Sport Lovers, Do they Drink more? Presented by Nongnuch Jaichuen Nongnuch Jaichuen 1, 2, Sopit Nasueb 1,2, Surasak Chaiyasong 3, and Thaksaphon Thamarangsi 1,2 1 Health Promotion Policy Research Center (HPR) – Thailand 2 International Health Policy Program (IHPP) – Thailand 3 Faculty of Pharmacy Mahasarakham University – Thailand Good morning everyone. I am delighted to present to you Sport lovers, do they drink more. Presented by Nongnuch Jaichuen
Outline Introduction Objective Conceptual framework Methodology Result Conclusion Recommendations NOTE: section 32 in the Alcohol Control Act B.E. 2551 (2008) stated that any advertisement or public relation which made by manufacturers of alcoholic beverage of all kinds is able to conduct only for the purpose of giving information or creative knowledge without displaying pictures of the products or packages, except for the display of symbol of such alcoholic beverage or the symbol of the company manufacturing the alcoholic beverage. Ministerial Regulation: Criteria and Conditions for Displaying the Symbol for Advertising or Public Relations of Alcoholic Beverage B.E. 2553 (2010) [กฎกระทรวง กำหนดหลักเกณฑ์และเงื่อนไขการแสดงภาพสัญลักษณ์เพื่อประกอบการโฆษณาหรือประชาสัมพันธ์เครื่องดื่มแอลกอฮอล์ พ.ศ.2553.] Notification of the Alcohol Beverage Control Committee: Pattern and Method for the Display of Symbol of Alcoholic Beverage or Symbol of the Company Manufacturing the Alcoholic Beverage B.E. 2553 (2010). [ประกาศคณะกรรมการควบคุมเครื่องดื่มแอลกอฮอล์ ว่าด้วยรูปแบบและวิธีการแสดงข้อความคำเตือนประกอบภาพสัญลักษณ์ของเครื่องดื่มแอลกอฮอล์ หรือภาพสัญลักษณ์ของบริษัทผู้ผลิตเครื่องดื่มแอลกอฮอล์ พ.ศ.2553]
Introduction Advertising is one factor that has dramatic effect on purchasing decisions of consumers. Sport sponsorship is the way to advertise alcohol. Sport sponsorship has lately become a mainstream to advertise alcohol, because it can effectively draw attention from youth, the current and future clients of alcohol businesses. The evidences suggest that there are significant associations between alcohol sponsorship of sport and underage drinking. There is limited evidence indicating a relationship between sport and alcohol consumption by Thai youth. Advertising is one factor that has huge effect on purchasing decisions of consumers. Sport sponsorship has been a marketing tool of the alcohol industry to promote their products, particularly in recent times. Sport sponsorship has lately become a mainstream to advertise alcohol, because it can effectively draw attention from youth, the current and future clients of alcohol businesses. Moreover, the evidence suggests that there is an association between sport sponsorship and initiation of drinking as well as underage binge drinking. In Thailand, there is limited evidence pointing to sport and alcohol consumption of Thai youth.
Objective To explore the drinking behaviors among youth disaggregated by their closeness to sport-related activities To examine sport preference, sport exposure, participation in sports and their association with alcohol consumption. The objective of this study are to explore the drinking behaviors among youth disaggregated by their closeness to sport-related activities and to examine sport preference, sport exposure, participation in sports and their association with alcohol consumption.
Alcohol- related attitudes Conceptual framework Alcohol consumption Alcohol- related attitudes Factors Sport preference Sport exposure Sport participation This is the conceptual framework for this study. On the left hand side, the three factors are exposure, preference, and participation of sport. Then, we also explore attitude on alcohol and drinking practices.
Methodology Research design: cross-sectional study and using self-reported questionnaire Samples: public university, private university, and autonomous university students Sampling: stratified 3-stage sampling approach Setting: 4 provinces across Thailand This is a cross-sectional survey, using self-reported questionnaires in four public universities, four private universities, and four autonomous universities from twelve hundred and seventy-nine students in 4 provinces across Thailand. Content validity of the questionnaire was assessed by three experts in alcohol research. Two pilot surveys were conducted to assess reliability and applicability of the questionnaire.
