George Killeen James Richards Matteo Moruzzi-lee Drink Driving George Killeen James Richards Matteo Moruzzi-lee
Target Audience We have decided to do a documentary on drink driving and the causes and affects it has on people. Our documentary will be aimed at teenagers to young adults of our age and slightly older that still feel it is acceptable. The aim is to show them the affect of what they are doing and persuading them that it is wrong. Drinking and driving occurs across a wide range of age groups but particularly among young men aged 17-29. Channel 4 Sun Car magazines such as MaxPower and top gear.
Time Our documentary is aimed for channel 4 and looking at the main documentaries shown on their show it would be aimed between 8 -10 at night for half an hour. We were also looking to show our program in one of the early weekdays because that would be when our target audience would be in rather than Friday and Saturday nights.
Key Scenes Interview with Police officer. Interview with Person caught. Person not caught, who drink drives. (Shadow figure/voice over). Someone who has lost a loved one, or seen or become effected by the dangers of drink driving and would never do it. How it changes peoples lives. Facts and figures DSA DVLA government, stats about deaths, people caught ect… Reconstruction of car crash with a voice over of the person who was hit.
Layout of Key Scenes For our interview scene with the police officer, we will film inside the station to create a better atmosphere, the police officer will be in uniform and it will be an over the shoulder shot from behind the interviewer and a two-shot of the interviewer and officer. For our interview with a person who does drink drive and has not been caught we will have the person being interviewed as a silhouette and their voice will be muffled. For the reconstruction scene, as the clip is being rewound there will be a voiceover of the person being hit. When the clip stops there will be a blank screen where the narrator takes over quoting facts about drink driving.
Double-page magazine spread, advertisement. Photoshop similar to the “Think” campaign, drink driving campaign “that’s your licence gone and a twelve month ban”, basic ideas of how we will create ours. Photos: Model two sides to her face, before and after. Car crash, person on road. Drinking one side, blacked out crash at night on the other side.
Facts. On average, 3,000 people are killed or seriously injured each year in drink-drive collisions in Great Britain. Nearly one in six of all deaths on the road involve drivers who are over the legal alcohol limit. 11 people are killed by drink drivers on UK roads every week. More than 1 in 4 drivers (28%) also admit to driving the morning after having a lot to drink, when they are likely to still be over the limit.
LAW Driving/Attempting to Drive with excess alcohol. Penalty - Fine - up to Level 5 (£5,000) and/or up to 6 months imprisonment Mandatory disqualification for at least 12 months for first offence Mandatory disqualification for at least 3 years for second offence within 10 years. Being in charge of a motor vehicle with excess alcohol Penalty - Fine - up to Level 4 (£2,500) and/or up to 3 months imprisonment 10 penalty points on your licence Disqualification is at the discretion of the Court