BlackMax, a new BH generator arXiv:0711 BlackMax, a new BH generator arXiv:0711.3012 [hep-ph], Physical Review D (Vol.77, No.7) Dechang Dai, Glenn Starkman, Dejan Stojkovic, Cigdem Issever, Eram Rizvi, Jeff Tseng 08.05.2008 ATLAS UK SUSY/Exotics Meeting
C. Issever, University of Oxford Motivation Generator to study theoretical uncertainties Extra dimension models Black hole production Black hole evaporation 08.05.2008 C. Issever, University of Oxford
C. Issever, University of Oxford What does it provide three extra dimension models tensionless branes allows branes with positive tension brane splitting BH scenarios simulates rotating BH color and electric charge are taken into account bulk recoil where grey body factors available graviton emission simulates Planckian BHs two body final states user can change parameters which a based on assumptions to study uncertainties 08.05.2008 C. Issever, University of Oxford
Simulated scenarios in BlackMax Non-rotating BHs on a tensionless brane with bulk graviton emission on a tensionless brane with fermion brane splitting on a non-zero tension brane, with bulk gravitons, d = 5 Rotating BH on a tensionless brane, no bulk gravitons Two-particle final states 08.05.2008 C. Issever, University of Oxford
C. Issever, University of Oxford Black Hole Production Non-linear formation Before settling to a stationary phase assume some fraction of energy, linear and angular momentum These fractions can be set by user Yoshino suppression factors will be included in the next release. quark Rs 08.05.2008 C. Issever, University of Oxford
Black Hole Evaporation balding spin - down final burst schwarzschild H: L ~ 5:1 N. Brett 08.05.2008 C. Issever, University of Oxford
C. Issever, University of Oxford Black Hole Evolution User can choose electric and color charge suppression Angular momentum suppression can be set by user Once BH reaches Planck Mass Final Burst Produce a set of SM particles which conserve energy, charges and angular momentum. BlackMax is conserving baryon numbers, but violating flavour and lepton numbers Future: will make B,L and flavour violation optional for non-split fermion scenarios 08.05.2008 C. Issever, University of Oxford
BH Cross Section on brane with tension f B is inverse proportional to tension of the brane B ~ 1/f 08.05.2008 C. Issever, University of Oxford
BHs in Split Fermion Scenario In split fermion mode|l: Final state of black hole events at the LHC will be mainly jets. 08.05.2008 C. Issever, University of Oxford
BH cross section in split fermion scenario 08.05.2008 C. Issever, University of Oxford
Cross Section for Two-Body Final State 08.05.2008 C. Issever, University of Oxford
Feedback from Community Very important We try to incorporate user’s needs as quickly as possible e.g: Baryon, Lepton numbers and flauvor conservation We will make it optional for the next release Choose different Planck scale definitions (next release) 08.05.2008 C. Issever, University of Oxford
C. Issever, University of Oxford Summary BlackMax includes a comprehensive ranges of current models and BH scenarios Enables study of theoretical uncertainties Has bulk graviton emission where grey body factors are available Is currently being interfaced into ATHENA Next Release (May/June 08) Graviton emission in final state burst Baryon, Lepton and flavour number conservation option to choose for user in non-split brane models Yoshiro&Rhykov factors will be included Different definition of Planck Scales Bug fixes (thanks to Michiru Kaneda) 08.05.2008 C. Issever, University of Oxford
C. Issever, University of Oxford Backup Slides 08.05.2008 C. Issever, University of Oxford
Comparison with Charybdis Michiru Kaneda 08.05.2008 C. Issever, University of Oxford
Comparisons with Charybdis Michiru Kaneda 08.05.2008 C. Issever, University of Oxford
Comparisons with Charybdis Michiru Kaneda 08.05.2008 C. Issever, University of Oxford
Used Planck Scale Definition Definition in PDG d = total number of space dimensions Gd higher dimensional gravitational constant 08.05.2008 C. Issever, University of Oxford
BH cross section on tensionless brane 08.05.2008 C. Issever, University of Oxford