Benjamin M. Brown P2 Mr. Brower Man on the Moon Benjamin M. Brown P2 Mr. Brower
Neil Armstrong Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon, he was born near Wapakoneta Ohio. He served as a military pilot an educator and most importantly an astronaut. He sadly died august 25th 2012 at age 82
The Rocket Apollo 11 was lunched at Kennedy space center on July 16th 1969. Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon July 20th 1969.
The Crew The crew for Apollo 11 may have been the bravest men in the world. Michael Collins, “Buzz” Aldrin Jr. and Neil Armstrong will go down in history for being the first men on the moon.
Behind the Scenes Neil Armstrong and his crew get most of the credit for being the bravest men in history, but the men back at base deserve a lot of credit.
The Launch Site At Kennedy Space Center in floridia the first maned rocket to the moon launched, This would go down in history as on of the most important event in U.S. history
Visiting Kennedy Space Center The daily admission for the Kennedy Space Center is 50 U.S. dollars for adults and 40 for kids. It is open from 9am to 6pm and is open only on certain days. Those days are disclosed on the website.