Kai Hsu Kevin Nichols Peter Liang Rhythm Jogger Kai Hsu Kevin Nichols Peter Liang
Presentaion Outline Current Status Design issues
Design Issues Midi Parser/Sequencer Midi File Format Multiple tracks Delta Time (variable length) Running Status Midi Messages Voice Messages Sysex Messages
Downloading Midi Combine all tracks into one Parse out the unnecessary bytes Convert it into hex bytes Use VB tool to upload it to extern. ram Software agent on the microcontroller to send the midi messages real-time.
Example: 0x00 0x99 0x2a 0x64 0x80 0x41 0x23 0x64 0x00 delta time 0x99 status byte: channel 9 note on 0x2a note 0x2a 0x64 velocity 0x80 0x41 delta time 0x23 note 0x23
Other Issues Limited Timers Music playing Real-time constraint Software Timers Multiple Initializations Music playing Real-time constraint