H-1B Ready to Work H-1B Quarterly Performance Reporting & HUB Phase 2 Webinar Webinar Date: June 8, 2015; 1:00 p.m. Presented by: Division of Strategic Investments U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration
Enter your location in the Chat window – lower left of screen Where are you? Enter your location in the Chat window – lower left of screen #
Polling questions for webinar lobby Let’s get to know who is on your H-1B RTW Performance Reporting TA Team! Using the poll, select the role that you play in your H-1B grant program. For this grant initiative I am the: Authorized Representative: Program Director/Manager IT Developer Database Manager Case Manager Training Partner Employer Partner None of the above #
Polling questions for webinar lobby How many of you have reviewed the following H-1B RTW Performance Reporting Materials and where are you in your process?! Yes! We have reviewed both the Performance Reporting Handbook and the Data Elements and Edit Checks Yes! As a result of viewing those materials, we have began to align our internal grants data base to track the information required for H-1B RTW Grants Yes! As a result of viewing those materials, we have started to produce data files of participant records based on the RTW Data Elements and Edit Checks. All of the above #
Welcome & Introductions H-1B RTW Performance Reporting Today’s Speakers H-1B Policy Lead Megan Baird Performance Reporting TA Ayreen Calimquim Kevin Mauro #
Agenda RTW Grant Refresher OMB-Approved! Definition Deep-dive: Long-term Unemployed; other Unemployed; and Incumbent Workers OMB-Approved! RTW Data Collection RTW Data Elements and Data Files Understanding Data Elements Preparing Data Files HUB Phase 2: Reporting System Preview Uploading participant files #
H-1B RTW REFRESHER Participants Eligible to Receive Training and Services and other Eligibility Requirements #
RTW Definition Deep Dive Long-Term Unemployed Unemployed 27 Weeks or More Unemployed 27 Weeks or more + exhausted UI Under-employed 27 weeks or more Unemployed Less than 27 Weeks Incumbent Incumbent worker through Employer Partner #
RTW Definition: Long-term Unemployed Workers Ready to Work Definition: Long-Term Unemployed For the purposes of this SGA, Long-term unemployed individual is defined as “an individual who has been unemployed for 27 consecutive weeks or more” Included within this definition of unemployed for 27 consecutive weeks or more are the following sub-categories: individuals that are unemployed for 27 consecutive weeks or more and have exhausted/nearly exhausted their UI benefits, and individuals that have been underemployed for 27 consecutive weeks or more. individuals who have lost their job during or after the recent recession (commencing from December 1, 2007 forward) and have exhausted or nearly exhausted unemployment benefits (if they were eligible to receive such benefits); Within these categories, grantees may serve a wide range of individuals, such as, individuals with disabilities, veterans, minorities, Indian and Native Americans, and other individuals.
RTW Definition: Long-term Unemployed Workers (cont.) Ready to Work Definition: Long-Term Unemployed 1) Unemployed for 27 consecutive weeks or more and exhausted/nearly exhausted UI benefits: individuals who have lost their job during or after the recent recession (commencing from December 1, 2007 forward), have been unemployed for 27 consecutive weeks or more, and have exhausted or nearly exhausted unemployment benefits (if they were eligible to receive such benefits)
RTW Definition: Long-term Unemployed Workers (cont.) Ready to Work Definition: Long-Term Unemployed 2) Underemployed for 27 consecutive weeks or more: individuals who lost their job during or after the recent recession and have obtained only episodic, short-term, or part-time employment for a period of 27 consecutive weeks, but have not yet reconnected with a full-time job commensurate with the individual’s level of education, skills, and previous wage or salary earned prior to the individual’s loss of permanent employment. Individuals must have been underemployed for 27 consecutive weeks to meet this criteria, which can include periods of both unemployment and underemployment within a 27 week consecutive period. *underemployed individuals fall within the definition of long-term unemployed and are therefore considered long-term unemployed
RTW Definition: Other Unemployed Workers Ready to Work Definition: Other Unemployed Worker For the purposes of this SGA, other unemployed individual is defined as: “as an individual who is without a job for fewer than 27 consecutive weeks (i.e. not long-term unemployed), is not underemployed, and who wants and is available to work”
RTW Definition: Incumbent Workers Ready to Work Definition: Incumbent Worker For the purposes of this SGA, an Incumbent Worker is defined as: “as an employed worker in need of skills upgrade to obtain a new job or retain a current job that is requiring new or different skills in an H-1B industry/occupation, and where training is developed with an employer or employer association to upgrade skills training.” Included in this definition are: Newly hired workers, and Workers whose hours have been reduced and/or earnings have declined. *An employed worker whose employer does not have a training agreement with the grantee (where training is developed with an employer or employer association to upgrade skills training) is not eligible to be served under this SGA.
