2 Policies May Be Better Than 1 Read Slide Using 2 Policies May Significantly Enhance Your Value Policies issued by American General Life Insurance Company, member of American International Group, Inc. (AIG)
The New and Improved Return of Premium (ROP) Play Quality of Life (QoL) Guarantee Plus Guaranteed Universal Life (GUL) II + QoL Flex Term Read Slide The New and Improved Return of Premium (ROP) Play
QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II + QoL Flex Term Example George is 55, preferred non-tobacco and currently needs $2 million of death benefit protection for his family. He would prefer to not make premium payments during his retirement years. George hopes to maintain some death benefit during his retirement years but not necessarily all $2 million. If he could access the policy for income shortfalls or financial emergencies that would be an ideal solution. Read Slide What would be the most appropriate solution? Term? GUL? Indexed Universal Life (IUL)? Laddered policies? This hypothetical example is for illustrative purposes only. Not an actual case and intended solely to depict how the product features may work. It does not reflect the value of any specific Policy. Restrictions and limitations may apply.
QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II + QoL Flex Term $1 million QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II w/ Lifestyle Income Solution Rider (LIS) Premium $17,999 $1 million 20 year QoL Flex Term 20 year Term Premium $3,440 Total Annual Premium $21,439 X 20 Years $428,780 Lifestyle Income Solution 75, Age 76-85 $430,000 Note: We paid up the GUL in 20 years or at George’s age 75. Receive back all “guaranteed” paid premium and still have Remaining Death Benefit $140,000 Figures as of 7/3/2017. Read Slide LIS Calculation: Input LIS amount of $43,500 from ages 76-85 This hypothetical example is for illustrative purposes only. Not an actual case and intended solely to depict how the product features may work. It does not reflect the value of any specific Policy. Restrictions and limitations may apply.
QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II + QoL Flex Term $1million QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II w/ Lifestyle Income Solution Rider Premium $17,999 $1 millions 20 year QoL Flex Term 20 yr Term Premium $3,440 By presenting this solution what did you just accomplish for George? Total Annual Premium $21,439 X 20 Years $428,780 Lifestyle Income Solution 75, Age 76-85 $430,000 Receive back all “guaranteed” paid premium and still have Remaining Death Benefit $140,000 Met his need of $2 million of death benefit protection. Reduced the premium outlay by laddering* a GUL and a term policy. Allowed George to turn his policy into positive cash flow during his retirement years. With the QoL Accelerated Benefit Riders you’ve created a pool of money for George to access in the event of chronic illness. If he waited to accelerate the Lifestyle Income Solution rider he could increase his annual income. Figures as of 7/3/2017. Explain numbers then read bullets *Please contact a financial professional to determine if the laddering technique is appropriate for your situation. This hypothetical example is for illustrative purposes only. Not an actual case and intended solely to depict how the product features may work. It does not reflect the value of any specific Policy. Restrictions and limitations may apply.
2 QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Policies Read Slide Two Policies for Double the Guaranteed Income Duration
2 QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Policies Example Jonathan is a 45 year old that desires $1million in death benefit protection. He’s uncertain whether he will need the entire $1million of death benefit in perpetuity. He’s somewhat risk averse and likes the idea of having a guaranteed income source during retirement. Has some concerns on the potential costs of future care should he become chronically ill. What is the most appropriate solution? Term and a Single Premium Immediate Annuity? Guaranteed Universal Life and a deferred annuity? Long Term Care (LTC) policy? Read Slide This hypothetical example is for illustrative purposes only. Not an actual case and intended solely to depict how the product features may work. It does not reflect the value of any specific Policy. Restrictions and limitations may apply.
