Lions Live Life & Learn Mentoring
Key Objectives To Inform/educate To motivate/inspire To assist with personal development – reach potential To prepare for leadership roles As I go through each Objective – seek feedback from participants on aspects of each objective in a general sense – in relationship to opening activity
Whose responsibility? Sponsor Other club members District Club Membership Committee Mentor District District Global Action Team Looking now in relationship to Lions GAT: GLT/GMT/GST
Structured Formal & informal orientation Sessions New member kit/online information LCI Orientation & Mentoring Program
Show strength & scope of lions What to cover? Outline our history A few key points only Don’t be boring History – our heritage Show strength & scope of lions
Your club Structure Programs Traditions
Expectations of their involvement & commitment Obligations Cost
District, MD & LCI Size and scope of Lions Programs Inspire & motivate Remember – they joined a club – don’t bore them with complex Lions structures
Where to get more information Website Online Learning Center Facebook Twitter MyLion
Mentoring Keep it light Keep it interesting Make it inspiring Introduce a mentoring process within the first 3 months of joining Lions
Mentoring Goals to support and encourage people to manage their own learning in order that they may maximise their potential. develop their skills. improve their performance and become the person they want to be.
Basic Mentoring Programme - For new members Advanced Mentoring Programme - Prepare for leadership roles
Benefits to the Mentor Satisfaction Recognition Information Legacy
Benefits to the Mentee Motivation Skills Advancement Networks Feedback
Relationship Building Successful Mentoring Mutual Respect Trust Relationship Building Being Realistic
Strive to appoint a Mentor: who is experienced who can help and guide the development of another individual that will encourage others to ask questions willing to assist