1 Enabling System Level Design Guaranteeing success of SMEs GreenSocs : Open Source Model Based Engineering Toolset Christian Labezin GreenSocs Open Source.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Enabling System Level Design Guaranteeing success of SMEs GreenSocs : Open Source Model Based Engineering Toolset Christian Labezin GreenSocs Open Source and Model Based Engineering

2 Enabling System Level Design Guaranteeing success of SMEs Réduire les délais, les coûts non récurrents, les risques Améliorer la qualité et lefficacité de lingénierie …de manière décisive Les concepteurs de systèmes embarqués réorganisent leur ingénierie afin de : Le besoin que GreenSocs adresse Revised Product Life Cycle

3 Enabling System Level Design Guaranteeing success of SMEs Lapproche Model Based Design et GreenSocs Models Full System Simulator Virtual Platform HW/SW CO Design HW/SW Early Integration/ Validation Models Full System Simulator Virtual Platform Model Based Design HW/SW CO Design HW/SW Early Integration/ Validation ProcessesMethods/ToolsAssets Modeling Infrastructure Model Based Design & Virtual Platforms System Engineering System Engineering Lang. & tools

4 Enabling System Level Design Guaranteeing success of SMEs Comment se positionne GreenSocs ? Le Model Based System Engineering fait lobjet depuis de nombreuses années (Programme Hermès) de travaux méthodologiques très intenses afin de maîtriser la complexité du développement des systèmes ; Les méthodes et modèles privilégiés mettent laccent sur une description abstraite du système à réaliser en employant des langages de modélisation décrivant deux aspects du système : la fonction réalisée et le comportement désiré. Ils négligent ainsi les nombreux défis posés par limplémentation pratique de ces systèmes, particulièrement à larticulation avec le calculateur et son environnement physique. GreenSocs comble ce manque tout en offrant aussi la capacité de modéliser le comportement et même les fonctions réalisées.

5 Enabling System Level Design Guaranteeing success of SMEs Lapproche Model Based Design et GreenSocs Models Full System Simulator Virtual Platform HW/SW CO Design HW/SW Early Integration/ Validation Models Full System Simulator Virtual Platform Model Based Design HW/SW CO Design HW/SW Early Integration/ Validation ProcessesMethods/ToolsAssets Modeling Infrastructure Model Based Design & Virtual Platforms System Engineering System Engineering Lang. & tools

6 Enabling System Level Design Guaranteeing success of SMEs Sysml Aadl … Lapproche Model Based Design et GreenSocs Full System Simulator Virtual Platform HW/SW CO Design HW/SW Early Integration/ Validation Full System Simulator Virtual Platform Model Based Design HW/SW CO Design HW/SW Early Integration/ Validation Processes Methods Languages & Tools Modeling Infrastructure Model Based Design & Virtual Platforms System Engineering System Engineering Lang. & tools GreenSocs Mathworks Mentor CoFluent Actis Agnisys Aldec ARM - Axys Atrenta Beach Solutions Bellum Cadence Codetronix CoWareDoulog Easics Expressive Systems Handshake Solutions HyPerformix (SES) InterDesign Technologies MataiTech Mimosys Mirabilis National Instruments Poseidon Design Systems Prosilog S2C Sankhya Technologies Synopsys Virtual Computer Corp.

7 Enabling System Level Design Guaranteeing success of SMEs Sysml Aadl … Lapproche Model Based Design et GreenSocs Full System Simulator Virtual Platform HW/SW CO Design HW/SW Early Integration/ Validation Full System Simulator Virtual Platform Model Based Design HW/SW CO Design HW/SW Early Integration/ Validation Processes Methods Languages & Tools Modeling Infrastructure Model Based Design & Virtual Platforms System Engineering System Engineering Lang. & tools GreenSocs Mathworks Mentor CoFluent Actis Agnisys Aldec ARM - Axys Atrenta Beach Solutions Bellum Cadence Codetronix CoWareDoulog Easics Expressive Systems Handshake Solutions HyPerformix (SES) InterDesign Technologies MataiTech Mimosys Mirabilis National Instruments Poseidon Design Systems Prosilog S2C Sankhya Technologies Synopsys Virtual Computer Corp. Terrible, Isnt it ?

8 Enabling System Level Design Guaranteeing success of SMEs Les solutions « propriétaires » dans ce domaine Proprietary solutions (I.e. Synopsys and Windriver) have several drawbacks : They are tied to the vendor in one domain (e.g. software development) They are tied to a vendor that support multiple domains, but both the customer, their entire organization, and their clients and providers would need to use the same vendor. Model Reuse across the organization and the ecosystem is costly They are based on closed innovation and do not benefit from strong customers involvement Standards have been built in the industry to ameliorate but the Standards alone are insufficient to insure interoperability, and are not adopted by many vendors.

9 Enabling System Level Design Guaranteeing success of SMEs GreenSocs : Open Source Model Based Design GreenSocs provides a Virtual Platform model : exploiting the software validation market, while opening the wider re-use marketplace. Being based on Standards Allowing interoperability between models, and underlying tools Enabling re-use of models across organizations and eco- systems Enabling better visibility of modeling artifacts

10 Enabling System Level Design Guaranteeing success of SMEs … Questions probably... Christian Labezin GreenSocs