2 QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Policies One Policy Solution Solution #1 $1 million QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Annual Premium $9,522 X 20 Years $190,436 LIS @ 76-85 $60,000 LIS @ 86-95 $100,000 Figures as of 2/28/2017. Two Policy Solution* Solution #2 Although it costs a little extra, Jonathan likes solution #2 for the flexibility AND the ability to have up to 20 years of guaranteed income. 2 $500k QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Annual Premium $10,334 X 20 Years $206,680 LIS @ 76-85 $30,000 LIS @ 86-95 $50,000 Read Slide LIS Calculations Solution 1: Input $60,000 LIS from ages 75-85 OR input LIS $100,000 from ages 85-95 LIS Calculations Solution 2: Input $30,000 LIS from ages 75-85 or input $50,000 LIS from ages 85-95 Figures as of 2/28/2017. *Please contact a financial professional to determine if the laddering technique is appropriate for your situation. This hypothetical example is for illustrative purposes only. Not an actual case and intended solely to depict how the product features may work. It does not reflect the value of any specific Policy. Restrictions and limitations may apply.
2 QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Policies 2 $500k QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Annual Premium $10,344 X 20 Years $206,680 LIS @ 76-85 $30,000 LIS @ 86-95 $50,000 By presenting this solution what did you just accomplish for Jonathan? Figures as of 2/28/2017. Provided his desired $1million of death benefit. Yielded a flexible guaranteed income level for up to 20 YEARS! Return of Premium on 2 policies (Policy years 20 and 25) $1M made available for QoL Accelerated Benefit Rider coverage should he need it. Explain numbers then read bullets Provided this flexibility at an additional cost of only about $850 per year. This hypothetical example is for illustrative purposes only. Not an actual case and intended solely to depict how the product features may work. It does not reflect the value of any specific Policy. Restrictions and limitations may apply.
2 QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Policies Read Slide Using ROP to pay up second policy
2 QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Policies Example Sandra is 50 and a standard non-tobacco risk. She currently has a $2 million insurance need for personal planning needs. She has some concerns over prior insurance presentations with limited flexibility and options on GUL contracts. However, she doesn’t want to continue waiting to put insurance in force while they’re both still healthy. Read Slide What is the most appropriate solution? One Guaranteed Universal Life policy? Two Guaranteed Universal Life policies? This hypothetical example is for illustrative purposes only. Not an actual case and intended solely to depict how the product features may work. It does not reflect the value of any specific Policy. Restrictions and limitations may apply.
2 QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Policies Solution #1 One Guaranteed Universal Life would work well. It’s guaranteed cash value and 100% Return of Premium in year 25 may provide the flexibility she desires. This would be an all pay of $20,010 for a guarantee to age 105. She could also surrender her policy in the 25th year and get the entire $500,241 of premium back. Solution #2 Female, age 50, Standard non-tobacco, $1 million death benefit for each policy 2 QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Policies Solution Policy 1 Age 105 Premium $10,005 Policy 2 Total Annual Premium $20,010 Surrender Return of Premium in Year 25 $250,121 Single Pay in Year 26 to Maintain age 105 Guarantee $185,000 Remaining Return of Premium $65,121 Death Benefit Years 26+ $1,000,000 Read Slide Figures as of 2/28/2017. This hypothetical example is for illustrative purposes only. Not an actual case and intended solely to depict how the product features may work. It does not reflect the value of any specific Policy. Restrictions and limitations may apply.
2 QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Policies 2 QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Policies Solution Policy 1 Age 105 Premium $10,005 Policy 2 Total Annual Premium $20,010 Surrender Return of Premium in Year 25 $250,121 Single Pay in Year 26 to Maintain age 105 Guarantee $185,000 Remaining Return of Premium $65,121 Death Benefit Years 26+ $1,000,000 By presenting this solution what did you accomplish for Sandra? Figures as of 2/28/2017. Provided her desired $2 million of death benefit. The flexibility to not only cut her coverage in half but also get all of their premium back on the surrendered policy. Provided this flexibility at an no additional premium cost by splitting the policies. She still has access to the death benefit for chronic, critical, or terminal illness. Return of Premium on 2 policies (Policy years 20 and 25) Explain numbers then read bullets This hypothetical example is for illustrative purposes only. Not an actual case and intended solely to depict how the product features may work. It does not reflect the value of any specific Policy. Restrictions and limitations may apply.
