Requirement for Full Global Operation on WIS Survey on the WIS Doc GISC Seoul International Workshop Requirement for Full Global Operation on WIS Survey on the WIS Doc 6 Nov 2012 Batchimeg.A Good afternoon ladies and gentleman. My name is Batchimeg. This presentation based on WMO documentation and it will be useful for implementing DCPC and National Centers. I would like to start my presentation by introducing the contents. As we know well with the formal notification by WMO, I am going to talk about Requirement for Full global Operation on WIS. I think most of you know this topic. But we should discuss a better solution for a better implementation, continuously.
Contents Overview of WIS Requirements for WIS Implementation WIS Present status Requirements for WIS Operation Summary I will cover the following contents, At first, It will be about overview of WIS. Then we will see the Requirements for WIS Implementation. In the third I will explain WIS present status. The Next , we will discuss about requirements for WIS operation. And finally I will talk you summary and show references
1. Overview of WIS WIS structure WWW GTS Regional/Specialized Meteorological Centers Meteorological and R&D Satellite Operator Centers National Meteorological Centers World Meteorological Centers WIS is the coordinated global infrastructure In addition to GTS, GISCs have newly implemented for WIS. WIS Core Network and AMDCN shall connect each GISC to DCPCs and NCs. WIS scope in global Comprehensive Discovery Access and Retrieval (DAR). WMO Member countries implement WIS using existing centers with some additional capabilities. This slide shows GTS and WIS Structure. GTS is a key part of WIS The existing component of GTS are used by WIS. Basically WIS is based on GTS centers and functionalities, We can say WIS has evaluated of the GTS, further improves the exchange of data and products and enhances services. And extends DAR services through more flexible delivery and WIS comprehensive catalogue. Starting from next slides I am explaining Requirement for WIS Implementation. 2
2.Requirement for WIS Implementation WMO Technical specification WIS should manage : Interface Technical Specification Identifier Interface Technical Specification Name NC DCPC GISC WIS-TechSpec-1 Uploading of Metadata for Data and Products WIS-TechSpec-2 Uploading of Data and Products WIS-TechSpec-3 Centralization of Globally Distributed Data WIS-TechSpec-4 Maintenance of User Identification and Role Information WIS-TechSpec-5 Consolidated View of Distributed Identification and Role Information WIS-TechSpec-6 Authentication of a User WIS-TechSpec-7 Authorization of a User Role WIS-TechSpec-8 DAR Catalogue Search and Retrieval WIS-TechSpec-9 Consolidated View of DAR Catalogues WIS-TechSpec-10 Downloading Files WIS-TechSpec-11 Downloading Files via Non-dedicated Networks WIS-TechSpec-12 Downloading Files via Other Methods WIS-TechSpec-13 Maintenance of Dissemination Metadata WIS-TechSpec-14 Consolidated View of Dissemination metadata catalogues WIS-TechSpec-15 Reporting of Quality of Service Internet portal DAR catalogue User and role management Centralization of distributed data File downloading (authorized user) Dissemination Maintenance of Metadata Back-up Reporting, Monitoring WIS is moving into the ‘operational stage’, however some countries have been still challenging. This table is represented on WMO manual. Basically GISC should satisfy all of the fifteen technical Specification. But In case DCPC and NC only satisfying for some of them. each center has their own role and responsibilities. You can see the table here. NCs and DCPCs collect, generate, or distribute data, products, and other processed information. NCs are national in scope. DCPCs are regional or sub-regional in scope. 3
3.Present status of WIS Designated GISCs(June 2012) The five GISCs are operational (from 2012) and the last two are preoperational now. GISC Beijing (Operational) GISC Exeter (Operational, Component of the West European Virtual GISC) GISC Offenbach (Operational, Component of the West European Virtual GISC) GISC Tokyo (Operational) GISC Toulouse (Operational, Component of the West European Virtual GISC) GISC Melbourne (pre-operational) GISC Seoul (pre-operational) Internet (DAR) Download (HTTP) FTP E-mail Global data metadata Users search and request data Data Collection or Production Centers (DCPC) GTS/ Internet In this slide the first five GISCs are operational now. And the last two GISCs that are Australia and Korea. Other GISC will be endorsed in the near future. Some DCPC centers have implemented and have provided service to GISC through exchanging metadata and data . WIS have planned to add GISC, DCPCs and NCs until 2015. Regional data Global data metadata Metadata sync. Global Information System Centers (GISC) Global Information System Centers (GISC) National Centers (NC) 6
