The Role and Purpose of Marketing Communications Definition of the relevant terms Strategic importance of Marcoms Role of Marcoms in the firm IMC
The role and purpose of marketing communications The strategic importance of marketing Communications marketing strategic management organisational identity The role of communication in marketing exchanges and transactions
The changing nature of marketing New insights, tools, opportunities, challenges, global competitors type of consumer (prosumer) adverse selection: customer acquisition customer retention customer de-selection
Marketing Communications defined Communications by means of promotion within a target audience or market (Kitchen, 1999) The collection of all elements in a brand’s marketing mix that facilitate exchanges by establishing share meaning with the brand’s customers or clients (Shimp, 2000)
The role of Promotion Promotion: the co-ordination of all seller initiated efforts to set up channels of information and persuasion to sell goods and services or promote an idea (Ray , 1982) Communication: the passing of information, exchange of ideas, or the process of establishing or a commonness or openness of thought between a sender and a receiver. (Schram 1955)
The strategic importance of marketing Communications Marketing: vehicle to reach stakeholders (clients, suppliers, staff) Strategic management: vehicle to implement strategies and plans Organisational Identity: corporate image, corporate identity, the face of the organisation
The role of Mar-coms in the organisation …influenced by dynamic changes interconnected economies (i.e. EU) customer needs and product Loyalties visibility of competition need for profitability consumer sensitivity Consumers concerns for health and ethical issues (GM foods)
The role of Mar-coms in the organisation purposefully: informs, remind, introduce, persuades motivates reaches and affects affects buyer behaviour and channel relationships support brand identity and maintain loyalty
The marketing mix product price place FMCG promotion people physical evidence process FMCG Services & Bu-Bu
The communications mix Selling advertising sales-promotion direct-marketing public-relations sponsorship packaging p-o-s internet WOM corporate-identity
Mixing the mix: Integration People-- process-- strategy internet advertising packaging sponsorship Direct c. P R C. identity promotion selling WOM
IMC defined: A concept of Marketing Communications planning that recognizes the added value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communication disciplines (i.e. advertising, sponsorship, PR ) and combines these disciplines to provide clarity , consistency and maximum evaluation impact.
Integration in Communication: the benefits Competitive advantage move customers through the buying process dialogue bond of loyalty increases effectiveness and profits stretches message via several communications increases credibility saves $$$$
Integration in Communication: the barriers Functional silos stiffed creativity time scale conflict lack of management know how
Integration in Communication: the golden rules Senior management support consistent message standardise graphics clear mar-coms strategy zero budget
Integration in Communication: the golden rules customer comes first build relationships marketing information systems integrate media be ready for change