Alcohol- related attitudes Methodology Measures Alcohol consumption Alcohol- related attitudes Factors Sport preference Sport exposure Sport participation measured with 15 question items by using the Likert scale that consists of 5 levels 1. Are you exposed to advertising on mass media or not? 2. How often are you exposed to or see advertising per month? Do you like sport? How often do you watch in the competition? Do you have sport merchandises? Do you participate in sport? For measurement Sport exposure is How often are you exposed to or see advertising each month and are you exposed to advertising on mass media or not? Sport preference is Do you like sport, How often do you watch in the competition, and whether or not samples own sport merchandises and how many items they own, what they are. For sport participation, it is about do you participate in sport. Then measurement about attitude and behavior. We use descriptive and analytical statistic for data analysis. 1. Alcohol consumption: drinking alcohol in the past 12 months 2.Binge drinking: drinking more than 5 standard drinks in one occasion in the past 12 months
Results Prepare for answer. Sport advertising exposure To determine sport advertising exposure, each students was asked how often each you are exposed to or see advertising per month. The four categories were ≥3times per week, 1-2times per week, 1-3times per month, and <1 times per month. Another sport advertising exposure by asking participants are you exposed to advertising on mass media, and could reply with either “yes” or “no”. Sport Preference To determine preference for sport, each student was asked “Do you like sport?”and could respond with either “like” or “dislike”. Another sport preference by asking participants how often do you watch in the competition? The numbers of monitoring were scored dichotomously to compare students’ without watching with who watch. Additionally, sport merchandise ownership was measured asking participants do you have sport merchandises. The answers were “yes’ or “no”. Sport participation To determine participation in sports, each student was asked “Do you participate in sport?” and could give answer with either “yes” or “no”. Attitudes toward drinking Attitudes toward drinking were measured with 15 messages and adapted from designs of previously validated survey instruments used to investigate attitudes toward drinking in Thai adolescents by using Likert scale that consisted of five levels. 5 was defined as totally agree, 4 as agree, 3 as neutral, 2 as disagree and 1 was defined as totally disagree. To determine attitudes toward alcohol consumption, we use the average score from is items. Drinking participation A single item assessed whether or not respondents had ever finished most or all of beer, or other drink containing alcohol. Response options included, “never consumed, has consumed but in the past 12 months and consumed in 12 months”. Students who indicated no alcohol consumption in response to all three items were coded as lifetime abstainers. Students who indicated any alcohol consumed in 12 months were coded as current drinkers. Students who indicated any alcohol used, but not in the past 12 month were defined as former drinkers. Binge drinking A single item assessed whether or not respondents had ever drunk more than five standard drinks all of beer, or other alcohol beverage in the last 12 months. Response options included, yes or no.
Characteristic data Characteristics N Percent Gender 1,263 100.0 female 895 70.9 male 368 29.1 Age [mean=20.38] 1,224 <20 410 33.5 ≥20 814 66.5 University type 1,279 public 758 59.3 autonomous 406 31.7 private 115 9.0 Faculty 1,225 Science and Technology 707 57.6 Humanities and Social Sciences 518 42.4 GPA [mean=2.91] 994 3.01-4.00 [good academic performance] 454 45.7 2.01-3.00 505 50.8 ≤2.00 35 3.5 The most adolescents are twenty years old or above. Majority of students educated in public university and studied in Science and Technology faculty. They get GPA between 2.01 and 3.00.
Alcohol Consumption Alcohol consumption N Percent Drinking status 1,252 100.0 current drinker [consumed in the last 12 months] 472 37.7 lifetime abstainer [never consumed] 454 36.3 former drinker [has consumed but not in the past 12 months] 326 26.0 Binge drinking yes 281 59.6 no 191 40.4 At follow-up, 472 young people reported having drunk alcohol in 12 months 59.6% of students binged on alcohol while 40.4% of youth did not.
Sport Exposure Overall: 47.2% of Thai youth exposed to sport advertisement Among drinkers: 52.8% of drinker exposed to sport advertisement Prevalence of drinker Overall, around eighty-six percent of sample sees sport and forty-seven percent of Thai youth exposed to sport advertisement. Interestingly, drinker and binge drinker have a higher rate of exposure to sport advertisement. You won’t be surprise that the more students expose, the more they have positive attitude and drink.
Sport Preference Overall: 80.4% of youth liked sport Among drinkers: 84.1% of youth liked sport Preference means like or dislike. The difference in sport preference between drinker and non-drinker is not much. Majority of students liked sport and drinkers have better preference.
Sport Participation Overall: 56.7% of youth participated in sport Among drinkers: 61.5% of youth participated in sport The difference in sport participation between drinker and non-drinker is not much. Around fifty-seven percent of samples participated in sport and drinkers have better participation.
Result Factors associated with attitudes towards drinking, alcohol consumption and binge drinking Note: reference group expose to other medium, <1 time per month, not monitoring, not having sport clothing, none participation, negative attitude toward drinking CI stands for confidence interval. Adjusted by gender, age, GPA score , regional and attitudes towards drinking This table shows analytical statistic by using the logistic regression test. The result confirms that the frequency of sport exposure has association with attitude toward drinking. While exposure, preference and participation of sport have association with drinker status and binge drinking of Thai youth.
Conclusion Thai youth have high a exposure to, preference and participation of sport. Sport exposure has association with attitudes towards drinking. Sport exposure, preference and participation have a clear association with alcohol consumption and binge drinking among Thai youth. Young people have a high exposure to, preference and participation of sport. When compare to non-drinkers, drinkers have higher exposure, higher preference and higher participation of sport compared to non-drinkers. Sport exposure, preference and participation have a clear association to drinking practice among Thai students.
Policy recommendations Alcohol polices that control sport sponsorship or sponsorship-related marketing activities could help to reduce alcohol use among Thai youth 2. Alcohol sport sponsorship or sponsorship-related marketing activities should be legally defined as a form of advertising in order to strengthen law enforcement and coverage, effectively imposing a total ban on alcohol advertising. We would recommend that sport sponsorship or sponsorship-related marketing should be included in the alcohol marketing regulation framework. We should translate the study into policy formulation.
Thank you for attention :) In 2006, Coup d'état as a result overthrow a government in Thailand. In 2008, We have alcohol control act. Code 32 indicate that “any advertisement or public relation which made by manufacturers of alcoholic beverage of all kinds is able to conduct only for the purpose of giving information or creative knowledge without displaying pictures of the products or packages, except for the display of symbol of such alcoholic beverage or the symbol of the company manufacturing the alcoholic beverage”. But alcohol industry can advertise their products by using brand logo and Corporate Social Responsibility: CSR. Why don’t we impose total ban? One committee of the National legislative Assembly is from. The News broadcasting council of Thailand, they are against a total ban and negotiate with parliament asking that u don’t impose total ban.