WIS software has been developed : 3.Present status of WIS Technology Solutions of WIS WIS software has been developed : - OpenWIS (MF, MFI, UKMO, KMA, BoM) - CMA - DWD JMA Harvesting protocol agreed by WMO: OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) Monitoring systems (oai-providers) of Metadata synchronization in operational GISC’s are: DWD OAI Synchronization Monitoring ( JMA OAI Synchronization Monitoring ( Operational GISCs have been synchronizing more than 120,000 sets of metadata records via the Internet (Oct. 2012) : - WIS-GISC-BEIJING : 64680 - WIS-GISC-OFFENBACH : 11903 - WIS-GISC-TOKYO : 26944 - WIS-GISC-TOULOUSE : 1869 WIS-GISC-EXETER : 15224 Now let’s see what kinds of software have been developing through years. WIS software has been developing for many years with cooperation of member countries of WMO. For inctance: OpenWIS is open source software it used by MF, UKMO, KMA so on. China Germany and Japan are developed their own software. Harvesting protocol uses OAIPMH. And WIS technology had based on the prototype project. 9
In case of data and metadata: 4.Requirement for better WIS Operation Data/Metadata and Performance aspects In case of data and metadata: Detailed procedure and guidance for data exchange are needed. Further improvement of metadata standard that can represent all kinds of WMO data (when upgrading it should via cost-effective way). Simplifying the creation of metadata for the non-specialists. In case of data and metadata: There are some necessity of need: Procedure and guidance for data exchange We know there have currently a metadata standard, that is core profile 1.2 And we hope core profile 1.3 is developing focusing on cost-effective way. It means standards operable with current metadata management system. It is seams like to simplify the making of metadata for the non-specialists. 11
In case of Performance and Service 4.Requirement for better WIS Operation Data/Metadata and Performance aspects In case of Performance and Service Need to improve the network environment by variety of monitoring and reporting system (routing and traffic) Need to ensure the transfer performance of time-critical data such as warning messages, concerning the security as well (GTS, AMDCN, WIS Core Network) Need to elaborate manuals and guidance on WIS. Need of improving the network environment through a variety of monitoring and the reporting system (routing and traffic etc.) Continuous much effort is needed to improve the transfer performance of time-critical data such as warning messages, concerning the security as well(GTS, AMDCN, WIS Core Network) Need to elaborate manuals and guidance on WIS. 12
4.Requirement for better WIS Operation General aspects A country needs a specific guidance on human resources and organization - human resources : WIS Focal point, Engineering group, management group etc. - In the area of the budget Developing software, installing IT resources, Infrastructure maintenance, operating computers, network usage, training, workshop etc. A country needs a specific guidance about organizational structure and its budget. (In other words essential policies should be formed per center) - center should organize human resource: WIS Focal point, Engineering group, management group and some other groups. - In the area of the budget Developing software, installing IT resources, Infrastructure maintenance, operating supercomputer, network usage, training, workshop etc. If these kinds of requirements satisfied, it would save the time. 13
WIS is the coordinated global infrastructure. 5. Summary WIS is the coordinated global infrastructure. For better WIS operation, Activities, meeting and training should be continued, Technology should be advanced and shared among the WIS centers Data exchange network(AMDCN) should be augmented, Monitoring and reporting system should be better It is end of my presentation. And the summary of what I presented, the requirements and some practical requirements we have faced. As I have mentioned WIS is the coordinated global infrastructure. Therefore the conclusion for better Implementation might be The continuation of activities, meeting and training. Sharing the technology and cooperation among the GISCs. establish local exchange network such as AMDCN and collaboration among responsible centers . Improving WIS environment via monitoring and reporting of the exchange status of data, continuously . 14
References [1] WIS home page [2] WIS centers Database : [3] WMO Global Information System Centers : [4] OAIPMH Guidelines : index.php?page=oai-pmh-guidelines [5] ET-WISC Pages : index.php?page=ET-WISC&structure=WIS+up [6] WIS Reference Documents : [7] Manual on WIS : ormation%20System_WMO_No_1060/1060_Manual_on_WIS_en.pdf If you need further additional information, please check those links. Well thank you for your attention. 15