Transforming the lives of men
Danny’s Story
Why men contemplate suicide Isolation Emasculation Shame of help seeking
Training Programme Mental Fitness Social Connection Life Planning Physical Fitness Social Connection Mojo training
90% Retention Rate
To whom it may concern: My husband recently took part in the Mojo programme at Teach Dara Community and Family Centre in Kildare town. During his 12 week participation, I found he enjoyed the structure and had focus every week, and he thoroughly enjoyed the programme. I was worried that when the programme was complete that he might fall back to his old ways, of lying in bed all day, no motivation to do anything. I don’t have those worries now. He has told me his plans for the future and I know that he is very determined to carry them out. He has regained his self worth. He gained great confidence, built new friendships, has set up an exercise regime for when he’s home. Due to his time in the gym he has become fitter and loves the interaction with the other participants. I would highly recommend any man who is in “distress” to seek out a programme of this nature in their local area. I would like to thank most sincerely Niamh (Mojo Project Manager) and the facilitators for their support to him, for giving him the opportunity to participate in something which allowed him to once again realise his self-worth and potential. He has taken tools with him that I see him using to help him through difficult times, for this I thank you. The kind, gentle, caring husband I always knew I had now realises the person he is, he has such respect for Niamh and the facilitators and wish them well and continued success with Mojo. Yours faithfully, (Wife of a Mojo Man) 70% Progression Rate
Reduction in Anxiety & Depression 83% “I feel more prepared for the world”
Are you interested in Mojo? 20 Projects By 2020
Mojo Project Managing Organisation IAG Mojo Men Funders Participating Organisations
€80,000 per year to work with 90 men = €888 per man Investment 50/50 split Mojo National Office and local agencies
Quality Assurance
The Outcome
Thank You