National COPD Audit Programme Professor Mike Roberts National COPD Programme Clinical Lead
Three Key Audit Workstreams Primary Care RCP/RCGP/PCRS Noel Baxter Acute Hospital Care BTS Robert Stone Pulmonary Rehabilitation Mick Steiner Pilot of PREMS feasibility BLF/ All 3 audits linked data by NHS number HES ONS MRIS IMD PDEW National COPD Audit Programme
Secondary care - Recruitment and reach in England & Wales Secondary care key messages : There have been good improvements in the organisation and delivery of care over time; and patients still get better care from respiratory teams. However, access to specialist care, access to evidence-based interventions, and clinical care processes (such as documentation of key information at admission and discharge, oxygen prescribing, and NIV) still have room to improve. Number of sites Number of patients Clinical data 199/200 sites (182 = England 17=Wales) 13 414 Organisational data 198/200 sites (181 = England n/a
Pulmonary rehabilitation- Recruitment and reach in England & Wales Pulmonary rehabilitation key messages : The standard of care in pulmonary rehabilitation services is varied, and there is under-referral from both primary and secondary care. The drop-out rate for patients is also high: out of every 100 patients referred for PR, only 42 complete it. Number of programmes (out of 230 identified programmes) Number of patients Clinical data 210 (195 = England 15=Wales) 7413 Organisational data 224 programmes (205 = England 19 = Wales) n/a
Primary care - Recruitment and reach in Wales Primary care key messages : There should be better recording of the diagnosis and treatment of COPD on the patient records, and COPD patients should be offered high value interventions. Number of patients: 48,029 Please note that the Primary care Wales report has not yet been published.
QI National Patient organisation engagement NICE Quality Standards Care Quality Commission Best Practice Tariff Pulmonary Rehabilitation accreditation Welsh Respiratory Improvement Group
QI Local Local reports benchmarked to national and gold standard practice Each Chief Executive to produce a QI report Web repository of QI plans Trainee QI toolbox Reports linked to improvement resources Sharing good practice event Engage our patients!
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