Catholic Social Teachings Seven Themes
Catholic Social Teachings 1. The human person is sacred.
1. The human person is sacred. Every human person has the dignity of being made in God’s image and likeness. Each is a unique self whom God invites into friendship. This is why the Catholic Church protects human life and teaches against abortion. All other principles of Catholic social teaching rest on this first one.
1. The human person is sacred. Every human person has the dignity of being made in God’s image and likeness.
1. The human person is sacred. St. Gianna Molla This is why the Catholic Church protects human life and teaches against abortion.
1. The human person is sacred. . All other principles of Catholic social teaching rest on this first one. The human person is sacred.
Catholic Social Teachings 1. The human person is sacred.
Catholic Social Teachings 1. The human person is sacred. 2. The human person is social.
2. The human person is social. The person grows and thrives through relationships with family and friends and through participating in building the human community. Each of us is alive today because someone cared for us. A baby cannot survive without holding, feeding, changing and playing.
2. The human person is social. The person grows and thrives through relationships with family and friends and through participating in building the human community.
2. The human person is social. The person grows and thrives through relationships with family and friends and through participating in building the human community.
2. The human person is social. Each of us is alive today because someone cared for us. A baby cannot survive without holding, feeding, changing and playing.
Catholic Social Teachings 1. The human person is sacred. 2. The human person is social.
Catholic Social Teachings 1. The human person is sacred. 2. The human person is social. 3. Every human person has rights and responsibilities.
3. Every human person has rights and responsibilities. Every person has a right to life and those things that make life truly human, such as food, clothing, shelter, education, health care, work. Each of us has a duty to work so that others receive their rights. The common good requires that we respect the rights of others.
3. Every human person has rights and responsibilities. Every person has a right to life and those things that make life truly human, such as food, clothing, shelter, education, health care, work.
3. Every human person has rights and responsibilities. Each of us has a duty to work so that others receive their rights.
3. Every human person has rights and responsibilities. The common good requires that we respect the rights of others.
Catholic Social Teachings 1. The human person is sacred. 2. The human person is social. 3. Every human person has rights and responsibilities.
Catholic Social Teachings 1. The human person is sacred. 2. The human person is social. 3. Every human person has rights and responsibilities. 4. We take special care of the poor and vulnerable.
4. We take special care of the poor and vulnerable. The pursuit of the common good asks us to respond especially to those in greatest need and help them become active participants in our society is. Children who are poor need help climbing out of poverty. Education is one way.
4. We take special care of the poor and vulnerable. The pursuit of the common good asks us to respond especially to those in greatest need and help them become active participants in our society.
4. We take special care of the poor and vulnerable. Children who are poor need help climbing out of poverty.
4. We take special care of the poor and vulnerable. Education is one way.
Catholic Social Teachings 1. The human person is sacred. 2. The human person is social. 3. Every human person has rights and responsibilities. 4. We take special care of the poor and vulnerable.
Catholic Social Teachings 1. The human person is sacred. 2. The human person is social. 3. Every human person has rights and responsibilities. 4. We take special care of the poor and vulnerable. 5. Workers have rights; work has dignity.
5. Workers have rights; work has dignity. People have the right to decent jobs and fair wages and the right to join a union. Work is our way to participate in God’s ongoing creation. Work is a sacred activity because human beings do it.
5. Workers have rights; work has dignity. People have the right to decent jobs and fair wages and the right to join a union.
5. Workers have rights; work has dignity. Work is our way to participate in God’s ongoing creation.
5. Workers have rights; work has dignity. Work is a sacred activity because human beings do it.
Catholic Social Teachings 1. The human person is sacred. 2. The human person is social. 3. Every human person has rights and responsibilities. 4. We take special care of the poor and vulnerable. 5. Workers have rights; work has dignity.
6. Solidarity is our call. We are all one human family, whatever our national, racial, ethnic, or economic differences.
6. Solidarity is our call. Catholic social teaching calls us to love our neighbor and work toward interdependence among peoples.
6. Solidarity is our call. Jesus teaches that what we do for the least among us, we do for him. We are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers.
Catholic Social Teachings 1. The human person is sacred. 2. The human person is social. 3. Every human person has rights and responsibilities. 4. We take special care of the poor and vulnerable. 5. Workers have rights; work has dignity. 6. Solidarity is our call.
Catholic Social Teachings 1. The human person is sacred. 2. The human person is social. 3. Every human person has rights and responsibilities. 4. We take special care of the poor and vulnerable. 5. Workers have rights; work has dignity. 6. Solidarity is our call. 7. We care for creation.
7. We care for creation. God calls us to care for Earth and all our kin in creation. Humans are a part of the web of life. We must help keep Earth able to sustain us. Earth and its resources belong to all, so we must learn to share these resources fairly and justly.
God calls us to care for Earth and all our kin in creation. 7. We care for creation. God calls us to care for Earth and all our kin in creation.
7. We care for creation. Humans are a part of the web of life. We must help keep Earth able to sustain us.
7. We care for creation. Earth and its resources belong to all, so we must learn to share these resources fairly and justly.
Catholic Social Teachings 1. The human person is sacred. 2. The human person is social. 3. Every human person has rights and responsibilities. 4. We take special care of the poor and vulnerable. 5. Workers have rights; work has dignity. 6. Solidarity is our call. 7. We care for creation.