Space X By Anton Freyer.


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Presentation transcript:

Space X By Anton Freyer

Table of contents Foundation Elon Musk Falcon 9 Landing Mechanism Falcon 9 Space X Facilities Drone Ship Landing Dragon Falcon Heavy Works cited

Foundation Space X was founded in 2002 by Elon Musk Goal of the company was set to be to revolutionize space travel The ultimate goal is to enable people to live on other planets

Elon Musk Inventor, Businessman, Entrepreneur and Investor Born in South Africa in 1974 Founder or CEO of ZIP 2, PAYPAL, Tesla, Solar City and Space X Net Worth: 13.9 billion Rated 21st most powerful person in the world

Falcon 9 Reusable Rocket It can land vertically after bringing satellites or other supplies to space More economic than other rockets, because it is reusable

Landing mechanism for Falcon 9 “Grasshopper” test vehicle performed tests Grasshopper is basically a Facon 9 rocket, that “jumps” and lands to test the landing Tests resulted in landing mechanism with four extendable legs

Space X Facilities Space X has two leased launch facilities One in Kennedy Space center in Florida The other one at Vandenberg Air force Base in Calfornia There are other test facilities in Texas and New Mexico The Space X headquarters are in Hawthorne, California

Drone ship landing Besides landings on land SpaceX has built droneships, that the falcon 9 can land on A successful landing was performed in 2016

Dragon Dragon is a Spacecraft, designed to transport cargo to and from the ISS or other orbiting destinations At the moment it just carries cargo, but it could also transport humans There have been eight successful missions to the ISS in the last five years

Falcon Heavy It will be the biggest rocket to ever be built Three cores, that are reusable, because of landing legs. Big enough to bring people to mars No actual flight tests yet First flight planned for 2017

Works cited