FFA Unit Ag Mechanics
Agriculture Education Three main components of agriculture education
Agriculture Education Instruction Classroom and Lab Hands-on learning FFA Organization for agriculture students SAE Hands-on project, selected by the student, related to agriculture
The FFA Mission Statement FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agriculture education.
FFA Basics FFA has 3 levels: FFA Colors FFA Salute Local State National FFA Colors National Blue Corn Gold FFA Salute Pledge of allegiance
FFA Basics FFA Motto: Learning to Do Doing to Learn Earning to Live Living to Serve
FFA Basics Parts of the Emblem Corn – unity Eagle – freedom Plow – labor and tillage Owl – knowledge and wisdom Rising Sun – progress in agriculture The Words – agriculture education and FFA
FFA Basics FFA Degrees: Discovery Degree Greenhand Degree Chapter Degree State Degree American Degree
Program of Activities Student Development Committees: Leadership FFA Camp; FFA Day at the Fair; conventions Healthy Lifestyle Beast Feast; recreation activities Career Success Ag. shops, greenhouse, and barn; College Day at ABAC Scholarship FFA scholarships; national convention scholarships Personal Growth Sunbelt Ag. Expo., FFA Day at the Fair
Program of Activities Chapter Development Committees: Chapter Recruitment FFA booth at open house Financial Fundraisers: BBQ plates, fruit sale, plant sale Public Relations FFA newsletters, radio announcements Cooperation Chapter Officer Leadership Training Support Group Basic Ag. Farm Tour; Young Farmers; FFA Alumni
Program of Activities Community Development Committees: Economic Development Relay for Life; Buildings for school playground Environmental Landscape schools and town square Human Resources Meals on Wheels Citizenship Veteran’s Day Appreciation Dinner Agricultural Promotion Kindergarten Farm Day; Ag. Literacy Day Elementary
FFA History 1917 1925 The Smith-Hughes Act passed by U.S. Congress Established vocational classes in high school 1925 Future Farmers of Virginia started by agriculture teacher, Henry Groseclose
FFA History 1928 First National FFA Convention in Kansas City, Missouri When FFA officially began 1929 National Blue and Corn Gold adopted as official FFA colors 1930 Official FFA Creed adopted, written by E.M. Tiffany 1933 Blue corduroy jacket adopted as FFA official dress Designed by Dr. Gus Lintner
FFA History 1935 1952 1965 1969 New Farmers of America (NFA) founded For African American students 1952 First issue of The National Future Farmer magazine 1965 FFA and NFA merged 1969 FFA opened membership to girls
FFA History 1988 Future Farmers of America changed it’s name to the National FFA Organization to reflect the growing diversity in the agriculture industry. FFA opened membership to 7th and 8th graders 1989 The National Future Farmer magazine changed its name to FFA New Horizons
FFA History 2001 Discovery FFA Degree available for middle school FFA members 2008 Decision to rotate between Louisville and Indianapolis for national convention (starts in 2013)
FFA Officers, their stations, & responsibilities Reporter – the flag; releases news to the media Sentinel – the door; sets up meeting room Historian – the chapter scrapbook; chapter photographer Chaplain – the Open Book; gives meal blessings Student Advisor – the key; takes the place of any absent officer if necessary President – rising sun; presides over meetings Vice President – the plow; takes place of president if necessary Secretary – the ear of corn; records agenda and minutes of meetings Treasurer – the emblem of Washington; keeps financial records
Parliamentary Procedure Parliamentary procedure – uses parliamentary law to conduct all types of orderly meetings – from business meetings to congressional sessions.
Parliamentary Procedure Use of the gavel: One tap of the gavel Follows the announcement of adjournment Follows the completion of a business item Is a message to members to be seated Two taps of the gavel Call the meeting to order Three taps of the gavel The signal for all members to stand (rise) A series of sharp taps Used to restore order at a meeting
Parliamentary Procedure There are four common methods of voting Voice vote, by saying “aye”, “nay”, “yes”, or “no” Rising vote, by either standing or by a show of hands Secret ballot, a written vote Roll Call, with each member speaking their vote when the secretary calls their name