CASE Cooperative for After School Enrichment 2013-2014
CASE begins on September 16, 2013 and ends on May 16, 2014. The CASE program will operate on days school is in session. Morning CASE 7:00-7:45AM is optional. CASE will not operate on Holidays or Staff Development Days: Oct. 28; Nov. 25-29; Dec. 3 thru Jan. 3; Jan. 6, 2014; Jan. 20, 2014, March 10-14; April 18; May 26; June 6; July 4, 2014
The children will be divided into three groups according to age The children will be divided into three groups according to age. Every child will participate in four rotations each day. The rotations are Homework, KWC, Enrichment, Health. A different enrichment activity is offered each day of the week. This year we are planning on providing: Chess, Art, Science, Gardening, Lego Robotics, Movie Making, Fitness Sports and Literature. We will also have a competitive Lego Robotics club for 4th & 5th graders.
Schedule 7:00-7:45 Open Enrichment for all 2:45-3:45 Snack and Homework 3:45-4:25 Rotation 1 4:25-4:5:05 Rotation 2 5:05-5:45 Rotation 3 5:45-6:15 Pick-up: Review and Relaxing Excercises
The weekly fee is $20 if you meet the income guidelines: Family of two: $3148 gross monthly income Family of three: $3888 Family of four: $4629 Family of five: $5369 Family of six: $6110 If you don’t meet the income guidelines, your child can still attend for a fee of $30 per week.
Payment Please pay on Monday of each week when you pick up your child. If payment is not made by Thursday of each week, a $5 late fee will be assessed for each day the payment is late. You may pay for more than one week at a time. You are required to pay the full amount each week whether your child attends every day or not. We can not accept checks. Please pay with cash or cashier’s check/money order. Your receipt will be available the day after you make a payment. Please save your receipts for tax purposes. We do not provide tax statements at the end of the year.
Pick-up You will sign your child out in the cafeteria each day. The teacher on duty will ask for your ID until we all get to know you. Only persons listed on the enrollment card will be allowed to pick up your child and an ID will be required. We will have Pick Up tags like the ones we use during the regular school day available as well. $1 to replace. The program ends at 6:15PM. There will be a charge of $1 per minute per child for every minute you have not picked up your child after 6:15. After three late pick-ups, your child will be removed from the program.
Discipline Every child is expected to follow the same code of conduct that is followed during the regular school day. We want this program to be a fun time of learning for all students so misbehavior will not be tolerated. We use a clip board system to record conduct marks. We do not send home conduct slips. If your child receives a conduct mark, he/she will sit out five minutes of gym time and lose his/her Friday treat. If more than three conduct marks are received in a week, he/she will be moved to another group for the next week. If misbehavior continues, you will be notified. Continued misbehavior will result in a two day suspension or removal from the program.
CASE Rules 1. Follow directions. 2 CASE Rules 1.Follow directions. 2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. 3. Respect others.
Applications Only one application per family EVERY blank must be filled in. You must provide on the application the name, address and phone # of your child’s physician and the name, address and phone # of your preferred hospital. You can not put “closest” or “nearest available”.
If you have any questions contact: Benjamin Jimenez 713-740-0776 Ext. 42146 Lidia Pena 713-740-0776 Ext. 42104