PROJECT NAME: Game as a Method of Education PARTNER COUNTRIES: France Greece Hungary Lithuania Spain Turkey
How did the project idea come out?
The UE has arranged five goals to be realized, by the end of 2020, One of them is to reduce early dropping out to 10% from the current 15%..
Many students fail to complete their schooling. This can cause serious problems for individuals, their families and the country. We will examine the reasons why students leave school early, and suggest some possible solutions.
Education system related factors ESL (Early school leaving) is a social phenomenon. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. Some of them are connected with unfriendly atmosphere at schools. When schools fail to meet students’ needs for belonging, competence, and autonomy, students are more likely to become: *Less motivated *More alienated *Poorer academic performers
When students’ basic psychological needs (safety, belonging, autonomy, and competence) are satisfied, they are more likely to: *Become engaged in school (school bonding) *Act in accord with school goals and values *Develop social skills and understanding *Contribute to the school and the community
The project focuses on improving motivation and study experiences of students through better school climate
GAME Fun Better Learning Experience Better Learning Environment
The main purpose of the project The aim of the project is to decrease these negative attitudes through game based learning. By this means, our students’ interest to school will be increased and we will create well-being in both our classes and schools.
Our students need to be motivated in new ways and games include motivating elements for them.. need of creating an inclusive school climate where all students can reach their top potential. need to create a place where students feel comfortable and supported. Need of a gaming environment to facilitate the development of students’ skill.
Using Game To Teach Any School Subject Games are more powerful for most students than traditional teaching methods.
Happy Kids,Happy School
ACTIVITIES Comparing differences and similarities in educational systems of partner schools Conducting of the pre-test questionnaire to determine negative attitudes in our schools causing absenteeism Analyzing text books to determine at what degree they contain games related to school subject. project logo competition researching and exchanging our games Literature and writing: creating story with using story cubes Creating interactive games Arts and Crafts: students will create their own games by using recycled materials Games to learn English Making a game with the practical uses of Mathematics. Producing an e-book.
Thanks for your attention Game as a Method of Education PROJECT TEAM Şht.Pi.Onb.Orhan Tezcan Primary School December, 2017