VOCABULARY Unit 1 Identify the part of speech that each word functions as in the sentence. Noun: person, place, thing, or idea Verb: an action word Adjective: a describing word Adverb: ends in –ly. Tells when, where, why, or how an action was completed.
adamant Part of Speech Definition Synonyms Antonym Adj Unyielding in opinion or attitude despite appeals from others Stubborn Insistent Determined Acquiescent Yielding
bestow Part of Speech Definition Synonyms Antonym Verb To present as a gift or award Grant Give Reward Deprive Refuse Take 5
disheartened Part of Speech Definition Synonyms Antonym Adj Made less hopeful or enthusiastic Discouraged Demoralized Disappointed Encouraged Confident Unshaken
encumbrance Part of Speech Definition Synonyms Antonym Noun Something that causes a burden Hindrance Impediment Bother Advantage Aid Assistance
transcend Part of Speech Definition Synonyms Antonym Verb To rise above or go beyond Exceed Overpass Excel Fall Lose Decline
Roots: Ego Definition: self Cognates: egotism, alter ego, egomania, ego trip
Alter Definition: other Cognates: alternative, alteration, alterior, altercation
Verto Definition: to turn Cognates: vertical, revert, introvert, vertigo
Ambi- Definition: both Cognates: ambivalent, ambidextrous, ambient, ambitious
Mis- Definition: hate or fail Cognates: misanthrope, misogynist, misadventure, misunderstand
Vocab Review Turn to a partner. One of you will take the odd-numbered vocab words. One of you will take the even-numbered vocab words. Teach your partner the words– discuss part of speech, definition, synonym, antonym, and use the word correctly in a sentence. EXTENSION: If you two finish early, collaborate to compose one sentence that correctly uses all ten words.