Subcultures and Values in Academic Libraries – What Does ClimateQUAL® Research Tell Us? 9th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services Charles B. Lowry, Ph.D. Executive Director, Association of Research Libraries
ARL Tools for Library Assessment ARL Statistics™ Since 1907-08 LibQUAL+® Since 2000 MINES for Libraries® Since 2003 DigiQUAL® Since 2003 ClimateQUAL® Since 2007 2
Assessment of Staff Perception Survey of Staff Attitudes/Perceptions Library’s commitment to the principles of diversity Library’s organizational practices policies and procedures Shape Culture of the Organization Healthy Organization 3 3
Goals of the Research Healthy Organizations are More Effective Establish Scales to Measure Health Develop Strategies for Improvement 4
Organizational Climate Scales Climate for Justice Climate for Leadership Climate for Deep Diversity Climate for Demographic Diversity Climate for Innovation Climate for Continual Learning Climate for Teamwork Climate for Customer Service Climate for Psychological Safety 5
Organizational Attitudes Scales Job Satisfaction Organizational Commitment Organizational Citizenship Behaviors Organizational Withdrawal Task Engagement Team Psychological Empowerment Work Unit Conflict 6 6
Early Research Healthy organization is better able to fulfill its service mission. Conflict within an organization can have a direct negative impact on customers. Climate for diversity improves the way an organization operates. Survey results can be turned into strategies for change that will improve the organization’s climate and ultimately the experience of the customer. 7
Flexibility/Discretion CVF Framework Stability/Control Market Orientation Clan Orientation Internal Focus External Focus Other Orientation Adhocracy Orientation Flexibility/Discretion 8
Standard Divisional Units Administrative Services Public Service and Instruction Technical Services Collection Development Special Collections/Archives Technology Research 9
Working Hypotheses The smaller the library staff size, the less likely that there will be differences among the standardized units in % agreement on the climate scales. There will be significant differences among the standardized units in % agreement on the climate scales; The standardized units will demonstrate the same rank order position in % agreement on different climate scales. 10
Staff Size – A Determinant? Total library sample 39 libraries Small size library—staff n<100 Medium size library—staff 100 <n <200 Large size library—n>200 11
Divisional Differences Percentage Agreement Total Sample Small Staff n<100 Medium Staff 100 <n<200 Large Staff n>200 Climate for Deep Diversity Standardization of Procedures 0.25 0.00 0.13 0.20 Valuing Diversity 0.01 0.58 Climate for Justice Distributive 0.03 0.02 0.07 Procedural 0.11 0.34 0.29 Interpersonal 0.06 0.32 Informational 0.72 0.12 Climate for Innovation 0.15 0.05 0.63 0.42 Climate for Continual Learning 0.10 0.81 0.36 Climate for Psychological Safety N/A 0.41 Oberlin – 200 staff total with, comprised of 145 student workers and 55 staff – all staff responded to the survey. University of Hawaii, Manoa – 156 faculty and staff and 245 student workers. Over half of their staff responded to the survey. 12
Divisional Differences Percentage Agreement Total Sample Small Staff n<100 Medium Staff 100 <n<200 Large Staff n>200 Climate for Team-work Benefit of Teams 0.34 0.09 0.13 0.47 Structural Facilitation of Teams 0.00 0.01 0.05 Climate for Demo-graphic Diversity Racial 0.04 0.10 0.36 Gender 0.60 0.17 Rank 0.40 Sexual Orientation 0.25 0.27 0.12 0.67 Climate for Leader-ship Leader-Member Relationship Quality 0.58 0.85 Authentic Leadership 0.02 0.22 0.07 Oberlin – 200 staff total with, comprised of 145 student workers and 55 staff – all staff responded to the survey. University of Hawaii, Manoa – 156 faculty and staff and 245 student workers. Over half of their staff responded to the survey. 13
Divisional Differences Percentage Agreement Total Sample Small Staff n<100 Medium Staff 100 <n<200 Large Staff n>200 Climate for Customer Service 0.39 0.00 0.59 0.56 Job Satisfaction 0.01 0.05 0.03 0.43 Task Engagement 0.09 0.79 0.04 0.86 Organizational Commitment 0.32 0.46 Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organizational Withdrawal 0.13 0.51 Team Psychological Empowerment 0.07 Work Unit Conflict Task Conflict 0.71 0.08 Interpersonal Conflict 0.22 0.73 TOTAL scales with significant differences N = 11 N = 16 N = 8 N = 7 Oberlin – 200 staff total with, comprised of 145 student workers and 55 staff – all staff responded to the survey. University of Hawaii, Manoa – 156 faculty and staff and 245 student workers. Over half of their staff responded to the survey. 14
Dimension 1 Climate for Organizational Engagement/Citizenship Scales Percent Agreement: Organizational Commitment Percent Agreement: Climate for Customer Service Percent Agreement: Climate for Teamwork, Structural Facilitation of Teamwork Percent Agreement: Climate for Continual Learning Percent Agreement: Job Satisfaction Percent Agreement: Climate for Psychological Safety Divisional Unit Rank Order Collection Development -.56 Low Score Technical Services -.14 Public Services and Instruction .03 Special Collections/Archives .04 Administrative Services .17 Technology .20 Research .21 High Score Oberlin – 200 staff total with, comprised of 145 student workers and 55 staff – all staff responded to the survey. University of Hawaii, Manoa – 156 faculty and staff and 245 student workers. Over half of their staff responded to the survey. 15
Dimension 2 Climate for Demographic Diversity Scales Percent Agreement: Climate for Gender Diversity Percent Agreement: Climate for Racial Diversity Percent Agreement: Climate for Sexual Orientation Diversity Percent Agreement: Climate for Diversity of Ranks Divisional Unit Rank Order Special Collections/Archives -.07 Low Score Public Services and Instruction -.01 Collection Development .01 Technical Services .08 Administrative Services .11 Research .23 Technology High Score Oberlin – 200 staff total with, comprised of 145 student workers and 55 staff – all staff responded to the survey. University of Hawaii, Manoa – 156 faculty and staff and 245 student workers. Over half of their staff responded to the survey. 16
Justice Scales Distributive Justice Procedural Justice Interpersonal Justice Informational Justice 17
Low Means Percent Agreement on Justice Scales Total Sample Justice Scale/Division Technical Services Collection Development Special Collections Distributive Justice Significantly lower Procedural Justice Interpersonal Justice Informational Justice Oberlin – 200 staff total with, comprised of 145 student workers and 55 staff – all staff responded to the survey. University of Hawaii, Manoa – 156 faculty and staff and 245 student workers. Over half of their staff responded to the survey. 18