PSY 302 STUDY Imagine Your Future / NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image.
PSY 302 STUDY Imagine Your Future / PSY 302 Entire Course (2 Set) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Papers for each Assignment (DQs – 1 Set Only) PSY 302 Week 1 DQ 1 Career Possibilities PSY 302 Week 1 DQ 2 Employee Selection
PSY 302 STUDY Imagine Your Future/ PSY 302 Week 1 Assignment Job Analysis (2 Paper) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Papers of this Assignment Job Analysis. For this assignment, view the Eight Ingredients of an Effective Job Description with Rhonda Abrams video and then construct a two- to- three page paper that provides a formal job description of a current job as well as analysis of how the job description was created. For your assignment you must: · Find a friend or relative who you can interview and/or observe them on the job for a brief period of
PSY 302 STUDY Imagine Your Future/ PSY 302 Week 1 DQ 1 Career Possibilities FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Now that you are familiar with I/O psychology, if you wanted to pursue a career in this area, what could you do between now and graduation to make this career possible? What unique opportunities does the field of I/O psychology present in the workplace? In which area of I/O psychology would you specialize?
PSY 302 STUDY Imagine Your Future/ PSY 302 Week 1 DQ 2 Employee Selection FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Describe the major factors related to employee selection. Be sure to include factors of job analysis, responsibilities, knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs), job contexts and organizational culture. How many of these factors are contingent upon the individual vs. the organization itself?
PSY 302 STUDY Imagine Your Future/ PSY 302 Week 2 Assignment Motivational Theories and Factors (2 Paper) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Papers of this Assignment Motivational Theories and Factors. To be effective, a company must learn to motivate its employees to efficiently meet the goals of the organization. Using what you know about motivation and the field of I/O psychology, respond to the following:
PSY 302 STUDY Imagine Your Future/ PSY 302 Week 2 DQ 1 Motivation Theory FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT An individual may be extrinsically or intrinsically motivated. Theories differ in their descriptions of motivation, as do the factors that facilitate and inhibit motivation in various work settings. Which motivation theory would you use to describe the challenges with alternative work arrangements (e.g., flex-
PSY 302 STUDY Imagine Your Future/ PSY 302 Week 2 DQ 2 Decision Making in the Workplace FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT The decision-making process is important at every level of an organization. Regardless of position, workers are faced with making daily decisions. Apply the six-step rational decision-making model, within Chapter 8 of your course text, to one of the following situations:
PSY 302 STUDY Imagine Your Future/ PSY 302 Week 3 DQ 1 Leadership FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT The origin of a leader has been a topic of debate for decades. While some believe that leaders are born, others argue that leaders are made. Both sides of the debate have major implications for future leaders and the I/O psychologists who will work with them. Explore the relationship between leadership characteristics, including innate ability, personality, and communication.
PSY 302 STUDY Imagine Your Future/ PSY 302 Week 3 DQ 2 Team Dynamics FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Although originally an Eastern concept, team culture has slowly been integrated into the culture of the American workplace. As we learned this PSY 302 Week, there are several types of teams that one can be a part of: self-managed work team (S.M.W.T.) , manager-led teams, cross-functional teams, project teams, virtual teams and more. Based on your reading this PSY 302 Week, consider the following:
PSY 302 STUDY Imagine Your Future / PSY 302 Week 4 Assignment Performance Appraisals and Positive Psychology (2 Paper) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Papers of this Assignment Performance Appraisals and Positive Psychology. For this assignment you will write a two- to- three page reflective paper evaluating your experience with performance appraisals in the workplace. If you have never had a workplace performance appraisal, interview a friend or family member who has had one. Describe the occasion in which you were being evaluated (e.g., annual review, quarterly review). Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the evaluation process using concepts and/or theories from the week’s
PSY 302 STUDY Imagine Your Future / PSY 302 Week 4 DQ 1 Assessment in the Workplace FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Testing and assessment are critical components of selection, recruitment, and training and development processes in any business or organization. Indentify an assessment that might be used by an I/O psychologist working in your industry (this may be an assessment that you have taken or one you are familiar with). Describe the intended purpose and population for this assessment. Evaluate the validity and reliability of this assessment. Do you think that the assessment is measuring what it is intended to measure? Identify at least two strengths and at least two weaknesses of the assessment. Your initial post should be a minimum of 250-300 words
PSY 302 STUDY Imagine Your Future / PSY 302 Week 4 DQ 2 Positive Psychology FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Positive psychology focuses on improving the performance and morale of employees. In this PSY 302 Week’s chapters, we learned that positive psychology plays a large role in an organization’s performance appraisals and/or training and development. In your own words, define positive psychology. Explain how positive psychology manifests itself in your workplace. Assess whether positive psychology is more applicable to performance appraisal processes or
PSY 302 STUDY Imagine Your Future / PSY 302 Week 5 DQ 1 Employee Attitudes FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Employee attitudes are one of the many components that contribute to the overall health and well being of an individual within an organization. Think about the best and the worst boss you have ever had (if you have never had a boss, interview a friend or family member who has had one). How did your attitude shape the affective and behavioral components in the workp
PSY 302 STUDY Imagine Your Future / PSY 302 Week 5 DQ 2 Job Exploration FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT In American society, it is not uncommon for employees to leave an organization for another promising job opportunity. Typically, a complex combination of various organizational factors is involved in any decision to change jobs. In your own words, describe the key organizational factors that influence organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Assess the value of the following factors (co-workers, boss, salary, the work, and the location) as predictors of job satisfaction within your current organization (if you do not currently have an organization, you may use a past experience or interview a friend or
PSY 302 STUDY Imagine Your Future / PSY 302 Week 5 Final Paper (2 Paper) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Papers of this Assignment Focus of the Final Paper The purpose of the Final Paper is to apply your understanding of industrial/organizational psychology to a specific job and organization. This paper should be an objective analysis of a specific job in a particular work organization. It may be a place that you or a friend or family member is currently working.
PSY 302 STUDY Imagine Your Future/