Vacation Bible School Memories July 26-28, 2016 We had a wonderful time. Our young people were eager to learn and they did a great job. These photos represent the moments of spiritual joy from the students and teachers of each age group. Pastor Friend and 1st Lady Friend (VBS organizer),were with us each step of the way. “To God Be The Glory”
Devotion Time
Youth Class: Ages 1-6 Teacher: Deaconess Shirley Phillips
The “A” Team
Youth Class: Ages: 7-12 Teachers: Deaconess’ Maude Bell and Corine Phillips
Teenage Class: Ages 13-17 Teacher: Rev. Dorothy Richardson
Adult Class Teacher: Rev. Ralph T. Friend
Pastor & 1st Lady Friend VBS Teachers Holding Certificates
Pastor Friend and Attendees at the end of VBS