Asha Shikshan Sansthan
Asha Sikshan Sansthan - Basic Fact Sheet Asha Shikshan Sansthan is a school in Babhnauli village which is in Ballia District of Uttar Pradesh. ASS was started in 1997 and it educates the children of socially and economically backward communities (Rajbhar, Bansfore etc. aka the fisherman community) who cannot afford education expenses.
Asha Sikshan Sansthan Today The school which started with 34 children (29 girls and 5 boys) with very few resources has now grown to 125 children (69 girls and 56 boys). The school provides better quality education than other schools in the vicinity, and takes special interest in getting children to school. There are 8 teachers who teach classes Nursery to 6th. The children who finish their 6th grade go to a Government school close by, for their further studies.
Asha’s involvement with ASS We have conference calls with the coordinator and teachers at ASS once a month. There are Teacher Training programs twice a year. The children are taken on a picnic once a year to complement their academic routine. There are Health camps twice a year where children are given vaccinations and a general health check up is done. Asha-Austin was also instrumental in installing a hand pump which provides clean drinking water for the children.
The school is supported through Asha’s Support-a-Child program and it primarily provides basic education (English, Hindi, Math, Social Studies and General Science) to the children. In addition to this, all the older girls are trained in tailoring and computers. Before Asha Austin started funding this project, the school was being run in a temple. Now, the school has make-shift classrooms made out of tin-sheds, desks and chairs and basic study material for children.