CSTL Sharing Meeting 2014 Water and sanitation Olivier Théodule Razafindranovona Madagascar Southern Sun O.R. Tambo - Johannesburg, South Africa 17-20 November 2014
Presentation outline Programme description Achievements Challenges Opportunities Key lessons learnt
School, source of information on water, sanitation and hygiene Background and rationale More than half of Malagasy children suffer from diseases caused by unsafe water, such as diarrhea 3.5 million school days missed by learners
School, source of information on water, sanitation and hygiene (2) Background and rationale High repetition rate Low completion rate Transformation of school into a reference for hygiene education
School, source of information on water, sanitation and hygiene (3) Objectives: EFA and MDG Educate Malagasy children on hygiene and health practices Adopt responsible behaviours towards water, sanitation and hygiene Reduce absenteism Optimise learning time
School, source of information on water, sanitation and hygiene (4) Adopted strategies Mainstreaming of learning on water in the SVT, FFMOM and other subjects Application at school and in daily life of water management and usage principles
School, source of information on water, sanitation and hygiene (5) Adopted strategies Extention of good practices to society (peers and parents) Development of simple devices Call to partners for the construction of infrastructures as per standards applicable (toilets and handwashing stations)
Achievements Distribution of a Guide on water, sanitation and hygiene at school Diffusion of teaching manual for teachers Capacity building of school community and setting up of handwashing stations and toilets in schools with the support of WATERAID and other NGOs
Challenges Low access to water, sanitation and hygiene (low number of schools having access to water and toilets) High number of FRAM teachers without basic teacher training (666,336 in 2012-2013, or 70% of primary school teachers) Lack of State financial resources
Opportunities Adoption of the Diorano Wash strategy Implementation of the WASH friendly school by various development partners including WaterAid NGO Programme “Child Friendly Schools” implemented by UNICEF Availability of capacity building guide
Lessons learnt The success of the programme depends on community participation and parents buy-in into the programme The school is a centre for the spread of good practices towards society Children’s well-being is a driving force for its success, and therefore development of society
Thank you
Comments and Questions from the Floor & Other Panellists.