FIELDS V1234 Thermal Vacuum & Balance Tests iPER Draft Gayle K. Martin Sasha Siy Jose Fermin David Glaser Paul Turin Brent Mochizuki John Bonnell Steve Marker April 25, 2017
Contents Thermal Design Thermal Balance Test Completed Thermal Testing Thermal Vacuum Test Objectives and Summary Mechanical Test Configuration Test Cases and Parameters Electrical Test Configuration Thermocouple Locations Test Profile and Parameters Status
V1234 Thermal Design Note: old graphics
V1234 Thermal Design -77 -82 Note: old graphics
V1234 Flight Unit Flight unit pictures as of 4/21/16 Note: V3 radiator is larger than V124 due to radiative heating from SPC
Mission Phases and Distances from the Sun Hot MP# Cold #MP Mission Phase Instrument Operation SPP - Sun Distance (AU) SC Orientation y-axis 1 101 Launch Aphelion 1 Off 1.02 Varies 2 102 Heat Radiators 1 & 4 (slew) ~90° 3 103 Recharge and cruise 45° 4 104 Launch error correction 5 105 6F 106F Fields Deployment On 0.97 0° 7 107 Heat radiators 2 & 3 (slew) 0.9 90° 8 108 Cruise, thermal slew 9 109 Cruise, instrument checkout, fanbeam/SSR playback 0.82 10 110 HGA commission and SSR playbacks 0.75 11 111 Venus warm-ip, eclipse recharge 0.72 12 112 communication downlink (slew up to 45° +margin) 0.7 0° - 45° 13 113 Science turn on/off 0.25 14 114 Science perihelion 1, 34.9 Rs 0.162 15 115 Science perihelion 1, 27.4 Rs 0.127 16 116 Science perihelion 1, 19.9 Rs 0.093 17 117 Science perihelion 1, 15.5 Rs 0.072 18 118 Science perihelion 1, 12.9 Rs 0.06 19 119 Science perihelion 1, 11.1 Rs 0.052 20 120 Science perihelion 1, 9.86 Rs 0.046 21 121 Science with two 4hr Xband and recharge, 20 Rs MP104 worst case cold, MP6 and MP106 deployment, and MP20 worst case hot Spacecraft power sensitive cases: MP103, 112, 113
V1234 Completed Thermal Tests Description Date Location Optical Properties Thermal properties of Nb C103 and Moly-TZM at high temperatures 2012 Odeillo, France Choke Thermal Design Verified the thermal design of the choke with TTM1 & 2 Outgassing Nb-C103 Verified low outgassing of Nb-C103; no mass losses seen under 1405°C NASA Glenn, Cleveland OH Material Compatibility Verified that all materials are compatible at high temperatures (no eutectics) 2013-2014 VPE, Sacramento CA Thermal Distortion Verified low thermal distortion of antenna 2013 SRI, Menlo Park CA Electrical Verification Verified electrical design at flight temps (sapphire, alumina, NbC103) 2014 Shield & Stub Thermal Design Verified thermal design with balance test using 4 light sources SAO, Cambridge MA Hinge deployment Verified hinge deployment temperatures 2014- 2015 SSL, Berkeley CA Thermal Design Verified thermal design with balance test at flight temperatures 2015 ORNL, Oak Ridge TN ETU Test Thermal balance test at operational and survival temperatures on hinge and harness ITVT Verified flight harness electrical connectivity and heat transfer from harness & TPS to the preamp 2017 GSFC, Greenbelt MD
Thermal Vacuum V1234 Flight Units
V1234 TV Objectives and Summary Test Objectives Qualify the flight model of the FIELDS V1234 Verify that the V1234 preamps can bear the temperatures Provide workmanship and performance verification by stressing the components to flight allowable temperatures Test Summary All 4 flight units will be tested together Component temperatures will be tested to 10°C beyond flight model predicts (to flight allowable temperatures of electronics) 1 survival and 6 operational thermal cycles will be complete in vacuum Functionals complete during every operational soak 2 hot and cold starts 2 deployments (hot and cold)
V1234 TV Mechanical Test Configuration The V1234 flight unit will be tested in the UCB/SSL Bayside thermal vacuum chamber There are two temperature zones for the TV test Chamber baseplate (heating & cooling) Chamber shroud (heating & cooling) Bayside chamber at UCB/SSL feedthrough port and thermal control rack Bayside chamber at UCB/SSL with aluminum baseplate and shroud
V1234 TV Mechanical Test Configuration The flight units will be fully assembled up to the stub (no whip) The units will be mounted on aluminum standoffs, the interface for the flight titanium spacers A shelf will be used to accommodate the harness The radiators will be thermally coupled with thermal straps to the baseplate to help increase transition time
