‘Yield and cost benefit analysis of cucumber grown under irrigation with different rates of (NPK) fertilizer and spacing’ V
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE The main aim of the experiment is to determine the effect of different rates of NPK fertilizer and spacing levels on the growth and yield of cucumber.
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES To assess yield response of cucumber planted with different rates of NPK fertilizer and spacing To assess the effect of different rates of NPK fertilizer and spacing on cost and benefit of cucumber produced Cost-benefit analysis will be carried out to establish the economic feasibility of the experiment.
MATERIALS AND METHODS THE LOCATION OF THE STUDY This work was an experimental study done at the irrigation site, farm department of Valley View University Techiman campus in the Brong Ahafo region from 16th February 2016 to 30th April 2016 during the dry season of the year. MATERIAL USED Fertilizer Cucumber seeds Drip irrigation kit Stakes Weighing scale
Experimental design and treatments The experiment was in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) having six treatments with three replications. Factors considered were different rate of NPK fertilizer and spacing. The following were the treatment combinations;
NPK APPLICATION SPACING TREATMENT 10g 24cm x 54cm T1 20g T2 30g T3 48cm x 54cm T4 T5 T6
Planting Materials and Nursery Management NANDINI 732 F1 of cucumber seeds was procured from a renowned agrochemical shop within Techiman municipality, followed by nursery raising and management for 14 days. Transplanting Planting was done on the twelve day of December 2013 two weeks after nursery raising with a planting at a distance of 24cm x 54cm and 48cm x 54cm defined by the drip irrigation kit and treatments application requirement cited by liter. A Two seedlings was planted per stand and lately thinned out to one seedling per stand.
Fertilizer treatment applications Cultural Practices Regular watering and hand weeding were done. Each plant was staked using yolk sticks with branches three weeks after transplanting. During the growing season, chemical insecticide was used to control insect pest at weekly interval. Fertilizer treatment applications For the fertilizer treatments, each rate of NPK designated at 10g, 20g and 30g was applied per plant using side placement method at 4 inch away from the plants.
Harvesting Yield parameters Total fruit number per treatment The first harvesting was done 45 days after sowing in the dry season. Yield parameters Total fruit number per treatment All harvested fruits were counted per treatment for the five replicates Weight of total yield per treatment. An electronic weighing scale was used, zeroed to (0.00g) used in records of all harvested fruits per treatment and its replicates
Total number of marketable fruits per treatment Marketable yields (uniform color, size and shape, undamaged by pests and also disease free) were sorted out and counted per treatment Weight of marketable yield per treatment. Marketable fruits per treatment were weighed using an electronic weighing scale
Statistical analysis of data All data collected were statistically analyzed using the GenStat Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) software. Differences between means were determined using the Least Significant Difference (LSD) test at 0.05 level. The individual treatments cost components were isolated and amplified at the prevailing market price. Again total output (yield in weight (g)) from each treatments was valued at current market price to obtain the total cost and revenue
Net profit margin and Benefit/Cost ratio was conducted by employing the equations: Net Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost (TC), which is Total variable Cost (TVC) + Total Fixed Cost (TFC) Benefit (Total Revenue) Benefit / Cost ratio = ____________________ Total Cost of Production
The effect of different spacing and NPK fertilizer rates on cucumber yield (number of fruits) and weight (g) /week / treatment The effect of various treatments on number of fruits and fruits weight Average No. Of fruits/week/Treatment Average weight(g)Of fruits/week/Treatment Treatments 10g*24x54 13 3,999 20g*24x54 14 5,045 30g*24x54 15 5,775.33 10g*48x54 4,775.67 20g*48x54 16 5,678.33 30g*72x54 17 6,045.67 (g) of cucumber
Summary of the data
Summary of the data
Summary of the data This data summarizes the effect of (NPK) fertilizer and spacing on average number of fruits and fruits weight per (g) of cucumber per treatment per week. The result revealed that there is a significant difference among the rates of fertilizer used. Moreover, a significant difference was recorded with respect to spacing. The interaction of NPK fertilizer and spacing on the yield of cucumber was statistically significant. The highest yield was obtained from the combination of 30g of NPK with 48 x 54cm spacing and the lowest yield from the combination of 10g of NPK with 24 x 54cm spacing.
