Janet Robson Modern Matron for Dignity Alison Harrison Dignity Administrator
Ice Breaker
Choices We all like to make choices and as Commissioners of care you are responsible for ensuring that your clients receive the best care that is available to them That is the best care that you have chosen to commission
What tools can you use? My role is to look at and see if care being provided across Health and Social Care is being delivered with Dignity and Respect Most services and staff would say this is an expected part of their job and they do this really well Unfortunately headlines tell us differently
How do you feel ? Do you feel let down by the service? Do you feel perhaps you were responsible in some way ? Do you know about the 10 Dignity standards that you can measure care against ?
DAISY ACCREDITATION Daisy Accreditation is a project that has been developed for services to complete to demonstrate that they deliver care with Dignity and Respect The project won National awards such as the Nursing Times for Dignity and shortlisted to the last three in the NHS leadership awards for partnership working
What does the Accreditation demonstrate ? Services are measured against the 10 standards of Dignity The service must provide evidence of how they meet the standards and what challenges they face Provides a quality marker for services to display Provides assurance to clients, service users, patients families and friends Provides assurance to commissioners
How do services gain the Daisy ? The Dignity in Care team offer Dignity awareness training to all staff service users families and carers . A portfolio of evidence is collected by the service using the 10 dignity standards Service user experience Observation visits
DAISY 80% of ALL staff have to complete the training module 100%is best practice The training module asks them to think outside the box and to discuss the challenges of providing care today And to improve the already excellent care being delivered
WORKBOOK To complete as a service a portfolio of evidence mapped against the 10 standards of Dignity What does your service do ? Are you unique can we share your great practice ideas? Can you nominate good practice?
Service users experience What do the people who use the service think of it ? Could it improve ? Would you use the service for yourself or a family member ?
Observation Services who have been trained and have the Daisy Accreditation will come and observe your service Not just the managers any one who has a passion for seeing good care being delivered and received
Dignity Champions We ask that at minimum of 80% of your staff are signed up as Dignity Champions and adhere to the national job description of a Champion Best practice is 100% of your staff are champions and many services achieve this
Job description stand up and challenge disrespectful behaviour rather than just tolerate it; act as good role models by treating other people with respect, particularly those who are less able to stand up for themselves; speak up about Dignity to improve the way that services are organised and delivered; influence and inform colleagues; listen to and understand the views and experiences of citizens. Take actions, no matter how small, to create a more compassionate care system
If you achieve If you pass all modules then you achieve the Daisy Accreditation for two years and then you reaccredit Is there a cost –Yes Is there a cost for poor care –YES
If you have it right
The gentlest of flowers
Thank you Contacts janetlaurarobson@nhs.net Alison.harrison4@nhs.net