V1234 TV Electrical Test Configuration Electrical configuration Stimulus clamps for each shield Stimulus clamps for each stub Stimulus “stub” The flight units will be controlled via the EM MEP Thermal control Thermocouples and temperature zones controlled and monitored via AnaWin2
V1234 TV Thermocouple Locations Thermocouples will be mounted along the flight unit and instruments internal to the chamber to verify temperatures during thermal cycling The internal thermistor will verify that the temperatures have stabilized during instrument operation (not available during survival) TC # Location 1 Door Shroud 2 Main Shroud 3 Baseplate 4 V1 Arm 5 V2 Arm 6 V3 Arm 7 V4 Arm 8 V1 Pin puller 9 V2 Pin puller 10 V3 Pin puller 11 V4 Pin puller 12 n/a broken channel 13 V1 Preamp box lid 14 V2 Preamp box lid 15 V3 Preamp box lid 16 V4 Preamp box lid 6 10 15
V1234 TV Test Profile and Parameters The test duration for the combined thermal cycling test will take ~14 days (with 4 hour soaks) Duration includes set-up, chamber break, and disassembly Instrument functions Pre-test functional Hot and cold operation CPTs Post-test functional Instrument deployments: Hot and cold deployment of all units Cold deployment, all 4 at minimum bus voltage of 26V Hot deployment, 2 units at each at bus min and max voltage of 26V and 35V, respectively Test parameters The transition rate of the instrument is not to exceed 3°C per minute Start of soak is defined when the control temperature is within 1°C of the test temperature Soak is defined as a minimum of four hour at case temperatures with a change in temperature of ±1°C Temperature set-points for each case Survival = -77°C to 90°C Operational = -77°C to 90°C Temperature profile on following slide TQCM measurement will be made at the end of the test Future vacuum testing Additional vacuum exposure will occur on the flight hardware during Observatory level S/C test
V1234 TV Test Profile Hot start Cold start Cold
V1234 TV Heater Verification Heater duty cycle will be verified during TB test Heater circuit (thermostatically controlled) will be tested to verify that each thermostat and heater works as planned Single heater circuit for operational and survival controlled through S/C service
V1234 TV Status 4/25/2017 Mounting hardware Thermal hardware Harness Mounting plate, spacer posts, shelf and hardware ready for cleaning Stub and shield stimulus clamps are in fab Clickbonds and Teflon tubing ready for cleaning Thermal hardware Straps are ready for cleaning Thermal mounting hardware for straps are needed Thermocouples are ready Harness Flight harness included on units Test harness in fab Harness needs cleaning All hardware in the chamber has been verified for vacuum compatibility and temperature limits
Thermal Balance V1234 Flight Unit
V1234 TB Objectives and Summary Test Objectives Maintain temperatures within survival limits while in non-operating mode and operational limits while in operating mode Demonstrate proper function of survival and operational heaters, including duty cycle Measure the isolation scheme resistance including bracket, bolts, ground straps, harness between the flight instrument and spacecraft Collect enough data to correlate thermal model Test Summary A single flight unit (spare) will be tested in the UCB/SSL SNOUT1 thermal vacuum chamber Thermocouples will be mounted along the flight unit, shroud and baseplate to verify temperatures during thermal balance The flight unit will be fully assembled including MLI The heaters will be operational for the heater verification portion of the test
V1234 TB Mechanical Test Configuration Flight hardware configuration No whip V124 unit Deployed Simulated conductive and radiative interface SNOUT1 thermal vacuum chamber at UCB/SSL Mounted to the baseplate via spacer posts (required for clearance) Flight harness, ground straps and spacer are included Fully blanketed Radiative view to shroud and heater plate (black) Baseplate blanketed Temperature zones for the TB test Three temperature zones to create a gradient for correlation Shroud, baseplate, and heater plate (located at MLI shield side) Shroud and baseplate are enabled with heating and cooling capability Door opening will be blanketed (no thermal control) Baseplate Shroud Test Unit Heater Plate Door MLI End Shroud & heater plate MLI
