Weekly Poll - Grooming Leaders Analyzing 359 responses of 1776 emails sent, 1565 received (response rate = 22.9%). Fielded December 2 – 9, 2003; presentation generated on December 9, 2003. Margin of error is +/- 5.3%
What is your HR department doing to help management groom future leaders? (Please select all that apply.)
What is your HR department doing to help management groom future leaders? (Please select all that apply.) Choice Count Percent of Sample Designing succession plans 116 32.3% Developing leaders 145 40.4% Formal mentoring programs 58 16.2% Identifying potential leaders 183 51.0% Implementing/managing succession plans 86 24.0% Offering professional development opportunities 213 59.3% Tracking performance of potential leaders 126 35.1% Nothing 76 21.2% Other (please specify) 20 5.6%
What is your HR department doing to help management groom future leaders? (Please select all that apply.) (Other – specify) Informal mentoring Consulting with line businesses to assist them in developing their succession plans Use of Executive Assessment Centers during selection of VPs and above (we use for both internal and external candidates). Providing Informal Opportunities for leadership. i.e. Activity Committee, Special Projects from time to time, Playing the "strong" second role for Team Leaders and Managers Informing management of employees demonstrating potential for advancement A specific curriculum of leadership courses designed specifically for our system required of all managers. Creating Talent Development Mgr position. This is a 1 yr rotation into HR for a business mgr. Use of Industrial Psychologist in Career Progression discussions New, small Company
What is your HR department doing to help management groom future leaders? (Please select all that apply.) (Other – specify, cont’d) Formal Training There is a formal program to develop leaders, however, this program is not administered by HR but by Administration assignments which stretch the leader into areas they have not been before. Formal Global Assessment Center for Executive Potentials Have previously done succession planning, but currently nothing. Track all training, courses, degrees and project skills on our system. Use this information to determine qualified candidates. We have an established goal to design and implement a succession plan by 2008 Restructuring Extensive training in the change process "Who moved my cheese" , "Fish", "execution", and many other books and discussions. Offer Executive coaching as part of the professional development