Latitude, Climate, & Elevation


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Presentation transcript:

Latitude, Climate, & Elevation

Climate Earth’s annual revolutions around the sun creates predictable climate patterns. These patterns correspond with bands, or zones of latitude The low latitude zone: 30°N to 30°S The mid latitude zone: 30°N to 60°N and 30°S to 60°S The high latitude zone : 60°N to 90°N and 60°S to 90°S

Climate Zones

Low Latitude zone Includes the Tropic of Capricorn, the Tropic of Cancer, and the equator Receives direct rays from the sun year-round Warm and hot climates Has two seasons, wet and dry. Also referred to as the Tropic Zone

Low latitude zone

Mid latitude zone Has climates with the most variable weather on earth. Generally has temperate climates (fairly hot to fairly cold) with dramatic seasonal weather changes (experiences four seasons.) Warm/hot and cool/cold air masses move across the mid-latitudes and affect the weather throughout the year Also referred to as the Temperate Zones

Mid Latitude Zone

High Latitude zone Has the coldest climates on Earth When the Northern or Southern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun its polar area receives nearly continuous, but indirect, sunlight. Has two seasons, polar night and polar day. Also referred to as the Artic and Antarctic Zones

High latitude zone

Elevation At all latitudes, elevation influences the climate because of the relationship between the elevation of a place and its temperature The Earth’s atmosphere thins as elevation increases Less dense air retains less heat. As elevation increases, temperatures decrease by about 3.5°F for every 1000 feet.


Questions Using latitude zones and elevation predict and describe the climate of one city on each of the 7 continents. Explain your prediction. Why would Mexico City, Mexico, which is farther south (closer to the equator) than Baghdad, Iraq, yet Mexico City have a far cooler climate? Where can you find snow in the low latitude zone of the African continent? Why is it there?

Journal In your own words, how does latitude and elevation affect climate? Which climate zone would you prefer to live in and why?