Risk and Liability Lila McCleery, CPPB Director Purchasing, Supply, and Property
As an Administrator, What do I need to know about Risk and Liability for the District??? Type of Liability Handled By District Property Loss and Damage Personal Property Loss and Damage District Vehicle Accidents Student Injuries (Athletic) Student Injuries (Non-Athletic) Staff Injuries Visitor Injuries District -> The Trust K&K Insurance District -> The Alliance
District Property Loss & Damage How do I report District Property Loss & Damage? If there is criminal evidence (vandalism, theft, etc.) – Call the Police or your SRO and get a police report number. Complete and submit to the Purchasing Division the Property Loss & Damage Form. Please do this as timely as possible – within 1-3 days maximum. Attach pictures If the property loss or damage causes severe disruption to the school (fire, flood, vandalism, etc.), contact Vince Scarfo immediately to facilitate emergency actions for repair(s).
Personal Property Loss & Damage What is Personal Property Loss and Damage? Personal Property Loss and Damage occurs to an individual’s property. (Not District Property) How do I report Personal Property Loss & Damage? If there is criminal evidence (vandalism, theft, etc.) – Call the Police or your SRO and get a police report number. Complete and submit to the Purchasing Division the Property Loss & Damage Form. Please do this as timely as possible – within 1-3 days maximum. Attach pictures Governing Board Policy ECAD “The District shall not assume responsibility for the loss of, or damage to, personal property stored, installed, or used on school premises.” Note: If an employee on your campuses takes a device from a student (tablet, cell phone, etc.) for any reason, the District just assumed liability for that device. Any loss, theft, or damage to the device while in our possession constitutes liability, and replacement of the device shall then be paid by the Campus through Gifts & Donations account.
District Vehicle Accidents How do I report a District Vehicle Accident (for insurance purposes)? Complete and submit to the Purchasing Division the Vehicle Accident Report Form. Please do this as timely as possible – within 1-3 days maximum. Attach pictures, police reports, and any witness statements. If the accident caused body or mechanical damage to the vehicle, contact Mr. Bryan Henderson immediately so that the vehicle can be slated for repair. If the accident caused injury to an individual or damage to another parties vehicle, be sure to include this information on the Vehicle Accident Report Form. The District will require that parties contact information. NOTE: When a vehicle accident involves a non-district party, it is imperative that the Purchasing Division receive the Vehicle Accident Report Form BEFORE the non-district party starts to call us inquiring about the insurance claim.
Student Injury - Athletics How do I report an Athletic Student Injury? All students participating in AIA and Charter Athletic Association sanctioned sports are required to have accident insurance and provide proof of such prior to competing in any sport (this includes practices). Students who do not have personal insurance or choose not to use their personal insurance, may purchase a Student Accident Insurance Policy through the Districts procured vendor Arizona Student Assurance (K&K Insurance Company). As soon as the injury occurs, the coach, assistant coach, athletic trainer, or school nurse MUST complete a Student Injury Report Form. This form should be completed with as great of detail as possible. The completed form is then signed by a campus administrator and sent to the Purchasing Division. This should occur no later than 1-5 days after the injury.
Student Injury – Non-Athletic How do I report an Student Injury that is NOT related to Interscholastic Sports? As soon as the injury occurs, the teacher, staff member, or school nurse MUST complete a Student Injury Report Form. This form should be completed with as great of detail as possible. The completed form is then signed by a campus administrator and sent to the Purchasing Division. This should occur no later than 1-5 days after the injury.
1 (888) CLAIM-89 Staff Injury (1-888-252-4689) How do I report a Staff Injury? If a staff member sustains an on-the-job injury, and the injury is not life threatening or does not require immediate medical attention, the staff member should get with a site administrator or the site nurse and contact thee Alliance on- call triage nurse. 1 (888) CLAIM-89 (1-888-252-4689) Press 2 for the on-call triage nurse If you have an injured employee that has already received medical treatment, call the above number and press 3 to report the claim.
Visitor Injuries How do I report an Injury to a Visitor on my Campus? As soon as the injury occurs, district employee (preferably an Administrator) MUST complete a Student Injury Report Form. This form should be completed with as great of detail as possible. Unfortunately, this is the only form we have at this point to report Visitor Injuries. Just cross off the word “Student” and write in “Visitor”. The completed form is then signed by a campus administrator and sent to the Purchasing Division. This should occur no later than 1-5 days after the injury. Attach any pictures that may indicate what caused the accident (pot hole, wet sidewalk, etc.).
Forms Needed on My Campus Property Loss and Damage Report Form Vehicle Accident Report Form Student Injury Report Form Where Can I Order Blank Forms?? The District Print Shop stocks these forms. They can be ordered through a Printing Requisition.
I still have questions. Who can I contact??? Vincent Scarfo Safety Manager 602-764-1621 Audrea Wheeler Administrative Specialist 602-764-1400 Lila McCleery, CPPB Director 602-764-1404