Teddy’s Wonderful! (12 a) Презентация составлена учителем английского языка МАОУ СОШ № 36 г. Златоуста Куликовой Татьяной Владимировной myenglishsite.ru
Read: [eq] – hair, bear [b] – ballerina, box, bear, big [z] – eyes, ears, nose [t] – toy box, toy soldiers, teddy bear, pretty [d] – under, wonderful, doll, dark hair
[L] – bought, [qV] – boat, [t] – toy Tongue-twister: [L] – bought, [qV] – boat, [t] – toy I bought one toy boat, You bought two toy boats.
Look, read and match: a puppet a ball a jack-in-the-box a teddy bear a toy soldier a ballerina a doll 6 1 5 3 4 7 2
Look, read and match: dark hair fair hair 1 2
Look, read and match: big small 1 2
puppet ['pApIt] – кукла (одевается на руку) Learn the words: ball [bLl] – мяч puppet ['pApIt] – кукла (одевается на руку) jack-in-the-box ['GxkInDq"bPks] – попрыгунчик, «Джек из коробочки» fair hair ['feq'heq] – светлые волосы small [smLl] - маленький
Is it a jack-in-the box? It is a puppet. Is it a puppet? Is it a doll?
It has got fair hair. Has it got dark hair? Has it got fair hair?
It is a jack-in-the-box. Is it a jack-in-the-box? Is it a doll? Is it a puppet? It is a jack-in-the-box. Is it a jack-in-the-box? Is it a doll?
It is a ball. Is it a ball? Is it a doll?
Is the ball big? It is big. Is the ball small?
Is the teddy bear big? It is small. Is the teddy bear small?
Where is a jack-in-the-box? Where is a doll with fair hair? Where is a puppet? Where is a jack-in-the-box? Where is a doll with fair hair? Where is a doll with dark hair? Where is a small ball? Where is a big ball? 4 dark hair 3 fair hair 1 6 a puppet a jack-in-the-box 2 5 a big ball a small ball
What’s this? It’s a ball.
What’s this? It’s a puppet.
It’s a jack-in-the-box. What’s this? It’s a jack-in-the-box.
Where’s a small ball? It’s under the table.
Where’s a big ball? It’s on the chair.
Where are the dolls with fair hair? They are in the toy box.
Источники изображений: http://www.tempurpedic.com/getDynamicImage.aspx?path=plush-bear-01.png http://www.ingilizcearsiv.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/tonguetwisters.jpg http://holykaw.alltop.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Fotolia_44602417_Subscription_XXL-450x451.jpg http://sufab.ru/image/cache/data/oasis/7910080_a-500x500.jpg http://0.s3.envato.com/files/43444327/jack%20in%20the%20box_preview.jpg http://pricewiki.ru/show_img.php?photo=2493555&num=0 http://bonus.transclass.ru/ProductImages.ashx?id=334 http://www.mr48.ru/usr/people/admin/shop5/1143/cbgoods_2_1&asp&c=e3d3bb&x=mn&w=640&h=480&m=1&r=1&q=100&bsp&.jpg http://www.pd4pic.com/images/baby-red-old-mouse-black-classic-icon-blue.png http://www.babyshop-itkids.com/images/produkte/i63/632-Aufbewahrungsbox-Vichy-rosa-mitt-1.jpg http://im0-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=463f6227cfd62572360c5f2829570dcb&n=21 Быкова Н.И. и др. Английский язык 2 класс: учеб. для общеобразоват. организаций с прил. на электрон. носителе. – 3-е изд. – М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2013. – 144 с. – (Английский в фокусе).