Selective Service Requirements RTW Policy Guidance: Selective Service Selective Service Requirements Does not apply to H-1B RTW grants H-1B RTW grants are authorized under the American Competitive Workforce Improvement Act (ACWIA). ACWIA does not require that a determination of Selective Service registration status be made prior to determining eligibility to participate in H- 1B RTW. #
Please enter questions in the Chat Room! #
OMB-Approved Data Collection Process H-1B Ready To Work Performance Reporting Guidance #
OMB-Approved RTW Data Collection H-1B RTW Performance Policy Guidance RTW Performance Reporting Handbook Quarterly Performance Report (QPR) Form 9166 Quarterly Narrative Report (QNR) RTW Data Elements and Edit Checks #
Reporting Components in the HUB System For the Quarter Ending 6/30/15, grantees will submit both a QPR and a QNR in HUB. QNR Submit & Certify! QPR #
RTW Quarterly Performance Report What is a Quarterly Performance Report (QPR) ETA Form No. 9166? Indicator of grant program activities: participant training program completion and entered employment outcomes The basis for ETA reports to Congress, the Secretary of Labor, and various other stakeholders. HUB-generated QPR form is based on data files of participant records uploaded in HUB. The RTW QPR ETA Form No. 9166 is generated by HUB! #
RTW Performance Reporting VERSUS Real-time Performance Measures ETA Common Performance Measures Real-time performance measures are reported by all grantees for the quarter in which the activity occurred, in alignment with the grantees’ Statement of Work. ETA’s Common Performance Measures are exit-based and are separate from outcomes reported by grantees.
Collecting Social Security Numbers How to Protect Sensitive Data: Make sure all program staff read the following guidance: Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) TEGL No. 39 - 11: Guidance on Handling and Protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) https://etagrantees.workforce3one.org/view/200122013 9364426060/info #
RTW Performance Reporting Handbook HEADS UP! RTW grantees with existing H-1B Grants A technical assistance resource brief outlining KEY differences between TST/JA and RTW performance reporting will be provided after the webinar. #
RTW Quarterly Progress Reporting Timeline Grantee Access to HUB and TA Timeline Week of July 1, 2015 Grantees will have Access to Upload Data Files Resolving Data File Errors Week of July 20, 2015 Grantees will have access to generating a QPR Form August 14, 2015 Submitting your 6/30/15 Quarterly Progress Reports Technical Assistance: Pre-Recorded Tutorials Technical Assistance: Live “How-to” Sessions Technical Assistance: HUB Office Hours #
H-1B RTW Data Element & Data Files overview Technical assistance on data elements, tracking participant records, and preparing data files for HUB #
RTW Data Elements and Edit Checks & Preparing Your Data Files What is a Data Element? Data element number and name Data definition and instruction Code value Edit check logic Not in the Data Elements Document: QPR Aggregation Rules Tips for Creating your Data File MIS Database or Excel -> csv, txt or dat file Establish file naming systems to track all data files that is successful submitted to DOL. Comprehensive data file of all participants served to date. Tips on How to Prepare for Reporting Participant Intake: Ensure all data element code values are collected for each participant Participant Tracking: Align case management systems with H-1B RTW data elements. #
RTW Case Management Files to Track Participant Data Available Now! TA Resource: Sample Case Management Files and Data Files H-1B RTW Sample Case Management File THIS IS NOT A DATA FILE! For internal grantee tracking purposes only! Data Number 101 102 103 104 Data Element Name SSN Selective Service Status Date of Birth Gender Participant 1 xxx-xx-1111 9 19681106 1 Participant 2 xxx-xx-2222 19660420 2 Participant 3 xxx-xx-3333 19630730 Participant 4 xxx-xx-4444 19500603 Participant 5 xxx-xx-5555 19620218 Each ROW represents one participant COLUMNS represent each data elements code value per participant. HOT TIP! Leaving a data element blank is an acceptable code value if the information is not yet available, or if the data element does not apply to the individual. #
RTW Data File to Report Participant Data H-1B RTW Sample Data File xxx-xx-1111 1 19681106 9 xxx-xx-2222 19660420 2 xxx-xx-3333 19630730 xxx-xx-4444 19500603 xxx-xx-5555 19620218 THIS IS A DATA FILE! Select DE & code values only Tips on Preparing Data Files Data files are comprised of the code values entered for each participant in your case management file. Data files should be a comprehensive list of all participants served to date. Updates to a participant record are made across the data element columns. New participants are added as a new row. HOT TIP! RTW has 67 data elements Data element code values should end in column BO (Excel) Coming Soon! Pre-Recorded Tutorial #2: Preparing Data Files
