Acting By Riyanna
Drama Drama is a part of acting. It’s something that every actor should know. On stage you can’t be afraid because everybody will be looking at you. Acting is very challenging. People work really hard to do acting.
How do they make things that do not exist in movies? They use computer animation, it means that you make things that don’t exist in real life.
Why do they have to have lots of cameras? Sometimes they use lots of cameras and sometimes they don’t have a lot of cameras.
Who makes all the backgrounds? They are really called set designers and make physical structures and they make things that are in the background.
How do you become an actress or actor when you’re young? You can start whenever you want to.
What makes all the flying things in movies? Similar to computer animation and set/ prop design. They also use real things too.
How do they make things look so real but a person wouldn’t do it? The same thing is really animation. They also use computer animation or stunts.
More things about acting Acting is great but it is very hard to do. It is very fun to be a character.
All about me I'm 7 years old. My birthday is September 11. My favorite colors are purple and blue. I love books. I have curly hair. I love writing.
Who helped me Mrs. Polanski JB Tadena Some of my class Mrs.Hernderson Mrs. Stully