Vanessa Pike, Head of Science Resources Department, NHM SYNTHESYS Introduction & Overview Vanessa Pike, Head of Science Resources Department, NHM SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
How did we get here? FP4 It all started during the European Commission’s FP4 TMR Programme when natural history collections were recognised as “Infrastructures” Our community nudged the door open with two modest access grants Project ID: FMGE980131 BIORESOURCE starting 1998 Project ID: FMGE980132 PARSYST starting 1998 SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
How did we get here? FP5 Launch of FP5 featuring a ‘Human Potential’ Programme (1999-2004) included calls for more access grants Our collections-holding community seized these opportunities and applied successfully for funding Six nations won contracts during 2000 – 2004, total value over € 5 m to provide transnational access SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
How did we get here? FP5 All FP5 contracts had three common themes offering: Access to extensive collections that largely focused on the colonial past in term of the strength of their historical content and research interests of current cohort of research staff Support from taxonomic experts as hosts Use of analytical instruments SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
FP5 Successes: (BE-TAF predecessor ) ABC Access to Belgian collections of interest for biodiversity research (RBINS ) HPRI-CT-2001-00159 Nov 2001 - Feb 2004 € 325 000 SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
FP5 Successes: (DK-TAF predecessor ) COBICE Copenhagen biosystematics centre (University of Copenhagen) HPRI-CT-1999-00021 Jan 2000 - Dec 2002 € 1 050 000 & HPRI-CT-2001-00129 Jan 2003 - Feb 2004 € 408 333 SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
FP5 Successes (ES-TAF predecessor) BIOD-IBERIA Iberian collections of fauna and flora (CSIC) HPRI-CT-2001-00165 Nov 2001 - Feb 2004 € 466 613 SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
FP5 Successes (FR-TAF predecessor ) COLPARSYST Paris museum national d'histoire naturelle: access to collections and resources HPRI-CT-2001-00151 Nov 2001 - April 2004 € 583 333 SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
FP5 Successes (GB-TAF predecessor ) SYS-RESOURCE Increasing access for European researchers to systematics resources and analytical facilities (NHM, Linnaean Society and RBG, Kew) HPRI-CT-1999-00062 May 2000 - Apr 2002 € 1 050 000 & HPRI-CT-2001-00130 May 2002 - Jan 2004 € 366 667 SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
FP5 Successes (SK-TAF predecessor) HIGH LAT Access to naturhistoriska riksmuseet: high latitude HPRI-CT-2001-00125 Nov 2001 - Jun 2004 € 895 022 SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
How did we get here? FP5 FP5 also offered ‘Thematic network’ grants Our community saw the merit in working together on access problems, not least data sharing issues ENHSIN European natural history specimen information network HPRI-CT-1999-40010 Jan 2000 - Mar 2003 € 200 000 SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
FP5: ENHSIN “The central aim is to enable the development of a shared, interoperable infrastructure of natural history specimen databases in European institutions. Although exciting developments have been made in producing frameworks for connecting global species databases (Species 2000) and for providing access to the wider content of European natural history collections (BioCISE), there is, at present, no corresponding approach to facilitate access to specimen data.” “ENHSIN is intended to fill this lacuna.” SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
FP5: ENHSIN Key Output (2003): Software enabling access to sample databases was written and a prototype system was demonstrated on the ENHSIN website providing distributed access to seven databases SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
Why am I telling you about FP4 & FP5? A generation ago our institutions were offering access to visitors under EC funding and were beginning to confront the challenges of sharing specimen data with the wider user community ENHSIN was the catalyst Infrastructure project that brought us all together SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
FP6 & 7: Step change Commission changed its approach, partly through the work of ESRFI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures, set up on 2002), the case for funding delivery a programme ‘Integrated Research Infrastructures’ across Europe was made Provided a golden opportunity to increase the Collections access offer and fund further work on common issues through ‘Networking’ and ‘Research’ SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
Follow on from the successes in FP5 SYNTHESYS (FP6): 2004 – 2009 Networking and Access 13M€, 20 Partners (66 months) SYNTHESYS2 (FP7): 2009 – 2013 JRA, Networking and Access 7.2M€, 20 Partners (48 months) SYNTHESYS3 (FP7): 2013 – 2017 JRA, Networking and Access 8M€, 21 Partners (48 months) SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