COST – BENEFIT ANALYSIS The projected cos-benefit analysis of each treatment under I acre capacity drip irrigation system of cucumber production. TREATMENTS/ ACRE T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 COST ITEMS(GHs) 10g*24x54(cm) 20g*24x54(cm) 30g*24x54(cm) 10g*48x54(cm) 20g*48x54(cm) 30g*48x54(cm) GHS Land clearing 70 Ploughing 80 Harrowing Seed cost(GHs40/tin) 40 Planting 90 50 Fertilizer 432 864 1290 Fertilizer Application 60 45 Staking 150 75 Weeding 100 Insect control 296 148 Depreciation on Irrigation kit 233 Irrigation Water 4,200 Depreciation on farm tools Total cost 5,911 6,343 6,769 5,593 6,025 6,451 TOTAL REVENUE(GHS) 35,991 45,405 46,677 21,490 25,552.50 27,205.00 Net Profit 30,080 39,062 39,908 15,897 19,528 20,754 UBCR 6.09 7.16 6.90 3.84 4.24 4.22
Result on cost-benefit analysis Total cost (TC) is defined as the sum of fixed cost (FC) plus variable costs (VC) and marketing cost, that is TFC + TVC = TC. The total cost of production was calculated to determine the Input-output relationship. However, it was found that depreciation on fixed assets was constant rate across fertilizer treatments as shown in the table below. The variable cost such as cost of fertilizer varied from treatment to treatment. The variable cost incurred was the cost of different rates of fertilizers, insect’s control, seed cost and labor cost. These costs are known as working capital required for the production cycle .The estimated TVC of each varied from treatment to treatment
Result on cost-benefit analysis Fixed cost is estimated by calculating all the costs incurred at initial stage of project. The main cost involved are depreciation on knapsack sprayer, tools and irrigation kits. Variable cost in this project are cost of seeds, fertilizer, insecticides, weeding and staking.
Result on cost-benefit analysis Revenue Generated Revenue generated was the sales of fresh cucumber fruits which varied from treatment to treatment. Net Returns Net returns are defined as difference between total revenue (TR) and total cost (TC) i.e. TR-TC. Net returns were determined by subtracting total cost of production from total income per treatment realized after the project. The net returns is given in the Table indicating the average net return earned
Result on cost-benefit analysis Un-discounted Benefit / Cost Ratio (UBCR) of the project UBCR was calculated by dividing as to revenue by total costs. The benefit/cost ratio of this project as presented above indicated that the ratio was 6.09: 1, 7.16: 1, 6.90: 1, 3.84: 1, 4.24: 1 and 4.22: 1 respectively. Meaning that every GHC1.00 you invest in this project using the above treatments, the following proceeds will be recoup as a returns in the project, GHC 6.09, GHC 7.16, GHC 6.90, GHC 3.84, and GHC 4.22 respectively across treatments. It is clear from the table that, treatment 2 (the interaction of 20g*24cm x 54cm) in cucumber production is the best option to go for if the experiment is being extended on large scale production, which gave the highest value of UBCR ratio.
Results From the aforementioned discussion, it could be concluded that there was a significant increase in final number of fruits harvested and fruit weight (g) of cucumber as a result of NPK fertilizer application at the rate of 648kg NPK/acre. A significant interaction was also noticed at 648kg NPK/acre at 48 x 54cm spacing, which gave the highest yield. Spacing and fertilizer level of 48 x 54cm with 150 kg 648kg NPK/acre showed better performance than other spacing and fertilizer rates.
Result on cost-benefit analysis However, the cost benefit analysis of the project depicts that treatment (20g*24x54cm) is the best option to go for if the experiment is going to be implemented in a large scale. Because increment of spacing reduces plant population and hence yield and revenue is reduced as shown in the above table that may not be practical. But the results from the experiment affirms that for better yield, treatment 6 (30g*48x54cm) the interaction of 30g of NPK fertilizer at 48cm x 54cm spacing should be opted for.
Recommendations From the data obtained from this study, it is hereby recommended to farmers in the study area for a more profitable production of cucumber to opt for treatment 6 (the interaction of 30g of NPK at 48cm x 54cm spacing).
Recommendations From the data obtained from this study, it is hereby recommended to farmers in the study area for a more profitable production of cucumber to opt for treatment 6 (the interaction of 30g of NPK and 48cm x 54cm spacing).
References (Gopalan, 2004). Matthew and Karikari (1995) suggested that 85-113 g of leafy and 57- 113 g of non-leafy vegetables should be consumed per day per person for healthy growth. (Chadha et al., 2006). (Lawal, 2000). (Donard and Escor, 1988, Ifitihar et al., 2004). (Abdel et al., 2005). suggested that, spacing affect the growth and yield of cucumber. Shorter internodes, thinner branches without epical dominance, fruit setting and tertiary branches were all affected by spacing. Growth and yield parameters are under the influence of spacing1