Asia-Pacific Banking Outlook 2005 Financial Services Ratings Manggi Habir Director Financial Services Ratings Taipei November 18, 2004 Good Afternoon, on behalf of Taiwan Ratings Corp. and Standard & Poor’s I would like to welcome you all to our annual Asia Pacific Banking Outlook Seminar today. My name is Manggi Habir and I am team leader of the Financial Services Ratings Group for Emerging Asia and based in Singapore.
Standard & Poor’s A division of the McGraw-Hill Companies Over 140 years’ experience in providing independent financial information, analytical services and credit ratings to the world’s financial markets 5,000 employees (inc. 1,250 analysts) in 19 countries Credit ratings on more than 10,000 entities worldwide Before I talk about our agenda today I would like to provide a brief background about Standard & Poor’s. We are part of the McGraw Hill group of companies We were established back in the mid-1800s providing independent financial information, analytical services and credit rations. We are a global company with 5000 employees spread throughout 19 countries and have published ratings on more than 10,000 companies worldwide
Asia-Pacific Network – 2004 Standard & Poor’s Offices Beijing Hong Kong Melbourne Singapore Sydney Seoul Tokyo Standard & Poor’s Affiliates Jakarta PEFINDO Mumbai CRISIL Manila PhilRatings Taipei TRC In the Asia Pacific region we currently operate out of 7 offices with our newest office just officially opened this month in Beijing. We work closely with our four affiliates in the region: Pefindo in Jakarta, Crisil in Mumbai, PhilRatings in Manila and TRC in Taipei. Now let me introduce our four speakers for today.
Agenda Asia-Pacific Banks: Improving Trends - Ian Thompson Taiwan Banks: Time to Change Gears - Mei Chiang Coffee Break HK Banks: Improvements & Challenges Ahead - Iris Chan China Banks: An Improved Outlook - Ryan Tsang Question & Answer The first speaker will be Ian Thompson. Ian is a MD based in Melbourne and oversees FSR group in the region. Ian will be providing an over view of banking trends in the region The second speaker will be Mei Chiang, the head of FSR in Taiwan Ratings and she will talking about key changes faced by Taiwan banks We will have a brief Coffee Break after Mei’s presentation. The third speaker will be Iris Chan, Associate from our HK office who will be be talking about the improvements and challenges faced by banks in HK. And the final speaker will be Ryan Tsang, Director in our HK office, who will be talking about improvements of banks in China. We will end with a Q&A session moderated by Brian Chen from TRC. Just some administrative issues. Everyone should have a pack on your seat, which has our country publications (Thailand, China and Taiwan). There are also two forms. One is a Question form which we hope you will fill in as we proceed through the seminar. We will have our attendees go through the aisles to pick up these forms towards the end of the seminar so we can address your questions. The second form is a feedback form, which we would like you to fill in as well as we value your comments to improve our seminars. Lastly the main booklet the AP Banking Outlook can be picked up as you leave the seminar.