Read Slide Questions
Important Information Important Consumer Disclosures Regarding Accelerated Benefit Riders Disclosures Applicable to Critical Illness Accelerated Death Benefit Rider, Chronic Illness Accelerated Death Benefit Rider, and Terminal Illness Accelerated Death Benefit Rider (1)When filing a claim for Qualifying Critical Illness under a Critical Illness Accelerated Death Benefit Rider, for Qualifying Chronic Illness under a Chronic Illness Accelerated Death Benefit Rider or for Qualifying Terminal Illness under a Terminal Illness Accelerated Death Benefit Rider, the claimant must provide to the Company a completed claim form and then- current Certification which must be received at its Administrative Center. (2)If a benefit under the Critical Illness Accelerated Death Benefit Rider is payable, the Company will provide the Owner with one (1) opportunity to elect a Critical Illness Accelerated Benefit Amount as to the occurrence of the Qualifying Critical Illness in question. To make such an election, the Owner must complete an election form and return it to AGL within the Election Period set forth in the rider (i.e., within 60 days of the owner’s receipt of the election form). The Company will not provide a later opportunity to elect a Critical Illness Accelerated Benefit Amount under a Policy as to the same occurrence of a Qualifying Critical Illness. (3)If a benefit under the Chronic Illness Accelerated Death Benefit Rider or under the Terminal Illness Accelerated Death Benefit Rider is payable, the Company will provide the Owner with an opportunity to elect a Chronic Illness Accelerated Benefit Amount as to the Qualifying Chronic Illness in question or to elect a Terminal Illness Accelerated Death Benefit Amount as to the Qualifying Terminal Illness in question, as applicable. To make an election, the Owner must complete an election form and return it to AGL within 60 days of the Owner’s receipt of the election form. (4) Under certain circumstances where an insured’s mortality (i.e., our expectation of the insured’s life expectancy) is not significantly changed by a Qualifying Critical Illness or a Qualifying Chronic Illness and, notwithstanding the Minimum Accelerated Benefit Amount provision, the accelerated benefit may be zero. (5)See your policy for applicable requirements concerning claim and election forms for accelerated death benefits. (6)Benefits payable under an accelerated death benefit rider may be taxable. Neither American General Life Insurance Company nor any agent representing it is authorized to give legal or tax advice. Please consult a qualified legal or tax advisor regarding questions concerning the information and concepts contained in this material. Read Slide
Important Information (7)Generally, we will send you an IRS Form 1099-LTC if you receive an accelerated death benefit on account of a Chronic Illness or a Terminal Illness. We will send you an IRS Form 1099-R if you receive an accelerated death benefit on account of a Critical Illness. The sum that will be included in Box 2 (Accelerated death benefits paid) of IRS Form 1099-LTC or in Box 1 (Gross distribution) of IRS Form 1099-R will be the actual sum you received by check or otherwise minus any refund of premium and/or loan interest included with our benefit payment plus any unpaid but due policy premium, if applicable, and/or pro rata amount of any loan balance. (8)The maximum amount of life insurance death benefits that may be accelerated as to an Insured Person under all accelerated benefit riders is the lesser of the existing amount of such death benefits or a lifetime maximum of $2,000,000. (9)See your policy for details. The Company, its financial professionals and other representatives are not authorized to give legal, tax or accounting advice. Applicable laws and regulations are complex and subject to change. Any tax statements in this material are not intended to suggest the avoidance of U.S. federal, state or local tax penalties. For advice concerning your situation, consult your professional attorney, tax advisor or accountant. Policies issued by American General Life Insurance Company (AGL), Policy Form Numbers 15442, 15442-5, ICC15-15442, 15442-10A; Rider Form Numbers 15602, ICC15- 15602, 15603, ICC15-15603, 15604, ICC15-15604, 15600, ICC15-15600, 15972, 15972-5, 82012, 82012-CA, 82410, 88390, 14002, 14002-5, ICC14-14002,15990, 13600-5, AGLA 04CHIR-CA (0514), AGLA 04CRIR, and AGLA 04TIR. Please visit qualityoflifeinsurance.com for Important Consumer Disclosures regarding Accelerated Benefit Riders. Issuing