Case Management Files and Data Files Screen share: Case Management Files and Data Files #
Deep Dive! H-1B RTW Data Elements Technical assistance on key data elements #
DE 204 Long-term Unemployed RTW Data Elements Debrief DE 200: Employment Status 1 = Employed 0 = Not Employed 2 = Received Notice of Termination DE 201 Incumbent Worker 1 = Employed 0 = Not Employed 2 = Received Notice of Termination DE 202 Underemployed Worker 1 = Employed 0 = Not Employed 2 = Received Notice of Termination DE 204 Long-term Unemployed 1 = Employed 0 = Not Employed 2 = Received Notice of Termination #
Unique Participant Identifier in HUB RTW Data Elements Debrief Unique Participant Identifier in HUB DE 101: Social Security Number DE 103: Date of Birth DE 301: Date of Program Participation/Date of First Service Program Participation, Training Completion and Program Exit DE 301: Date of Program Participation/Date of First Service Required for all participants served DE 304: Date of Education Training Program Completion Required only for participants that complete training DE 302: Date of Exit and DE 303: Other Reasons for Exit Program Completion is NOT the same as Program Exit #
Data Elements to Report Intensive Services RTW Data Elements Debrief Data Elements to Report Intensive Services MOST Recent Date Received Service DE 310: Received Case Management Services DE 320: Received Assessment Services DE 330: Received Supportive Services DE 340: Specialized Participant Services DE 350: Paid Work Experience Previous Quarter Received Services … ? Yes No #
RTW Data Elements Debrief Reporting Short-term and Longer-term Training Three Training Activity Dates DE 400 Training Activity #1 DE 410 Training Activity #2 DE 420 Training Activity #3 Three Training Activity Types Primary Types of Training Secondary type of Training Tertiary Type of Training Training Activity #1: 01/15/15 – 6/30/15 DE 402 Primary Type of Training Service: OJT DE 403 Secondary Type of Training Service: Distance Learning DE 420 Tertiary Type of Training Service: Classroom Occupational #
Capturing Employment Outcomes and Retention RTW Data Elements Debrief Capturing Employment Outcomes and Retention DE 503: Entered Training-Related Employment For all unemployed, underemployed, and long-term unemployed participants that complete training and enter employment related to their training program. DE 501: Date Entered Employment For all unemployed, underemployed, and long-term unemployed participants that enter employment at any time in the grant program Before training, during services, after training Incumbent Worker Employment Outcomes DE 504, 514, 524: Employment Retention DE 505, 515, 525: Advancement to New Employment Retention Outcomes NOT Reported by RTW Grants. Captured through Common Measures #
Have you already developed data files? Polling question Have you already developed data files? Yes! We’ve aligned our organization’s MIS systems with the H-1B RTW Data Elements. Almost! We have a firm understanding of the H- 1B Performance Reporting Definitions, Data Elements and Edit Checks Not yet! But we have assembled our team to assess how we can manage this process. #
HUB Phase 2: Reporting System Data File Upload Submitting Data Files in HUB Coming Soon! Pre-Recorded Tutorial #1: HUB System Preview #
Resource Link to HUB http://www.reports.doleta.gov/
Please enter questions in the Chat Room! #
RTW Quarterly Progress Reporting Timeline Grantee Access to HUB and TA Timeline Week of July 1, 2015 Grantees will have Access to Upload Data Files Resolving Data File Errors Week of July 20, 2015 Grantees will have access to generating a QPR Form August 14, 2015 Submitting your 6/30/15 Quarterly Progress Reports Technical Assistance: Pre-Recorded Tutorials Technical Assistance: Live “How-to” Sessions Technical Assistance: HUB Office Hours #
Look for upcoming technical assistance in this series! SAVE DATE the COMING SOON! Pre-Recorded Tutorials (June 2015) HUB Preview, Preparing Data Files, Resolving Data File Errors How-to LIVE Workshop Sessions (July 2015) How to Develop Data Files, Resolve Errors, and HUB Aggregation Rules HUB Office Hours (August 2015) Small Group Calls to Address your TA Needs #
Ready to Work Community of Practice http://etagrantees.workforce3one.org
DOL Contacts Your Federal Project Officers! Ready to Work Grantee Mailbox RTW@dol.gov ETA Help Desk (for HUB System Technical Questions) EBSS.Help@dol.gov #
As a result of this webinar… Polling question As a result of this webinar… I’m a rockstar! I learned everything I need to continue with tracking participant files preparing my data files for reporting. In training! I have a few questions that I would like to address in future TA opportunities. Lost and confused! I have so many questions, I don’t know where to start? Performance Guru! I did not learn anything new that I didn’t already know from TST and JA Reporting. #