REVIEW & PLANNING: Analyse the data from your review and spidergram Identify an area that will become a focus for attention (ie a priority) Think in general terms about what you want to achieve, ie your goal Think specifically about what you are going to achieve, and When you are going to achieve it Write this as a target …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Elements for effective target setting Must be very specific, clear, concrete Must tell us what is to be achieved and by when Must be measurable Can be progressive/adjusted Check that you have included all essential components. Possible model: What (proportion / %) of (which students) will (achieve what) by (when).
TARGETS To increase by 30%, the number of year 5 Indigenous students, who will achieve the national literacy bench mark, in the coming year. (2006) Within the next two school terms, to improve by 40%, the attendance rate of year 8 Indigenous boys. To achieve by the end of the 2005 school year a 15% increase in the amount of work completed by Joshua….. For all Indigenous students to have automatic recall of maths basic tables by the end of their 5th year in primary school To reduce by 50%, over the next semester, the number of suspensions of Indigenous boys.
GOAL: (END POINT) For Gavin to improve his learning outcomes by ‘participating’ in lessons on a more regular basis TARGETS: (DESIRED SPECIFIC ACHIEVEMENTS) To increase Gavin’s Spelling and Reading ages by 12 months within the first two terms of the year To increase Gavin’s participation rate in lessons by 40% by the end of 2nd term BASELINE DATA: (Current date) R.A.: 7yr 6 months (Feb 2005) (Neal’s Analysis) TARGET: 8yr 6 months (end 2nd term 2005) RESULT: BASELINE DATA: (Feb 2005) Participation rate: 30% TARGET: 70% (by end of 2nd term)
PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: / DATA SOURCES: Increased participation demonstrated in records Increased learning outcomes shown in test results STRATEGIES: (How will you achieve these desired outcomes) Devise and use simple recording instrument to establish base line data re current participation rate Identify base line data re Spelling and Reading ages Gavin and teacher discuss plan/ recording instrument and the expectations Seek involvement of Aboriginal Liaison Officer to assist in working with family to ensure that members understand and support the Plan eg to be involved in record keeping and to provide encouragement Review curriculum being offered to Gavin re relevance and inclusivity. Implement supportive strategies to ensure success eg Group work with peers Adapt work expectations and formats Review/adapt time-tables Engage support of colleagues Regularly discuss progress with Gavin and his family Celebrate milestones of achievements