V1234 TB Thermocouple Locations Thermocouples will be mounted along the flight unit and instruments internal to the chamber to verify temperatures during thermal cycling The internal thermistor will verify that the temperatures have stabilized during instrument operation (not available during survival) 7 9 10 15 13 TC # Location 1 Baseplate 2 Shroud 3 Heater Plate 4 Door MLI 5 MLI on TPS shield 6 TPS shield 7 Hinge 8 Preamp box lid 9 Pin puller 10 Arm Radiator 11 Radiator near strut 12 Harness saddle (near strut) 13 Arm near connector 14 Spacer (near spacer posts) 15 Shield 1 16 Shield 2 6 14 11 12 13 5
V1234 TB Test Cases and Parameters Four balance cases will be completed, two survival and two operational cases plus heater verification Test parameters The transition rate of the instrument is not to exceed 3°C per minute Start of soak is defined when the control temperature is within 1°C of the test temperature Soak is defined as a minimum of 6 hours with a change in temperature of ±0.25°C per hour, as deemed by thermal engineer The length of the cold soaks must be long enough to verify the duty cycle of the heater during heater test cases Instrument will be powered on during operational cases Case Description Instrument Status Heater Status Shroud T (°C) Baseplate T (°C) Heater T (°C) 1 Non-operational 1 Off 75 -50 150 2 Operational 1 On 3a Non-operational 2 -100 (cold as possible) 25 3b Non-operational 2, surv heater 4a Operational 2 4b Operational 2, op heater
V1234 TB Status 4/25/2017 Mounting hardware Thermal hardware Harness Spacer posts in build Thermal hardware Heater plate in design Heaters and mounting hardware ready for integration Thermocouples baked out and ready Harness Test harness in design All hardware in the chamber has been verified for vacuum compatibility and temperature limits
V1234 Thermal Analysis Current actions Incorporate Shawn’s comments to current model Thermal balance predicts Component Cold Survival Temps (°C) Hot Survival Temps (°C) Limit Predict Margin Antenna -150 -42 108 1450 131 1319 Antenna Shield -80 70 129 1321 MLI Shield 132 1318 Harness -100 -72 28 300 96 204 Hinge -140 -74 66 250 91 159 MLI -79 71 400 315 85 Pin puller (pre deploy) -81 19 75 64 11 Pin puller (post-deploy) 150 118 32 Preamp V1 (electronics) -110 -67 43 90 -64 154 Preamp V2 (electronics) -60 Preamp V3 (electronics) -57 147 0Preamp V4 (electronics) -66 44 -62 152 Component Cold Operational Temps (°C) Hot Operational Temps (°C) Limit Predict Margin Antenna -150 22 172 1450 1323 127 Antenna Shield -64 86 1295 155 MLI Shield -80 70 300 228 72 Harness -100 -66 34 217 83 Hinge -79 71 290 232 58 MLI 390 331 59 Pin puller (deploy) -67 33 50 36 14 Pin puller (post-deploy) 150 111 39 Preamp V1 (electronics) -110 44 90 78 12 Preamp V2 (electronics) 20 Preamp V3 (electronics) 75 15 Preamp V4 (electronics) 69 21
Hail-man We build more than instruments!
Handling & Contamination Control All test articles and test hardware to be bagged and kept in clean room Personnel are to handle only with appropriate gloves and contamination gowning EMECP specifications shall be practiced during flight hardware handling, test set-up and test operations Contamination control of the instrument must follow the specifications in the SPP-FIELDS Contamination Control Plan
Test Abort, Real Time Activity Assessment and Success/Failure Criteria Minor anomalies will be evaluated and fixed or alleviated in an attempt to continue testing Examples of minor anomalies include temporary loss of thermocouple, minor problems with hardware (cable movement) or problems with vacuum facility Response to minor anomalies will be made by Test Conductors at test site Significant anomalies will result in abort of further testing The UCB Test Engineer has the authority to stop testing if deemed damage may be occurring to the hardware, the test equipment functioning is suspect, output data is questionable, or test is not compatible with this procedure All anomalies shall be reported as part of standard Project Problem/Failure Reporting. Success/Failure Criteria Adequate temperature data collected at steady state from all test cases Meet all S/C requirements