SOL REVIEW….PLATE TECTONICS Read each fact carefully and then be prepared to answer the questions that follow NO TALKING HIGHLIGHT WHAT YOU DO NOT KNOW HERE WE GO
Hawaiian Islands were not created by plate movement but by HOT SPOTS Oceanic Crust…thin, young & dense…sinks Plate Tectonics Continental Crust… thick, old & less dense…floats Volcano & Earthquake locations were used to establish plate boundaries 3 Types of Plate Movement or Boundaries: CONVERGENT DIVERGENT TRANSFORM Ex. San Andreas Fault OLDEST Crust Sea Floor being destroyed here YOUNGEST Crust Sea Floor being created here Key words for each plate boundary include: collision,→←, crashing, subduction zone pulling apart,←→, sea floor spreading newest sea floor sliding past each other,↑↓, strike-slip, earthquakes Features created at each boundary include: Mountains, Volcanoes, Trenches, Mid-ocean ridges, Rift valleys & Volcanoes Hawaiian Islands were not created by plate movement but by HOT SPOTS Pangaea…one landmass
Earthquake Info: Plate Tectonics & Earthquakes 3 seismograph stations are needed to find the epicenter Earthquakes occur when there is movement along a fault (crack) Plate motion occurs as a result of convection in Earth’s mantle. Plate movement is driven by convection currents in the mantle. Epicenter Hot rises, cold sinks Earthquake & Volcanic activity is associated with all plate boundaries Earthquake Info: Ring of Fire: surrounds the Pacific Ocean Plate…high area of earthquake/volcano activity P-Waves Arrive 1st & travel through solids and liquids S-Waves arrive 2nd & travel through solids only…inner core of Earth is solid Outer Core is Liquid Epicenter (911) happens on the surface of the earth Focus happens deep inside the earth…
Can you answer the following questions? Which is the best evidence of crustal movement? Molten rock in the Earth’s outer core Titled sedimentary rock layers Where are earthquakes most likely to take place? Marine fossils found below sea level Along the core-mantle boundary Glacial striations found on bedrock Which location is closest to the earthquake epicenter? Where the composition of the Earth tends to be uniform Near the Earth’s Equator Near a fault zone A B C D Where is the thickest part of the Earth’s crust? At the edge of continental shelves At mid-oceanic ridges The igneous material along mid-oceanic ridges is found to be younger than the igneous material from the ridge. This fact supports the theory of Under continental mountain ranges Under volcanic islands Continental Drift Superposition Seafloor spreading Cross cutting
Can you answer the following questions? Which location best represents plate movement along a diverging boundary? A B C D Which diagram represents plate movement associated with transform faults such as those causing California earthquakes? A Which diagram shows a subduction zone? B C D A B C D Which diagram represents 2 continental plates converging? A B C D
Can you answer the following questions? Movement of the crustal plates shown in the diagram is most likely caused by The revolution of the Earth The erosion of the Earth’s crust The crust at the mid-ocean ridges is composed mainly of Shifting of the Earth’s magnetic poles Convection currents in the Earth’s mantle Mid-ocean ridges such as East Pacific Rise and the Oceanic Ridge are best described as shale limestone granite basalt Mountains containing folded sedimentary rocks Sections of the ocean floor that contain the youngest oceanic crust Moutains containing fossils of present day marine life
Can you answer the following questions? Which seismogram was recorded at Tampa? A B C D How many seismograph stations are needed to find the epicenter of an earthquake? The primary cause of convection currents in the Earth’s mantle is believed to be the 1 2 3 4 Differences in densities of earth materials Rotation of the Earth Occurrence of earthquakes