How many people lived in the World in 1800? 1 Billion 2 Billion GAPMINDER.ORG Version 20121220
2. How many people live in the World today? 3 Billion 7 Billion GAPMINDER.ORG
3. How many people will live in the World in year 2100, according to UN forecasts? 5 Billion 10 Billion 15 Billion 20 Billion 25 Billion GAPMINDER.ORG
4. How has population changed since 1800? It has increased steadily First it increased slowly, but since 1900 it has increased fast It has been stable It has decreased steadily First it decreased slowly, but since 1900 it has decreased fast GAPMINDER.ORG
a) It will continue to increase b) It will be more or less stable 5. How will the world population change after 2100, according to UN forecasts? a) It will continue to increase b) It will be more or less stable c) It will continue to decrease GAPMINDER.ORG
6. Which one of the four graphs below show the correct population trend? 1900 2000 2100 10 20 1800 Time Billion people B D GAPMINDER.ORG