everyday life where possible. WELCOME Shottermill Junior School Open Morning
A taste of year 5… Blog WELCOME Shottermill Junior School Open Morning
Homework Expectations Mathletics is our online Maths homework tool. To further support you and your children, each week we will refer to work within Home School Maths on the homework diary. Daily reading is still important and children are given a rule or set of spellings each week to learn – they can be as creative as they like! Class homework should be completed weekly. The children can choose a task from the homework grid. Pre-learning vocabulary will be provided as needed during the year. These are words that your child will hear at school and could be discussed at home. WELCOME Shottermill Junior School Open Morning
WELCOME Shottermill Junior School Open Morning The Homework Diary The Homework Diary is uploaded to the Year 5 area of the website each week. Children have been given a homework diary sheet. It is given out each Monday. WELCOME Shottermill Junior School Open Morning
WELCOME Shottermill Junior School Open Morning PE Expectations PE takes place twice a week. Tuesday – team games and tactics (CM Sports) Monday (5B & 5T)– Athletics, gymnastics, dance, swimming (summer term) PE kits should be in a small drawstring bag and should be in school every day. Children need shoes that are suitable for outdoor sports. WELCOME Shottermill Junior School Open Morning
Extra Curricular Activities School Clubs A range of after school clubs are available e.g. Netball, Origami, Football, Animation, International……… Children can join as many clubs as they want In addition… Choir ECAs – Friday afternoons, includes: Lego, Survival in the Wild, Singing/Dance, Hockey, Meditation, Animal Care School Council and Eco Council WELCOME Shottermill Junior School Open Morning
Brenscombe WELCOME Shottermill Junior School Open Morning
Brenscombe Brenscombe WELCOME Shottermill Junior School Open Morning
Brenscombe WELCOME Shottermill Junior School Open Morning
WELCOME Shottermill Junior School Open Morning Brownsea Island Brenscombe
PLEASE NAME ALL BELONGINGS! Equipment for School We would like children to try to fit all their belongings into one small bag or rucksack. Children can bring one small pencil case containing the following items: pencil, rubber, ruler, coloured pencils, pencil sharpener, whiteboard pen and glue stick. All children should have a named water bottle, which they can take home at the end of the day to be washed. PLEASE NAME ALL BELONGINGS! WELCOME Shottermill Junior School Open Morning
WELCOME Shottermill Junior School Open Morning Key Dates Year 5 assembly (2.15pm) 3.12.15 PTFA Cake Sale 20.11.15 Buddhist Monk Visit Year 5 assembly – 23rd November David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation – Art Workshop - 24th November Young Voices – February 1st Brenscombe – 11th - 15th June WELCOME Shottermill Junior School Open Morning
WELCOME Shottermill Junior School Open Morning Volunteers Year 5 assembly (2.15pm) 3.12.15 PTFA Cake Sale 20.11.15 Please let us know if you are available to come and help us in school. Reading Educational visits Bright Futures Scheme D.T. days WELCOME Shottermill Junior School Open Morning