company AGL is responsible for financial obligations of insurance products and is a member of American International Group, Inc. (AIG). Guarantees are backed by the claims- paying ability of the issuing insurance company. AGL does not solicit business in the state of New York. Products may not be available in all states and product features may vary by state. There may be a charge for each rider selected. See the rider for details regarding the benefit descriptions, limitations and exclusions. Riders are not available in all states. Names and benefits of ABRs may be different in some states. Please consult your financial professional or review the policy and outline of coverage for your state. Policy guarantees and benefits are not backed by the broker/dealer and/or insurance agency selling the policy, nor by any of their affiliates, and none of them makes any representations or guarantees regarding the claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company. © 2016 AIG. All rights reserved. Read Slide
Important Information When filing a claim for Qualifying Critical Illness, Qualifying Terminal Illness or Qualifying Chronic Illness under an Accelerated Benefit Rider, the claimant must provide to the Company a completed claim form (with Certification attached in the case of a Qualifying Chronic Illness) which must be received at its Administrative Center within the time frame specified in the Rider, if any. If a benefit under an Accelerated Benefit Rider is payable and the Owner elects to receive such benefit, the Company will provide the Owner with one (1) opportunity to elect a Flexible Accelerated Benefit and/or a Defined Accelerated Benefit, if applicable, under the Policy as to such Qualifying Event. To make such an election, the Owner must complete an election form and return it to AGL within 60 days of receipt of the election form. The Company will not provide a later opportunity to elect a Flexible Accelerated Benefit and/or a Defined Accelerated Benefit, if applicable, under a Policy as to the same Qualifying Critical Illness or Qualifying Chronic Illness. Under certain circumstances where an insured’s mortality (i.e., our expectation of the insured’s life expectancy) is not significantly changed by a Qualifying Critical Illness or Qualifying Chronic Illness, the accelerated benefit may be zero. The failure to provide a required claim form and a required election form (with the requested attachments) within the periods set forth for each in a Policy may preclude payment of a benefit. Benefits payable under an accelerated benefit rider may be taxable. Neither American General Life Insurance Company nor any agent representing it is authorized to give legal or tax advice. Please consult a qualified legal or tax advisor regarding questions concerning the information and concepts contained in this material. Generally, we will send you an IRS Form 1099-LTC if you receive an accelerated death benefit on account of a Chronic Illness or a Terminal Illness. We will send you an IRS Form 1099-R if you receive an accelerated death benefit on account of a Critical Illness. The sum that will be included in Box 2 (Accelerated death benefits paid) of IRS Form 1099-LTC or in Box 1 (Gross distribution) of IRS Form 1099-R will be the actual sum you received by check or otherwise minus any refund of premium and/or loan interest included with our benefit payment plus any unpaid but due policy premium, if applicable, and/or pro rata amount of any loan balance. The maximum amount of life insurance death benefits that may be accelerated as to an Insured Person under all accelerated benefit riders is the lesser of the existing amount of such death benefits or a lifetime maximum of $1,500,000. Read Slide
Important Information See your policy for details. The insurance company may contest the policy from the date of policy issue, a reinstatement or an increase in coverage, during a period provided by applicable law and described in the policy, for the misstatement or misrepresentation of material fact on the application for such policy, reinstatement, or increase. If an Insured Person dies by suicide within the suicide period provided by applicable law and description in the policy, the death benefit will be limited as provided by the policy. Rider names, benefits and definitions may vary in some states and/or not be available in all states. Neither American General Life Insurance Company nor any agent representing it is authorized to give legal or tax advice. © AIG 2017. All rights reserved AGLC110722 MC Job #35138-17 Read Slide