The Siberian Ice Maiden Принцесса Укока The Siberian Ice Maiden
Ukok Princess, Pazyryk Culture, Ukok Plateau, Altai Republic, Russia, c. 5th century bce (excavated 1993)
Пазырыкская Культура Pazyryk Culture Left: Ukok Plateau, Altai Republic, Russia Below: Skin of a Tattooed Man, Kurgan 2, Pazyryk, Siberia, Russia, c. 300 bce
Artistic rendering of tomb and photo of frozen tomb Раскопки—Discovery Artistic rendering of tomb and photo of frozen tomb
Татуировки—Tattoos Above: Tattoo on left shoulder Right: Tattoos on left arm (hidden by clothing) and on right thumb
Details of Animal Style Tattoos
Below: Facial Reconstruction of the Ukok Princess, Moscow, Russia Дебаты—The Debate Below: Facial Reconstruction of the Ukok Princess, Moscow, Russia Above: Image from Opening Ceremonies, 2014 Sochi Paralympic Winter Games