We have come a long way together: FP6 Networking Activities (NA) NA - Collections standards (best practice development) NA - Developing and maintaining databases (data standards) NA - Developing storage and retrieval systems for new types of collections (sharing of disaster planning tools) NA – Complementarity (start of policy work) NA - Novel physical analytical methods in collections (sharing non-invasive imaging techniques) SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
We have come a long way together: FP7 NA Improving collections management Provided performance Indicators in collections management Quality assessment in collections management Advanced training in collections management SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
We have come a long way together: FP7 NA Consolidating the Information Network of European Natural History Collection Assisted institutions in implementing the developed “best practice” data standards for electronic data Facilitated the technical access to specimen data for specialised User groups SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
We have come a long way together: FP7 Joint Research Activity (JRA) JRA: PrediCtoR software tool JRA: DNA libraries applicable to skeletal museum specimens JRA: Using micro-sampling techniques to minimise damage to specimens JRA: Plants/fungi optimised DNA extraction techniques JRA: Development of high-throughput methods for DNA isolation SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
We have come a long way together: FP7 Joint Research Activity (JRA) Enriching virtual collections so that they can be accessed for research purposes by a global user community Enabling large-scale manipulation and integration of the virtual collection data, the collections also become both more accessible SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
Synopsis of the story so far >€ 33m of funding since FP5 in 2000 Since FP6 2004 11 TAFs established with a unified mechanism for assessment and delivery of >50,000 visitor days to our User community Provided a network for collections specialist to share best practice and develop tools for collections care, access and quality assessment Funded research on liberating DNA from collections and accelerating the development of virtual collections SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
What comes next? Commission is limiting the funding for the advance infrastructure communities in favour of supporting newly formed communities ESFRI roadmap is now providing our community with an opportunity to build a more sustainable virtual collection Through DISSCO collections-holding institutions with commitment to digitising their collections now have a game plan to deliver a distributed system of scientific collections SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
H2020 opportunity : Draft text INFRAIA-01-2018-2019: Integrating Activities for Advanced Communities “Natural history collections: This activity aims at integrating and improving access to key European Natural History collections and to their related instrumentation facilities. Emphasis should be on improving accessibility to collections to a wide range of scientists, on developing innovative research services to answer the needs of a broader scientific community of users from climate change to human health and food security, and on ensuring long term sustainability of the integrated services” SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
Other H2020 themes in our panel? Environmental and Earth Sciences Research infrastructures for forest ecosystem and resources research Research aircrafts for environmental and geo-science research Research vessels Research infrastructures for climate Earth system modelling SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
Other H2020 Panels? Total 22 themes Biological & Medical Sciences - 4 themes Energy - 2 themes Mathematics and ICT - 1 theme Material Sciences, Analytical facilities & Engineering - 5 themes Physical Sciences – 2 themes Social Sciences & Humanities – 3 themes Total 22 themes SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
H2020 Call details Opening: 05 Dec 2017 Deadline: 22 Mar 2018 Call reference: INFRAIA-01-2018-2019 (RIA) Total budget available € 110m “For communities which have received three or more grants in the past, the sustainability of the integrated research infrastructure services they provide at European level is improved” SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017
Quote from a recent Access User “SYNTHESYS is an excellent opportunity to work on important material for my research……… I first visited MNCN 15 years ago with the funding BIODIBERIA. That visit has basically changed my life, giving me the opportunity to finish with my PhD due to the scientific knowledge I gained, and helping me to continue with my career .” SYNTHESYS3 Final Meeting NHM, London, 6-7 June 2017